TDR No. NINL/CC/2009/ADMN/TDR-034 Date: 06.05.2009



M/s ......




Dear Sir,

Please find herewith a set of Tender document for the subject work consisting of following:

1 Bill of quantities -Annex. - I

2.General Information pertaining to tender -Annex. –II

3.General Condition of Contract-Annex.- III

4.Special Terms & Conditions -Annex - IV

You are requested to submit your completed tender so as to reach undersigned at following Address:

Sr.Manager (WCC),

Works Contract Cell,

Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd.,

At / PO. Duburi, Dist: Jajpur,

Orissa, PIN: 755 026.

Please acknowledge the receipt of the tender documents.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd.


Sr. Manager (WCC)


Sl.No. / Scope of Works / Value (Rs.)
1. / Fixed monthly hiring charges for 02 (two) nos. of Ambulance.
2. / Rate per KM running

N.B.: The above price should be including all like fuel, lubricants, maintenance, road tax, insurance and salary of staff against each ambulance. No other payment will be made on any account except specifically asked for.

Vehicle specification:

1.The vehicle to be used for ambulance should be Maruti-Suzuki make, Model- OMNI, Year of manufacturing-2008 and onwards.

2. The driver/s must have valid driving license

3.The vehicle must have up to date statutory documents such as R.C book, Valid insurance policy, Road tax and permits etc.

4. The vehicle must have registered as an ambulance .

5. The Ambulance must be equipped with followings

a. Adjustable stretchers

b. First-Aid Box

c. 2 nos of Oxygen cylinders in each ambulance.

d. Saline stand

Annexure - II


  1. 1
/ Tender No. & Date / NINL/CC/2009/ADMN/TDR - 034
Date : 06.05.2009
Scope of Work / Hiring of two nos. of Ambulance.
Completion Period / Within 02 (two) years from the Letter of Award / Work Order.
Last date & time of issue of Tender paper / 21.05.2009 at 16.00 Hrs.(4.00PM)
Last date & time of closing & receipt of tender / 22.05.2009 at 15.00Hrs.(3.00PM)
Date, Time and Place of Opening the Tender (Techno-commercial Bids) / 22.05.2009 at 15.00 Hrs. (3.00PM) at Works Contract Cell, NINL, Kalinga Nagar Industrial Complex, ,At-Duburi, Dist-Jajpur, Orissa
Validity of Tender / The validity of the tender must be for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the due date of opening of tender
EMD particulars (earnest Money deposit) / Rs. 7,500.00 (Rupees seven thousand five hundred only) shall be submitted in the form of DD/BC in favor of M/s Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd payable at Jajpur road / Kalinga Nagar at Duburi / Bhubaneswar.

Offer shall be prepared and submitted in (2) two separate sealed envelopes which shall be super scribed as stated under:


To be super scribed as Envelope – 1with Name of the work written on the envelope, Tender No., should contain (a) the cost of tender document (in case the tender is downloaded from the website) (b) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) separately in the form of DD / BC as above, (c) Pre-qualification documents (criteria eligibility / experience duly signed / attested by the authorized representative of the company and (d) Techno-commercial Bid along with details of similar experience with supporting documents and terms and conditions duly signed by authorized signatory with attested copies of authorization.

It should also contain valid contractor's license, financial status, Sale tax and Income tax clearance certificate, PF & ESI particulars etc. registration certificates with SAIL, other Govt. Departments as well as with Public Sector and reputed Private Sector organizations


To be super-scribed as Envelope -2, Price Bid, Name of the Work, Tender No. and shall contain Price Bid part of the Tender Document as per Annexure - I.

The above two sealed envelops should be kept in one envelope duly sealed super scribing “Tender no & Due date. “

The price part of the tender shall also remain valid initially for two months (60 days) from the due date for submission of price. Any suo-moto reduction offered by the tenderer after opening of the price bids may render the whole tender liable for rejection. NINL shall not be responsible for postal delay or any other delay whatsoever. The Tender received after due date and time of submission of tender shall be rejected.

The contractor has to sign in each page of Tender Documents as a token of acceptance to the Terms & Condition of Tender

If the date of receipt opening of the bids happens to be a holiday, then the process of receipt and opening of the bids may be shifted to the next working day.

The priced bids shall be opened in the presence of the tenderers who may be present. The time date and venue for opening of the priced bids shall be intimated to the techno-commercially accepted tenderer.

Please note that incomplete or late tenders or tenders not accompanied with EMD or not complying with the provisions of the invitations to tender shall be rejected.

N.B.1.The First Envelope shall be opened initially and only on satisfying the eligibility criteria, adequacy of cost of tender document, EMD, Techno-commercial acceptability etc., the Second Envelope containing Price Bid shall be opened.

2.The tenderer should mention the offered price in words also. However in case any discrepancy the rates mentioned in words shall be taken as final.

3.All the Labour related payments i.e. PF, ESI, Bonus etc. and any other statutory payments including taxes and duties shall be borne by the agency and the contractors are requested to quote accordingly.

The tenderer should produce income tax clearance certificate, copy of the support allotted from ESI / EPFC, copy of labour license at the time of submission of the tender quotation.

NINL reserves the right of rejecting any or all tenders in whole or part, increase or decrease the quantity without assigning any reason thereof and can impose such other conditions as deemed proper at any stage before finalization of tender.

NINL also reserves the right to distribute/award the contract to different agencies as per requirement.

The intending bidders must visit inside NINL premises and discuss GM(Admn.) regarding above works.

Before quoting, the tender shall necessarily contact the “Engineer” and fully understand the job, scope of work, unit of measurement, mode of measurement, scope of supply of materials by NINL if any, working conditions, shutdown arrangement, labour deployment requirements, risk contingencies and such other factors which may affect their tender.

In case of any dispute, the decision of Jt.MD/MD (NINL) will be treated as final and binding on the contractors / bidders.

For further details and clarifications of doubts, please contact undersigned at following address:

Sr. Manager (WCC)

Works Contract Cell,

Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd.,

At / PO. Duburi, Dist: Jajpur,

Orissa, PIN : 755 026.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited.

(S. Swain)

Sr. Manager (PP&E), WCC






The following words and expressions as used hereinafter/defined, shall have the meaning hereof assigned to them except where the contract otherwise requires:

1.1.1‘PURCHASER’ shall mean and include Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited and its different functionaries entrusted with the responsibilities in relation to the contract in respect of the area of responsibilities of such functionaries.

1.1.2“Contractor” shall mean the Tenderer whose tender has been accepted by the Purchaser (NINL) and on whom the contract or Purchase order is placed by the purchaser (NINL) and shall include his heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assignees.

1.1.3“Contract” shall mean and include the contract between the Purchaser (NINL) and the contractor duly signed by the parties thereto, for the execution of the works together with all documents annexed/attached therewith.

1.1.4“Engineer” shall mean the Chief Engineer or the officer nominated by the Purchaser (NINL).



2.1.1The scope of work shall be hiring of two nos. of Ambulance(BOQ enclosed at Annexure – I.)

2.1.2All the Labour related payments i.e. PF, bonus etc. and any other statutory payments including taxes and duties shall be borne by the agency.

2.1.3The agency shall contact GM(Admn.) for execution of above works and certification of bills

2.1.4The Ambulance will be stationed at NINL’s First-Aid centre on 24 hours x 7 days basis.

2.1.5The vehicle will have sufficient fuel, lubricants and tyres in good conditions during the duty hour..

2.1.6The ambulance will bear the name of the company” Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited” along with NINL logo.

2.1.7The ambulance shall be serviceable at all the time. All repairs, periodical maintenance should be attended timely. No down time shall be allowed by NINL.

2.1.8The vehicle provider must ensure drivers availability at all the time with ambulance.

2.1.9The work shall be executed strictly in accordance with the specifications, Bill of items/quantities/rates and written and oral instruction (to be subsequently confirmed in writing) of the Purchaser.






The contract price to be paid in consideration of the work and services to be executed/made/performed by the CONTRACTOR as per Bill of quantities and in accordance with all terms, conditions, stipulations, specifications and any other obligations to be met by the CONTRACTOR under the Contract will be arrived at based on the estimated quantities and rate as stated in Bill of Quantities and rates of this contract. The contract price to be paid finally to the contractor shall be adjusted based on actual quantities executed under various items of work as per schedule of items and the unit rates as agreed against those items of works.


Unit rate of all the items shall remain firm, fixed and binding on the CONTRACTOR till the completion of entire scope of work and shall be subjected to any variation in the rates of fuel, lubricant expenses declared by the Govt. of India from time to timealong with the statutory variations in the taxes and duties as specified in schedules. How ever the variation of fuel price shall be paid beyond 5% escalation of the fuel price(on diesel price only) as per Govt of India declaration from time to time (The fuel components shall be 50% of the contract price).

Revised rate if applicable shall be calculated as follows:

Revised rate = contract rate + contract rate x 0.5 (D1 –D)



D1- Retail sale price of fuel in nearest outlet of Indian Oil Company as on the date of enhancement.

D -Retail sale price of fuel in nearest outlet of Indian Oil Company as on the last date of tender submission.


Should it be found necessary to execute any item of work, which is not included in the schedule of items, and as such no contract rate is available for such items of work shall be finalized as per the following procedure.

i)Where the extra works are of similar nature as to any item of work appearing in “Bill of Quantities and Rates” then the rates for such extra items shall be derived from contract rates of similar / closest item of work. Otherwise NINL shall finalised the rates after mutually agreed with the Contractor.

ii)Where rates for extra item of work can not be established by methods (i) above, then the rate for such item shall be estimated and fixed by the ENGINEER based on the market rates & assessment for extra kilometer out side the plant premises & other factors.



4.1The work shall be completed in all respects and handed over to the purchaser according to the stipulated time schedule.


4.2.1In case, the ambulance does not turn up for any reason/ break down, then the party is to provide alternative vehicle immediately failing which a sum of Rs.1500.00 per day shall be deducted from the bills.

4.2.2The Purchaser (NINL) may without prejudice to any other method of recovery deduct the amount of penalty from any money due in his hands or will become due to the CONTRACTOR.

4.2.3The payment or deduction of such Penalty shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from his obligation to deployment of the vehicle or from any other obligations and liabilities under the contract.



5.15% of the contract price shall be deposited by the contractor towards security deposit within 10(ten) days after acceptance of the Work order in the form of Bank guarantee (in NINL’s format) for time bound, due and faithful performance of the contract which shall be valid up to three months after validity of the contract.

The EMD submitted by unsuccessful tenderer shall be returned within 30 days after issue of the work order in favor of successful tenderer. If the successful agency fails to do the job, their EMD will be forfeited and NINL right to do the job at his risk and cost by alternative arrangement.

5.2The Purchaser will not be liable for payment of any interest on Security Deposit.

5.3The EMD of successful agency will be converted into security deposit.

5.4The Security Deposit shall be released on application by the contractor, supported by COMPLETION CERTIFICATE, after completion and acceptance of the contract works.



6.1 100% of Certified Price shall be released on monthly within 30 days of receipt of eachcomplete and correct bill duly certified by concerned departments of NINL.

6.2 The payments to Contractor shall be made by Account Payee Cheques and all Bank charges shall be borne by the contractor.




All taxes including Work Contract tax, duties, levies, fees or other charges legally leviable on the CONTRACTOR in connection with the contract shall be borne and paid by the CONTRACTOR.

7.2.Purchaser shall bear no liability in respect of any taxes, duties and levies, whatsoever.

7.3.INCOME TAX / Works contract Tax (sales tax) which the Purchaser may be required to deduct by law/statute, shall be deducted at source and shall be paid to the Income Tax / Sales Tax authorities on account of the contractor. Purchaser shall provide the contractor a certificate for such deduction and deposit there of.




8.1.1.The purchaser may at any time on breach of this Contract by the CONTRACTOR give him, a written notice of such breach. If the CONTRACTOR does not remedy this breach within a period of 7 days after receiving the notice, then the purchaser may terminate the contract at any time thereafter. The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to refund any money, which he is obliged to do so under the Contract.

8.1.2.The purchaser may suspend the work in whole or in part at any time by giving CONTRACTOR a notice in writing of such effect stating the nature, the date and the anticipated duration of such suspension.

8.1.3.On receiving the notice of suspension as per Clause 8.1.2 from the Purchaser, the contractor will suspend the work desired to be suspended, with immediate effect. The CONTRACTOR shall continue to perform other work in terms of the Contract, which the purchaser has not suspended. CONTRACTOR shall protect and secure the suspended work as considered necessary in the opinion of the ENGINEER.

8.1.4.The Purchaser may at any time cancel the suspension notice for all or any of suspended work by giving written notice to the CONTRACTOR specifying the part of work to be resumed and the effective date of withdrawal of suspension. The CONTRACTOR shall resume the suspended work as expeditiously as possible after receipt of such notice of suspension-withdrawal.

8.1.5.In the event of suspension of work, the Purchaser will not be liable to pay to the CONTRACTOR for any damage or loss for idle of vehicle caused by such period of suspension of work. The purchaser shall not be liable to Contractor for any payment towards watch and ward and other expenditures.

8.1.6.The contract shall be terminated if due to any unforeseen circumstances which may lead to the foreclosure of the works for reasons such as resource crunch, non-availability of funds, and for other administrative reasons etc.

8.1.7.Contractor will be compensated only for the quantum of work/services he has rendered till effective date of foreclosure. Any other claims like compensation for loss in profit, compensation for loss of reputation etc. or any other consequential damages claimed by the Contractor will not be given by the Purchaser.


8.2.1.Time being essence of the contract, if at any time during the continuance of the Contract, the performance in whole or in part by either party, or any obligations under the contract shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any war, hostilities, acts of public, enemy, civil commotion, sabotages, fire, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, or other Acts of God, strikes and legal lockouts (hereinafter referred to as “Eventualities”) then provided notice to the happening of any such eventualities is given by either party to the other within 15 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such eventualities be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such performance or delay in performance and deliveries under this contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such eventualities has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Purchaser as to whether the deliveries / services have been so resumed shall be final and conclusive. Contractor shall himself handle all labour unrest situations and illegal strikes but lockouts arising from such situations shall not come under the purview of this clause.

8.2.2.Should one or both the parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual obligations by a state of force majeure lasting continuously for a period of at least three months, the two parties should consult each other provided always that if no mutually satisfactory arrangement is arrived at within a period of a month, from the expiry of three months referred above, the above mentioned expiry of the contract will imply that both the parties have obligation to reach an agreement regarding the winding up and final settlement of the Contract.