Minutes 0516 [71044].docx
Mustang Club of West Central Florida – May, 2016 Meeting Minutes
President Lee Fitzstephens called the May 2nd meeting to order at 7:05 PM at the Toasted Mango Restaurant with 17 in attendance.
Reports of Officers
The minutes of the May meeting were accepted as presented.
The treasurer’s report was given by club treasurer, Della Overholt with $1729.38 in our regular account and $2904.70 in our show account and approved as read.
The treasurer’s report was given by club treasurer, Della Overholt and approved as read.
Reports of Committees
Upcoming shows (not a complete list) and Club events and activities: May 4 – Lakewood Ranch Main Street show 5:00pm-9:00 May 21—Sarasota Car Museum Show – US 41 at University June 19 – Fathers and Fenders Car Show – downtown Sarasota November 20 – Ponies under the Palms show - Main Street Lakewood Ranch. Our club’s show
MCA: We had no report from MCA this month
November Show Report: Show chair Tracey Fitzstephens has begun serious work on the show already. Several items were discussed. First, Now is the time for members to be working to get major sponsors. These folks would donate $500 plus and their name would be on all show publicity. They may also have the opportunity to select a car for a sponsor’s trophy. Second, now is also the time to be looking for goody bag items and raffle items. Raffle ticket sales generate quite a bit of the money we can later award to the charities. Third, next month Tracey will ask for volunteers to chair various committees. Please be ready to volunteer! Fourth, there was discussion of judging criteria and procedures. Last year’s awarding of trophies ran into some glitches. Tracey has a plan to avoid that this year, even If the wonders of technology fail us. She also proposed simplifying the number of categories. President Lee Fitzstephens had a suggestion about simplifying the popular vote procedures as well. Finally, we voted to continue to support the two charities we helped last year –Take Stock in Children and Southeastern Guide Dogs.
March NMRA Show Report: Show Chair Tracey Fitzstephens has no further report at this time.
Guests: We had no guests at this meeting.
New Business
- President Lee showed the club an example of new club window stickers we could get from the same folks as made the new club banner.
- Larry Brunatti suggested that the club begin to look for a new meeting location. The owners have no problem with our meeting at the current place, but it requires that Larry or Debby always be here. Members are encouraged to keep an eye out for a new meeting place. The Sarasota Public Library and Autoway Ford were mentioned as possibilities.
- Publicity chair Dayton Amey presented a list of possible club activities along with costs and locations. These included a Tampa Bay Rays baseball game, Solomon’s Castle in Hardee County, DeSoto Speedway, Gateway Classics Auto Dealer in Ruskin, Motorworks Brewery in Bradenton, Le Barge Sunset Cruise at Marina Jack’s in Sarasota, Naples Zoo in Naples. Additional suggestions from the club were a visit to RevTech Classic Car Museum in Naples and a Bradenton Marauders baseball game. RJ Munson mentioned his Corvette club will go on the cruise on May 15 and he invited interested members of our group to call him.
Old Business
- President Lee commented on last month’s meeting which consisted mostly of go kart riding. Everyone who rode had a great time. This is something we may want to do again sometime.
- President Lee also recalled the recent car show at Sarasota’s Tabernacle Church. There were lots of interesting cars and fun activities. Although the number of club members who brought cars was disappointing, we did have an opportunity to display our club’s new 5ft by 10ft banner. He also displayed the banner to the club at this time.
- Paul Tradelius reported on the recent Take Stock in Children tennis tournament which our club helps sponsor. It was quite a success, and a banner will be displayed for quite a while advertising our club.
Tech Talk/ Film Time
- RJ Munson mentioned an opportunity for an ambitious club member. He knows a gentleman with a 65 convertible who has lots of parts to modify the car but no time to do it. He will pay the right person.
- Paul Tradelius is a fan of Uber. He has used the service several times recently with lots of success.
- Dave Bishop was at the MCA National Show in St. Augustine recently and reported on a conversation with members of the National Capital Mustang Club located around Washington DC. They have about 400 members. They meet bi-monthly with a “couple of dozen” members present, some of whom travel about an hour and a half to attend. They are hoping to host a national show sometime soon.
This month's 50/50 winner was Paul Tradelius who won $28 and returned it to the club. Thanks, Paul!
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.
Respectfully Submitted, David Bishop, Secretary