A Look at the Moon – Students review the concepts of viewing the moon with their eyes and with a telescope. Students learn what astronauts did on the moon. Phases of the moon are demonstrated. (60 minutes)
Constellations – Students learn to read a star map and look at the objects visible in the nighttime sky. (55 minutes)
Latin Star Names – A game-type program for Latin classes. Students learn to write star names in Latin, and then find “their” star in the planetarium sky. (55 minutes)
Lunar Geology Lab – NOT DONE WITH THE PLANETARIUM PROJECTOR. Students use moon globes to measure and study surface features. A good geology-related exercise. (55 minutes)
Mythology – Especially for English classes. Classic mythology is related to the star patterns they are associated with. Students then get to make up their own myths about the sky. (55 minutes)
Navigating by the Stars – Participants learn the basics of Celestial Navigation and a bit about how famous explorers navigated and discovered sky objects. This program includes a hands-on activity where participants use a simple astrolabe to measure the altitude and azimuth of stars and discover how these measurements change with time and direction. This program has been used by social studies classes and may be of use to ROTC and math students. (90 minutes)
Our Galaxy and Beyond – Students learn to classify galaxies, look at our own galaxy, and learn about the size of our universe. (45 minutes)
Pulsars – What is a pulsar and how are high school students in the Pulsar Search Collaboration using real data gathered from the Robert C. Byrd Radio Telescope to discover them and earn West Virginia University college credit? (Approximately 45 minutes)
Saving the Night Sky – An environmental program that shows how we are losing our night sky to light pollution. This program is supplied to us by The International Dark Sky Association as well as the Southeastern Planetarium Association. (Approximately 30 minutes)
Seasons – Students learn that the angle of the sun’s rays cause the seasons. Students also take part in an activity that explains why some constellations are seasonal. (90 minutes)
The International Space Station Learn about how the astronauts live, work, eat and sleep on board the International Space Station. BOOK YOUR PROGRAM WELL IN ADVANCE. (55 minutes)
Spectroscopic Studies of the Stars – A program recommended for Chemistry students that tells how we learn about the composition, temperature, and motion of the stars by studying its light through a spectroscope. (45 minutes)
Sun Moon and Stars – A guessing game program where students learn what they can see in the day- and night-sky and learn directions. Covers concepts of day and night, earth’s rotation and shadows cast by the sun. (30 minutes)
The Planets: A Voyage Across Our Solar System – A non-participatory program from the Southeastern Planetarium Association. This program covers planets in our solar system and exo-planets. Narrated by Star Trek’s Kate Mulgrew. (Approximately 40 minutes. Shown only during fall and spring.)
The Stars at Different Places – Students view one constellation on a trip around the world, and they view how it changes at different places. (45 minutes)
The Sun – Takes a look at our nearest star. Students compare it to other stars and learn about its features. If the day is cloud free, students may use a special telescope to study the sun safely and plot its sunspots. (45 minutes)
The Sun’s Family – A brief look at what planets are visible in the current night sky and what their individual characteristics are. Entertaining activities for remembering the planets—according to the distance from the sun—are given. (60 minutes)
Ø Please make your planetarium reservations at least three weeks in advance.
Ø Make your reservations in writing on the appropriate form. Programs are confirmed when you receive the bottom portion of the planetarium reservation form confirming your visit.
Ø The planetarium can only hold 25 people at one time. If your group is too large, the students will be split into groups of 25 or less and shown a related video while they wait.
Ø Plan to enter and leave the planetarium using the second main entrance to Hedgesville High School located by the auditorium.
Ø The planetarium and Hedgesville High School are barrier free for the handicapped.
Ø Visitors are advised NOT to visit the planetarium with shoes that light up or use cell phones that light up when opened as the light destroys the integrity of the dark, adapted environment of the planetarium.
Ø For safety reasons, there is no admittance once a program has begun. Also, there is no re-admittance once a person leaves the planetarium.
Elizabeth S. Wasiluk
Planetarium Director
Hedgesville High School
109 Ridge Road North
Hedgesville, WV 25427
(304) 754-3354, Extension 3140
No textbook, chalkboard explanation, or even the clearest night of observation can describe the concepts of astronomy the way a planetarium can. With the sky theatre’s sophisticated equipment, we can show students the apparent motions of the sun, moon, stars, and planets.
The phenomena of seasons, night and day, and the changing phases of the moon are realistically demonstrated. Stories of the constellations are told, and finding the stars during the various seasons is just one activity. Presentations are given showing the sky as it would be seen from anywhere on earth, any time of day, any time of year.
Against the backdrop of a realistic night sky, students are introduced to the galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, black holes, quasars, and the evolution of the universe itself.