Tables of contents:

Objective – Page 3

General Recommendations – Page 4

Email templates for customers transitioning from 3rd party conferencing services – Page 5

AT&T Connect® Announcement

Transition Details Email

Training Email

SAMPLE Standard Go-Live Registration Email

Post Go-Live Follow-Up Email


The objective of this document is to help AT&T Connect® customers communicate the roll-out of AT&T Connect conferencing services within their internal organization.

This document provides a recommended communication plan that may be distributed to employees in preparation for their transition from a 3rd party conferencing service to AT&T Connect.

The email communication plan is to be modified to suit the specific needs of your organization and to capture the necessary details corresponding to your deployment.

Please note the following:

-  Areas <HIGHLIGHTED GRAY> should be duly noted as these areas will vary by customer and as such, specific updates will be required prior to distribution.

-  This document does not cover all deployment scenarios and communication opportunities.

-  Each organization will need to evaluate how they communicate internally and use the templates that fit their needs and communication guidelines.

-  Additional job aids are available on the AT&T Connect Support Site for reference.

General Recommendations:

The email communication plan addresses several objectives related to the deployment of AT&T Connect® and should include the following stages:

1.  AT&T Connect Announcement

  1. The purpose of this email is to announce that your company has chosen to transition from its existing service provider to AT&T Connect.
  2. This should be the first email distributed to users.
  3. This email should be distributed 2 weeks before go-live.

2.  Transition Details Email

  1. The purpose of this email is to focus on next steps and highlight the specific actions that must be completed by end users during the deployment.
  2. This email should include the deployment timeline including the target go-live date of the new service and the end of life of the existing service.
  3. This email should be distributed 1 week before go-live.

3.  Training Email

  1. The purpose of this email is to focus on the education of users in preparation for the new service to enable them to become familiar with features and functionalities.
  2. Provides users with an introduction to AT&T Connect’s training options, registration instructions and highlights the benefits of attending training.
  3. This email should be distributed immediately after the Transition Details Email.
  4. Please contact your AT&T Adoption Specialist for information on customized training classes.

4.  Standard Go-Live Registration Email

  1. This email is distributed by AT&T to all users provisioned for an AT&T Connect account.
  2. The ‘registration email’ sent by AT&T provides end users with their new account details, software activation instructions and additional links for training and support.

5.  Post Go-Live Follow-Up Email

  1. The purpose of this email is to ensure all users have received their AT&T registration email, completed any necessary deployment activities including their software activation, and are aware of the end of life date for their existing service.
  2. This email should be distributed after all users have received the AT&T registration email and a few days before the existing conferencing services are terminated.

Email communication templates for the above mentioned scenarios can be found on the following pages.

AT&T Connect Announcement

AT&T Connect® Is Coming Soon!
We are pleased to announce that <COMPANY> is moving from CURRENT PROVIDER to AT&T Connect as our new standard for both audio and web conferencing! This powerful, yet easy to use conferencing solution can improve your productivity by providing you with more effective meeting tools, reduce costs, and improve your work/life balance.
AT&T Connect integrates communication and collaboration with a rich array of features including:
·  Real time collaboration on documents and other software applications on your computer
·  Multi-point webcam streaming*
·  Cost saving Voice Over Computer*
·  Toll Free Global access*
·  Dial Out to participants for ease of use*
·  Mobile integration including BlackBerry*, iPhone* and iPad*
·  Active speaker identification including use of emoticons and instant messaging
·  Voting/Polling, Application sharing, Web tours and many more powerful features
Throughout the course of the next few weeks, you will receive additional emails outlining the transition process and any actions that may be required of you.
In the interim, we encourage you to view the AT&T Connect Tutorial and visit the AT&T Connect Support Site for additional information on your new AT&T Connect service.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this transition!
*Optional AT&T Connect Feature.
© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.

Transition Details Email

New Audio and Web Conferencing service from AT&T
Please review important details below regarding the transition from CURRENT PROVIDER to AT&T Connect®.
Your current teleconferencing service with <CURRENT PROVIDER> will be terminated on DATE.
Notification of new audio and web conferencing services:
·  On the evening of <INSERT DATE>, you will receive an email from AT&T TeleConference Services () containing your new teleconference and AT&T Connect account information. Save this for future reference.
·  Upon receipt, you may begin using the account immediately.
Action Items:
Once you have received your AT&T registration email, please take the following steps:
1.  “Download” the AT&T Connect client software (Participant Application) via the link provided in your registration email
2.  “Activate” your myAT&T desktop application via the link provided in your registration email
3.  Update any existing meetings you may have scheduled using your new account details provided by AT&T
4.  Start enjoying the benefits of AT&T Connect conferencing services!
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Tutorial to learn more about the many features available to you!
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Support Site for important support documentation.
What’s Next: Register for training to learn more about AT&T Connect. Training options and registration details will be sent out in the near future.
© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.

Training Email

New Audio and Web Conferencing service from AT&T
In follow up to our recent announcement regarding your transition to AT&T Connect®, please find details below on the AT&T Connect training options available:
-  Instructor-led online training classes
-  Self-paced online tutorials
-  One-on-One Coaching sessions (in the case of large strategic meetings)
Action Items:
In order to register for an AT&T Connect online training session, you will be required to set up an online training profile via the AT&T Connect training site. Please note, your online training profile is different from your AT&T Connect account.
Browse to
1.  After creating your User Profile, you will need to activate it via an email by clicking the hyperlink. (Email will come from ).
2.  Once your account is activated, log on to the training site and choose “My History/Profile” at the top right corner. Click “Add a Product” button and enter Product Group Code “WEBTRAIN”.
3.  Select “AT&T Connect Integrated Edition” from the “My Products” drop down menu.
4.  Click the “Welcome” tab to select from “Self-paced”, “Live Instructor” or “Coaching” training sessions
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Tutorial to learn more about the many features available to you!
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Support Site for important support documentation.
In the event that you may experience issues accessing the training site or registering your training profile, please contact AT&T Connect Support:
-  US Toll Free – (888) 796-6118
-  International – +1 (404) 986-6584
What’s Next: You will soon receive an email from AT&T TeleConference Services notifying you of your new account information. In the interim, please follow the above instructions in order to gain access to the AT&T Connect training site and begin accessing the many training options available to you.
© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.

Standard Go-Live Registration Email

This email is sent by AT&T and does not need to be sent by the customer.

The standard registration email is sent from AT&T to each host upon their account being provisioned and on the mutually agreed provisioning date.

The registration email provides the user with their new audio and AT&T Connect® web conferencing account information and the necessary steps to complete their AT&T Connect software activation.

The registration email will be sent from . Please ensure users are successfully able to receive emails from this address and that the interruption of spam filters will not impact email distribution.

Note: The registration email cannot be customized by AT&T in any way and will appear in a similar format to the sample posted on our site.

Although the formatting and layout of the registration email will be similar, differences may be seen with regards to the feature set as a result of the features provisioned for your company.

A sample of the AT&T Connect Audio and Web Registration Email can be found here.

Post Go-Live Follow-Up Email

AT&T Connect® conferencing services rollout
Please note that your current Audio and Web conferencing services will be terminated on <INSERT DATE>.
At this time, you should have already received a registration email from AT&T’s TeleConference Services () containing your new audio and AT&T Connect® conference account details.
Action Items:
If you have not already done so, please take the following steps:
1.  Download the AT&T Connect Client Software (Participant application) as provided by the link provided in your registration email.
2.  Activate your myAT&T desktop application via the link provided in your registration email.
3.  Update any existing meetings you may have scheduled using your new account details provided by AT&T
4.  Start enjoying the benefits of AT&T Connect conferencing services!
-  Refer to the previous training email for training opportunities.
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Tutorial to learn more about the many features available to you!
-  Visit the AT&T Connect Support Site for important support documentation.
If you have not received your registration email from AT&T TeleConference Services, please contact AT&T Customer Care at 1-800-526-2655 for assistance.
Contact your Teleconferencing manager at <CONTACT INFORMATION>.
What’s Next: Enjoy using AT&T Connect Conferencing services!
© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.