Just Because…

InLord of the Flies, the boys learn early on the importance of having their voices heard. At the beginning of chapter 2, Ralph introduces the conch as a way to let everyone speak one at a time without being interrupted. The conch becomes a symbol of voice. Almost immediately, however, the boys figure out that voice equals power and the conch begins to pass to fewer and fewer hands.

The first task you will complete is the graphic organizer titled, “Power Distribution on the Island.” You will rank each character in terms of how loud their voice is heard and document specific passages that show their voice or lack of voice. As you reflect, think about what each character might have said had they been given an equal opportunity for their voice to be heard.

Next, choose one character whose voice is controlled, limited or silenced and give them a voice by creating a “Just Because” poem from their perspective. Remember to use quality details that deliver your characters message in a clear way. Some sample lines from a “Just Because “ poem might say:

(From the Littluns)
Just because I’m younger than you, it doesn’t mean I don’t have opinions,
Just because I’m younger than you, it doesn’t mean I can’t help solve problems,

(From Piggy)
Just because I’m fat, it doesn’t mean I choose to be,
Just because I’m different, it doesn’t mean I’m less important than you,

Your final task is to apply what you’ve learned about voice to the world around you. Look at our society and pinpoint some groups or people that you feel are not being heard and write a new “Just Because” poem from their perspective. Perhaps you will write a poem from your own point of view?

Recap of tasks to be completed:

Task 1: complete the “Power Distribution on the Island” chart

Task 2: Write a “Just Because” poem for one of the boys on the island.

Task 3 – Academic ONLY: Write a “Just Because” poem for yourself or another person in the real world that is not being heard.

*You must submit all tasks for this assignment.

This assignment is due Wednesday October 22nd.*