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I Am Legend movie worksheet
1) Identify the type of virus altered to cure cancer:
2) How many of the cancer patients have been cured?
3) Describe the setting of the movie (time period, location, etc)?
4) In an early movie sequence, the main character is hunting an animal.
a. What animal is being hunted?
b. Name 2 predators present in the sequence :
c. Describe what happened to the prey:
5) What is the name of the main character’s dog?
6) Describe the setting in which the main character sleeps at night; why do you think he sleeps there?
7) What is the main character’s name? (Note* It is not Will Smith)
8) The President quarantines New York because something happens to the virus. What is it that happens to the virus?(*how is it spread)
9) What type of animal is being used for experimentation in the doctor’s lab? Why do you think this animal was selected for testing?
10) What is different about compound 6 compared to the other compounds tested? What does the doctor plan to do with compound 6?
11) How does the doctor get the materials needed to restock his supplies? Identify 3 of the items he is able to collect.
12) Where does the doctor broadcast his message from and what does he hope to provide to survivors?
13) What game does the doctor play to pass the time at the pier?
14) How does the doctor catch “infected” individuals?
15) What happens to the “infected” when it touches the sun?
16) Compared to a normal humans dosage, about how much more drugs does it take to sedate the infected?
17) What is the infected’s BPM (beats per minute) and temperature before the doctor gives her the serum?
18) In the doctor’s “Day 1001” journal entry, what is the main difference between the doctor and Sam’s immune systems?
19) What body part do the soldiers scan to test for the infection? Why?
20) What does Marley give her dad before the helicopter takes off?
21) What do the infected used as bait for the trap that captures the doctor?
22) When the doctor springs himself from the trap, what stops the infected dogs from attacking the doctor right away?
23) What happens to the doctor’s dog? What does the doctor have to do with her?
24) What instructions does the doctor give to the lady at the pier?
25) What causes the helicopters to go down? What happens to the doctor’s family?
26) What are the names of the woman and her son?
27) What does the woman believe brought her to the doctor? Why does the doctor get angry?
28) Name 3 ways the doctor protected the home against the infected.
29) What does the doctor give Anna at the end? What is it supposed to be used for?
30) How is this fictional movie related to what we have been studying in class?