MYHA Board Meeting, October 19, 2014

September minutes approved

Ice scheduling updates(Shelli): Games next Wednesday from D2 and will be posted shortly after that – must have those scheduled before ice time can be scheduled. We are trying to host one of the district tournaments this year, also.

Volunteer update: Need more DIBS posted; can DIBS be donated? We have said no in the past, so will continue to say no going forward.

Recruitment: 15 signed up for "try hockey for free" day!! Would still like 10 more kids to do it, but would be happy. MN Hockey doing 100$ gift cards to Strauss. Tracy will discuss the transition program. The kids who try the transitional program will be placed with kids their age if they decide to join (eg 6 year old goes into u8). They can register for the rest of the year if they want to.

Managers meeting - all set for Wednesday, Oct 29th. Want to ensure we have locker room dads for the boys teams, as some coaches won't be there until right before practices.

Treasurer Report: Jim Sass treasurer now; about 12K over our budget, although we will get some Jr Gold, U14 and mites still coming in throughout the rest of the month. Team money is the same for each team $600), and will be distributed at the beginning of the season.

D2: nothing to report. No D2 meeting tonight.

Tournaments:Squirt C “Mowvember” tournament - cancelled... Missed the June Let’s Play Hockey tournament posting, and July miss was their fault... August was too late, so we only had 2 teams. Squirt A wants to run a mini jamboree instead. The 2 C Squirt teams are now booked in the Cottage Grove tournament instead.

Apparel/Equipment (Dino) -- 2 of 3 rinks painted, and getting the third one done. Kick plates are in now for one rink and ready for flooding (whenever cold enough). We will hold on kick plates for other rinks. need a brush for Zamboni - ordered, but not yet arrived. We also are getting a blade (also hasn't arrived). Still have 7 puck bags, and several goalie sets... Order more puck bags if you need to... Strauss has bags for $20 and another $20 to label them. (May want to leave additional bags at WBC for remaining coaches to pick up.) Clean up this weekend at DEC.

Sponsorships -- we have several signed up, and maybe one as a sponsor. Finishing up the matching as much as possible...

Girls -- U8 (Cal and Connie coach and manager); some moves to U8 now, but a few stayed at mites 2-3; U10 fully loaded (coaches and managers picked); U12 A set but still missing a U12B. Goalie -- no luck from SW, but will try throughout D2 now; also will ask Kristin for other districts to reduce rivalry issues; U14 coaching interviewing potential head coach

Mites: good on the holiday skating ; Wildwood is the sponsor

Evaluations: evaluators did a good job, but many skaters on bubble; questions on Squirt B teams how they were split -- they wanted to be on a certain team because of the goalie; we are struggling with Bantams -- we might lose 2 to HS, some on B2 and B3 quit.

Motion:after tryouts if a player decides to quit, their money is not refunded. Extenuating circumstances need to be taken to the board. PASSEDwith caveat to check on risk.

Other:Request by Jeremy to NOT have first practices immediately after the evaluations are over -- too fast after tryouts that coaches aren't set, managers aren't set, no puck bags, etc...