City of Red Bud
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
July 22, 2015
Commission Members In Attendance: Clem Esker, Greg Birchler, Larry Ingalls, Dan Koenigstein, Stuart Langrehr, Mike Reed, Butch Stellhorn, Susan Harbaugh
Absent: Jon Tallman, Warren Frank, Shane Watson, Orville Cox, and Rodney Nevois
Others Present: Pam Poetker, Don Thompson, Chris Martin
1. Call to Order
Chairman Clem Esker called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Review of Financial Reports
Everyone received the financial reports with the meeting notice.
All existing loans are current at this time
3. Updates from Pam and Randolph County
Chris Martin addressed the commission and touched on the following topics:
1. Expansion Report
2. Water Line Project
3. Coulterville Project
4. Red Bud Advertisement in Expansion Solutions Magazine
5. Tourism Efforts
6. Social Media
7. Community Development
Pam provided the commission with a brief overview of the CEO Program and asked that the commission participate in the efforts financially by being a supporter in the amount of $3,000. The matter will be put on the agenda for the next meeting to be discussed.
4. Discussion with SWIC Regarding Industries
Mike Reed, SWIC, and city officials continue to work on this matter. A needs assessment survey for local employers with regard to program needs at SWIC is in the works.
5. JR Rentals / Weir Application – Loan Update
Norm Roy has been provided the loan documents. He and his attorney are reviewing the documents and will contact the city when they are ready to move forward. Norm Roy has also purchased the former ALCO building and he plans to relocate the Ford Dealership to the location.
6. O.H. Bistro, LLC / David Danneberg Loan Application
David Dannenberg presented his loan application and business plan to the commission members. He is requesting a $125,000 from the RLF for a bistro to be located at the Opera House at the four way stop.
Some of the details of his presentation included:
1. He has private investors that are providing $125,000 toward the project
2. He plans to use a POS system to operate the business efficiently
3. He plans to include catering, and banquets as part of his business in addition to the restaurant.
4. He plans to open in September, 2015.
5. He plans to offer a menu that offers a variety of dishes that progress in cost as the week goes.
6. Waitresses will be well versed in providing details to customers on the contents of the dishes.
7. The museum has been relocated to the second floor and will operate in conjunction with his hours.
8. He plans to serve all draft beer and a variety of cocktails in addition to wine.
After his presentation there was a detailed question and answer session that followed.
Following the conclusion of the presentation the commission recommended that Clem and Pam go back to David to discuss the loan amount as well as terms and conditions of the loan as there was a concern regarding adequate collateral. The commission will meet again to discuss the application following the availability of additional information.
7. Anything for the Good of the City
With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Poetker