Bi-Vocational Pastors Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the overall purpose of the Academy?

The purpose of the Academy is, over the next decade, to equip up to 150 of our excellent United Methodist laypeople throughout the state to become bi-vocational part-time pastors in small churches located near the participants.

Why Bi-Vocational Pastors?

This new (for us) way of looking at ministry gives us the opportunity to look at “church” through one lens – discipleship. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, to make new disciples, and to help existing disciples grow closer to Jesus daily?

Isn’t being a pastor always a full-time assignment?

There has always been a provision in our Book of Discipline for bi-vocational pastors. We believe this is one of the keys to our future, and are excited about emphasizing this option during the coming decade.

Who is invited to participate?

Potential candidates will often already be serving as volunteers in their own local church. Participants in the Academy may come from many walks of life – teachers, school superintendents, bankers, farmers, ranchers, business owners, etc.

How do I receive an invitation?

All participants must be nominated by their District Superintendent. You can contact the Conference Office (405-530-2000) if you need contact information for your District Superintendent.

How long does the Academy last?

The Academy consists of 8 monthly day-long sessions and one mid-year two-day retreat. The group meets on a Saturday, monthly, from September through May.

What are the expectations for participation?

Participants in the Academy will complete the 80 hours of training required by the Board of Ordained Ministry.

Where does the Academy take place?

For the 2015-2016session, the Academy will meet at the Oklahoma Conference office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

How much does it cost?

Cost for the participant is $250 which covers all books (which you keep), snacks, and meals for the year. Participants are also responsible for their transportation to and from the sessions.

The cost for the teachers, equipment, etc. is being underwritten by The Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation and the Oklahoma United Methodist Conference.

Prior to receiving an appointment all pastors must also undergo a psychological evaluation. This cost is shared between the candidate and the Board of Ordained Ministry. Currently the cost to the participant is $200.

What is the curriculum?

The curriculum is made up of three core courses. Each topic is covered at each session.

Bible: Reading the Bible and leading Bible Study to make Disciples

Preaching: Communicating the Gospel in such a way as to grow Disciples

United Methodist Ethos: What a United Methodist disciple of Jesus Christ does

What records are kept?

Record of your participation and satisfactory completion will be kept by the Academy and shared with your District Committee on Ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the District Superintendent.

What does participation in the Academy enable me to do?

Satisfactory completion of the Academy makes you eligible to be granted certification as a Certified Candidate for ministry. The official approval is made by your District Committee on Ministry.

If a church is available for you to serve, completion of the Academy enables you to be appointed by the Bishop, upon recommendation of the District Superintendent and the District Committee on Ministry, as pastor of a nearby church.

What other documents and approvals are required?

You must have been a member of a United Methodist Church for one year and receive the written affirmation of your local church Pastor-Parish Relations Committee and your Charge Conference. As with all our pastors, a criminal background check will be conducted, as well as a psychological assessment, a credit check and submission of an I-9 form.

Will I receive a license for pastoral ministry?

A license is strictly tied to an appointment and is at the sole discretion of the Bishop. Satisfactory completion of the Academy fulfills the requirements for Candidacy and for a License to Preach. A license is only granted if the Bishop has a church for you to serve and makes that appointment.

How often and how is the license renewed?

A license to preach must be renewed annually. Renewal depends on an appointment from the Bishop, satisfactory participation with a mentor or small group assigned by the Board of Ordained Ministry, recommendation of the District Committee on Ministry, and satisfactory progress in the Course of Study.

Where will bi-vocational pastors serve?

Normally, part-time local pastors will serve a church in an town which is within easy driving distance of the place in which they live and work.

Will I earn any salary for serving as a bi-vocational pastor?

Churches do pay based on the church’s ability. Some pension benefit may also be included, depending on the specific situation. But part-time local pastors receive their primary compensation from their other work.

What happens to my ministerial status when I retire?

When a part-time local pastor retires from their ministerial status, they return to lay status. Such a person can still be appointed to serve a church, but it would be in the “supply” category.

May 2015