Name: ______Date: ______Per: ______

Study Guide for “Introduction to Classical Mythology” from Mythology by Edith Hamilton

1. While many consider myths a way “back to a time when the world was young and people had connections with the earth […and] little distinction” was “made between ______,” Hamilton believes that this was a time of “terror […] magic […] and ______.

2. Humankind’s “chief hope of escaping the [gods’] wrath […] lay in some magic rite […] or in some offering ______”

3. The preserved Greek myths show “how high ______


4. “The first written record of Greece is ______”

Date: at least ______BCE

5. While “the tales of Greek mythology do not throw any clear light upon what early mankind was like, they do throw […] light upon ______


6. Why is this knowledge important to inhabitants of Western countries?


7. The new point of view from Greece = humankind as the center ______

______and the gods were ______.

The universe had become ______and Saint Paul passed on the Greek idea that ______. “All […] art and all […] thought of Greece centered in ______

8. “There were no men and only two women with ______.”

9. Hamilton lists several “dark spots.” What are they? (2 pts)



10. Hamilton also traces the changes in Zeus. Identify the four or five stages.






Sources for Hamilton’s work: (Using her book, list as much info on the lines as you can about each one. The amazing part is the huge collation of a number of sources even though she does tend to editorialize.)

a. Ovid (Roman): lived in time of Augustus Caesar & wrote Metamorphosis

b. Homer ______

c. Hesiod ______


d. Homeric Hymns ______

e. Pindar ______

f. Aeschylus ______


g. Sophocles: one of three tragic poets; younger than Aeschylus

h. Euripides: died at end of 5th Century; youngest of tragic poets

i. Aristophanes ______

j. Herodotus: first historian of Europe; prose writer

k. Plato: philosopher; school of philosophy; Socrates’ student; Aristotle’s teacher

l. Alexandrian poets c 250 BCE:

Apollonius: ______

Pastoral poets were ______

m. Apuleius (Roman) ______

n. Lucian (Greek) ______

o. Apollodarus (Greek): voluminous writer from between 1 and 9th centuries CE

p. Pausanias (Greek): ______

q. Virgil: while he did not believe the myths, he did use them ______