In Attendance:
Clinton Ambs, Marlene Blankinship, John Doucette, llda Jaco, Beth Kelly, Celeste Lane, Sheila Oliveras, James Schnyderite, Cheryl Smith, Suzy Snyder, Madelyn Trimmer, Katie Werrmann, Chris Zwarych
Meeting Minutes taken by Marlene Blankinship, Secretary
- The meeting was Called to Order by Ilda Jaco, President at 7:07p.m.
- Membership Committee: Marlene Blankinship
-Thirty-Nine (39) members
- Approval ofDecember’s Minutes: Ilda Jaco
Motion to accept minutes: Katie Werrmann
2nd by Beth Kelly
Motion passed
Opposed: None/Abstain: None
- Treasurer's Report: Cheryl Smith
Motion to accept January’sTreasurer’s report(December’s will be presented at March meeting): Beth Kelly
2nd by Katie Werrmann
Motion passed
Opposed/Abstain: None
- Directors Update:
- Christopher Zwarych:
- Jazz Festival – to date 6 high school bands (including Del Val) and 4 middle school bands are confirmed
- DC Trip – room assignments have been handed in; students must sign release to be broadcast on TV; remainder of trip is on track
- District Music Festival – will include choir, band, and art. Drumline and Jazz band will also be present
- James Schnyderite:
- Ithacappella – a huge thank you to all the host families; the event did not produce a profit, in fact, we experienced a loss of + $500
- Choral/Band Festival – scheduled for March 17th; this will be a combined event this year
- Choir Practices – rehearsals have stopped until March due to the musical
- Clinton Ambs:
- Musical – “Into the Woods” is going to be an awesome display of talent and fairytalesexploring the consequences of the characters' wishes and quests; the show is scheduled for March 3-5, 2016; spirit wear orders for the musical are being handled through Dawn Impalli; Mr. Ambs is handling the press release for the musical through Adrienne Olcott and social media
- Tech Week Dinners – A Signup Genius was distributed to the booster members seeking assistance with providing nourishment for the actors/actresses, stage crew, pit, and staff assisting with the performance. Tech Week is set to begin on Thursday, February 25th and run through Tuesday, March 2nd
- Old Business:
- Ithacappella – covered under Mr. Schnyderite’s update.
- Banquet – feedback from attendees was great food and very creative atmosphere. Cheryl Smith has a gift for John Doucette.
- Committee Reports:
- Fundraising Committee – Lori Scarinci
- Shoprite Gift Cards – Katie Werrmann:
- December’s order came to $10,550 with $527.50 going to the fundraiser; students received $474.75 and the general fund received $52.75
- January’s order came to $10,050 with $502.50 going to the fundraiser; students received $452.25 and the general fund received $50.25
- Musical – Ronna Hill: absent
- Drumline – Kathie Roye: 25 students; this year’s theme is Blood Red Moon; first show is in two weeks followed by five more; hoagie sale orders are due to Kathie Roye by March 10th
- New Business:
- District Band Festival – is scheduled for March 17th; hoagie sale orders are due to Kathie Roye by March 10th.
- Jazz Fest: Lori Scarinci/Kathie Roye/Beth Kelly – 2nd annual jazz fest is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th; Sign up will be handled through US Bands for the Middle School and High School competition. All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation from US Bands. Tickets are $8.00 each.
- Hospitality – Kathie Roye/Diane Carew – will assist with Spring concert and continue chairing for the 2016-2017 season.
- New Concession Chair for 2016-2017 Season – vacant
- Questions/Comments:
- Fundraising – Dawn Impalli is hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser online and will be emailing the link to our membership; Gertrude Hawk – Lori Scarinci will be distributing flyers and collecting orders in time for delivery prior to Easter; Amusement Park Tickets will again be offered at a discounted price for Dorney Park, Hershey Park, and Great Adventure; proceeds will go towards the DC trip and drumline; Shammy Shine tickets will also be offered for Father’s Day.
- Adjourn: 8:06p.m.
Next Boosters Meeting: March 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.