AzNA Nurse Educator Special Interest Group (Chapter 6)MemberMeeting Minutes
Thursday September 24, 2015
The AzNA Chapter 6 Member Meeting was held in the LaVentana Room at the Hotel SanMarcos in Chandler on Thursday September 24, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President Heidi Sanborn at 07:15.
Name / Position / In attendance / Unable to attend / Email AddressesHeidi Sanborn (2015-2017) / President / X /
Roni Collazo (2013-2015) / Outgoing President / X /
Laura Blank (2015-2017) / 1st Vice-President / X /
Carol Stevens / 2nd Vice-President / X /
Selina Bliss (2015-2017) / Secretary / X /
Pauline Komnenich / Treasurer / X /
Susan Arbogast (2014-2016) / Director of Education / X /
Susan Gonda (2015-2017) / Director of Membership / X
Director at Large
Pam Fuller (2014-2016) / Director at Large / X /
Amy Johnson (2015-2017) / Co-Director / X
Desiree Creekmore (2015-2017) / Co-Director / X
Cheryl Schmidt (visitor) /
Adeltide Dicoree-Siaw /
Pam Randolph / pamrandolph@azsbon
Dawna Cato
Sharon Rayman
Marie Rozell /
LeAnne Prenovost /
Rita Haman
Jennifer Overturf /
Topic / Discussion / Action
Opening and Call to Order at 0715 (late due to accident on Hwy 101)–Heidi Sanborn / Welcome and introductions – Two new position on the Board of Co-Director. Thank you to past board members. Roni Collazo offered mementos to past and joining Board members. / Mementos acceptedand appreciated
Review SIG mission / Now Chapter Six is known as Nurse Educator Special Interest Group
Roll call / Roll call completed with 15 members present
Board Reports / a.Treasurer:Pauline Komnenich -Account around $15,000.
b.Membership:Heidi Sanborn for Laura Blank – At Feb/March at 135 members. Since dues restructured to automatically enroll members in geographical areas and then members select special interests groups, we now have 322 members. Sharing memberships increases dues income.
c.Education:Susan Arbogast – See below for information for upcoming Fall educational offering. Pam Fuller has $500.00 from the Faculty Development Collaborative for the next offering. Ideas for the spring topics include another CNE review course, Dr. Marylyn Oermann, or Dr. Tim Bristol. Az League for Nursingoffered to co-sponsor the SpringCollaborative. Cheryl Schmidt offered services on a template for portfolio development. / The Educational Planning Committee will invite poster presenters to Fall Faculty Development Collaborative
Marie Rozell interested in helping plan spring educational event and/or a CNE review course.
New Business
AzNA Bylaws updates / Carol Stevens presented bylaws for consideration of changes to be implemented in two weeks’ time. Of special interest is when officers take office after election and the minimum number of meetings per year. / Adeltide Dicoree-Siaw motioned and Pam Randolph seconded the motion to approve the Article Seven, Sections One and Two. Motion carried.
Scholarships – CNE and other / We have a CNE scholarships in place. Pam Randolph suggested scholarships for certification in simulation training. Perhaps simulation certification is a subject and a review course is a topic for a future educational offering. Offer members to visit schools and facilities to assist in the use of simulation.
Report from Director of Education–November event update - SusanArbogast / Fall conference planning:
November 20, 2015 which is a change from previous planned date.
Speaker confirmed: Dr. Susan Kardong-Edgren
Pam Randolph will provide a 45 minute update on simulation in Arizona at the start of the conference.
Title of conference: Never a Better Time for Simulation
Learning Objectives:
- Review the state of simulation in Arizona.
- Analyze Shneider’s 4 stages of a scientific discipline as applied to simulation and the progress nursing faculty are making as we navigate through these stages.
- Envision potential approaches to instruction and models of education based on today’s current simulation technologies.
- As a result of the NCSBN National Simulation Study, review key points and insights gained by both students and faculty and identify best practices in simulation as they apply to all types of nursing programs.
- Discuss practice for simulation adoption in a curriculum, onboarding faculty for simulation, and preparing students for simulation experiences and evaluate where your program is in simulation adoption and best practices.
- Explain why using simulation in large classes would improve learning retention and engagement and review a variety of strategies for engaging large classes with simulation.
- Envision using simulation in your own curriculum and classrooms.
Sponsorship: There are four sponsors for the conference: Az League for Nursing, Az Simulation Net, AODN and AzNa Chapter 6.
Tentative Expenses:
- Honoria for speaker: $1800 plus travel and lodging expenses by AzNA Ch 6
- Venue:Copper Room at Gateway Community College sponsored by AODN)
- Food (up to $2,400 from the Az League for Nursing)
- Az Simulation Network donating $500 for miscellaneous expenses
Planning Committee has included Susan Arbogast, Cheryl Roat, Roni Collazo, and Selina Bliss. / Save the date flyer sent to four professional organizations and registration open on the AzNA website.
AZ Action Coalition / Education Practice Collaborative -Heidi Sanborn / Heidi gave updates on the work of the EPC and the work led by Dawna Cato - Lead and Rita Haman Co-Lead. Currently in the gap-analysis phase. / Heidi passed around a sign-up sheet for new members.
Needs Assessment / Open Floor / Heidi Sanborn – Open to ideas for needs assessment from members.
Meeting adjourned at 0820.
Respectfully submitted,Selina Bliss, Secretary. AzNA Chapter Six