Mrs. HamiltonE-mail: oicemail: (925) 552-3520
Required Materials:
- Textbook (only bring when assigned)
- Pen, pencil, & highlighter (please DO NOT use a red pen)
- 3 ring binder with 5 dividers labeled according to the units (see below) and ruled binder paper
- Recommended: colored pencils, scissors, glue stick
Class Web Page:
- All important information for this class can be found on the class web page, including weekly agendas, homework assignments, links to web sites, and project information.
- To Access:
- go to
- go to academics
- go to departments, then social science
- find Mrs. Hamilton’s name and click on “school page”
- click on appropriate class period
- Grades will be calculated out of total points. Your grade will be determined by your percentage of the total possible points in the course. For example, if you earn 84/100 points you will receive an 84% = B.
- Grades will not be discussed during class time
- Students can make an appointment to discuss grades during brunch, lunch, or after school.
- Students can access their grades using school loops (students & parents will need to register & create a password)
- Homework
- Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and will have a specific due date
- Most homework will be stamped, but not collected on the due date at the BEGINNING of the period.
- Most completed homework assignments will receive 5 points, homework partially (at least half) completed will receive 3 points (some assignments may be worth more than 5 points)
- NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE STAMPED!!! (if you are tardy you run the risk of not getting your assignment stamped)
- At the end of each unit students will compile all homework assignments into a “Unit Packet” – unit packets will be turned in on the day of the test, they are due at the beginning of the period.
- Completed assignments that are not stamped can be turned in with the “Unit Packet” and will receive partial credit (2 points).
- Students will be given one “oops” pass per semester to be used on a forgotten or missed assignment that is part of the homework packet. The pass is worth a maximum of 5 points. An unused “oops” can be redeemed for 5 extra points at the end of the semester. Only one “oops” will be passed out to each student, no credit will be given for a lost “oops.”
- Tests and Quizzes
- The forms will vary between multiple choice, essay, and short answer.
- Tests will occur at the end of each unit, and students will be assigned a review prior to each test.
- There will be open note reading quizzes and closed note comprehension quizzes throughout the year. There will be NO surprise quizzes.
- Projects
- Students will be expected to complete a variety of both individual and group projects over the year.
- Projects will not be accepted after the due date
- If you know you will be absent on the day a project is due, you must make arrangements with the teacher to turn in the work early.
- If a student misses a group presentation, he/she will receive no credit for the assignment and will not be able to make up the points.
*****Special arrangements for extraordinarily extraordinary circumstances may be made upon
Parent/student/teacher discussion (death, extreme illness).
- Writing
- Periodic writing assignments will be given throughout the year. Students will be expected to write formal paragraphs and essays following a specified historical format (see website for details).
- All writing assignments must be
- Typed, Double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, Proofread and Spellchecked
- Your participation will be assessed on a daily basis.
- Each unit will have 30 participation points, all students will start with 20 points and either earn or lose points throughout the unit.
- You can lose participation points for inappropriate behavior, language, tardies, cuts, and failing to bring in required materials (each tardy results in the loss of a point, each cut results in the loss of 3 points)
- You can earn participation points by asking and answering questions, reading out loud, and staying on task in small group work.
- Participation grades will be posted online at the end of each unit
Extra Credit Assignments:
- Occasionally there will be opportunities for extra credit, there will be approximately one assignment per unit
- Note: NO “special”assignments will be created for individual students.
- Homework/Class work
- Students with an excused absence have as many days as they missed to make up the work. For example, if a student misses two days, they have two days to make up the assignment.
- Students are responsible for finding out what they missed from a fellow classmate, online, or the absent binder. Students can only contact the teacher for missed assignments outside of class time, either during brunch, lunch, before or after school, or via e-mail.
- Quizzes/Tests
- Students will be expected to make up the reading quiz or test either during lunch or during class the day they return to school. YOU WILL RECEIVE A “0” ON THE TEST IF YOU DO NOT SHOW UP!! For prolonged absences, a make-up test day will be determined by teacher and student.
- Comprehension Quizzes These are quizzes given at the end of the period on the material just learned. If you miss a comprehension quiz you will NOT make it up – rather the grade you earn on your unit test will be applied to the quiz you missed for that unit.
Expected Behaviors (Rules):
1. You are expected to be in class everyday, on time, and ready to work.
- Being on time means you are in your assigned seat by the time the bell has finished ringing.
- Being ready to work means:
- Having all electronic devises turned off and stashed in your backpack (i.e. cell phones and ipods)
- Having a pen/pencil, binder, and homework out on your desk.
2.You are expected to use appropriate language during the class period. Vulgar or offensive language
can not be used.
3. You are expected to respect, through actions and words, your fellow classmates, teacher, environment,
and self. Please leave all prejudices, stereotypes, and judgments at the door before entering the classroom.
Consequences for Choosing to Break the Rules:
- 1st incidence during a class period will result in a warning and loss in participation points.
- 2nd incidence during a class period will result in additional loss of participation points.
- 3rd incidence during a class period will result in both administrative and parent contact.
- Repeated or extreme incidences will result in temporary removal from the classroom, a referral, and parent contact
- Students that continue to choose to break the rules will be required to attend a parent conference, complete a behavioral action plan, and face permanent removal from the class.
Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism and cheating results in no credit on the assignment, and a parent contact. Not giving credit for the source of your information on a paper or project is plagiarism. Cheating is defined as copying or sharing you work for others to copy. Everyone involved will receive no credit for the assignment or exam. For more information please see the student handbook. Some assignments will require the use of to prevent plagiarism.
Units of Study:
Fall Semester
Unit #1: Foundations of American History
Unit #2: Industrialization, Immigration & Reform
Unit #3: Turn of the Century Foreign Policy
Unit #4: Between the Wars
Unit #5: Causes & Early Events of WWII
Spring Semester
Unit #1: End & Effects of WWII
Unit #2: 1950s
Unit #3: 1960s
Unit #4: Vietnam Conflict
Unit #5: 1970s to Today
Signatures: Please sign and detach and return to Mrs. Hamilton on ______.
STUDENT: I have read the U.S. History Course Policies and understand them. I will honor them while in Mrs. Hamilton’s class.
Printed Name: ______Date: ______
Signature: ______
PARENT/GUARDIAN: My child has discussed the U.S. History Course Policies with me. I understand them and will support them.
Printed Name: ______Date: ______
Signature: ______
TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the aforementioned policies for all my U.S. History Classes.
Signature: ______Date: ______