New SouthGlasgowHospital
Community Engagement Advisory Group
Minute of meeting held on Thursday 11th September 2008
In attendance
Rory Farrelly, Acute Director of Nursing (Chair)
Mark McAllister, Community Engagement Manager
Bryan Bannerman, Voluntary Services Manager
Kate Munro, Community Engagement Manager
Heather Griffin, Project Manager, New SouthGlasgowHospital
Salma Jaffri, Community Representative
Ronnie Clinton, Site Facilities Manager
Blair Robertson, Head of Chaplaincy
Nan McKenzie, Community Representative
Jackie McIlwraith, Community Representative
Nicole McInally, Equality & Diversity Officer
Jinty Mann, South East Carers Association
Ann Ferguson, South East Carers Association
Lisa Martin, South West CHCP
In Attendance
1.Welcome and Introductions
1.1Rory Farrelly (Acute Division, Director of Nursing) welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Community Engagement Advisory Group (CEAG) for the new adult hospital. Rory reaffirmed the important role the group will play in ensuring that patients and carers are able to be fully engaged in the design process for the new adult hospital.
2.1Apologies were made on behalf of Flora Muir who was represented by Nicole McInally at the meeting.
3.Group Membership & Remit
3.1Mark McAllister briefly outlined the proposed group membership and remit. The role of the group was seen very much as an advisory group with the following remit.
- To provide support and guidance to the new adult hospital project team to ensure the needs of patients, carers and the wider hospital community inform planning for the new Adult hospital.
- To plan, manage and facilitate engagement of patients, carers and the wider hospital community to support the planning process for the new adult hospital
- To plan, manage and facilitate engagement of patients and carers to support the redesign of services for the new adult hospital
- To ensure that planning for the new adult hospital complies with relevant equalities legislation and NHS GG& C’s single equalities scheme
- To ensure that planning for the new hospital complies with the relevant Patient Focus Public Involvement (PFPI) policies and guidance
- To support the Acute Operating Division PFPI forum meets its objectives by evidencing the engagement of patients, carers and the wider hospital community in planning for the new SouthGlasgowHospital.
3.2Following a brief discussion, the remit was agreed as appropriate. The membership of the group was viewed as appropriate to support the group fulfil its remit. Mark indicated that he would be keen to expand the community representation on the group to better reflect the range of interest in the development. It was suggested that the New Children’s Hospital Youth Panel identify a representative to join the group. The South West PPF would also identify a representative for the group. This was agreed.
Lisa Martin to identify a community representative from the South West PPF
Kate Munro to identify a representative from the NCH Youth Panel
4. Presentation - New SouthGlasgowHospital Project
4.1Heather Griffin then gave a presentation (enclosed) on the new Adult hospital project. The presentation included an overview of the Acute Services Review and the adult hospital project as well as key milestones.
4.2A broad ranging discussion then followed. There were some issues raised around the provision of single rooms in the new hospital. Although the group understood the benefits for patients from single room, there were some concerns raised linked, for example, around isolation, safety and clinical care.
4.3Rory reaffirmed that the provision of 100% single rooms was based on guidance which will come from the Scottish Government later this year. Mark highlighted that where there were concerns raised it is important that these are fed into the design process for the new hospital, and in particular, the ward areas to ensure that any concerns were picked up at the earliest opportunity.
5.1Mark gave a presentation to the group on the proposed workplan for the group. The features at this point were very high level and he would be looking to work closely with colleagues over the coming months to populate the workplan in more detail. The main points raised were that the plan should incorporate the following:
- A two year time frame focussing on the physical design of the new hospital
- Early focus on broadening Stakeholder Engagement
- Build a dialogue/ relationship with the with the project team throughout the design process
- Focussed on a number of key areas
- Training and Development
- Understanding the design process
- Focus on developing ‘expertise’ around key areas.
Mark McAllister to table an updated workplan for the next meting
5.2It was noted that the two year timescale was tight but would allow the group to revisit its role and remit to take cognisance of the projects overall progress. It was agreed that Mark would develop the action plan further for consideration at the next meeting.
6.Patient/ Carers Survey
6.1Mark presented on proposals to engage with patients and carers on key areas identified to support the development of the design briefs for the new hospital. The areas identified included:
- Wards areas
- Family/ Carer amenities
- Specific wards e.g. renal
- Out patients
- Main entrance
- A&E
- Play areas
- Mortuary/ Bereavement
- Wayfinding
- Access
- External landscapes
6.2The proposal included a mixture of focus groups and surveys looking at each of the areas identified. It was proposed to base the analysis on the IDEAs framework developed by the Department of Health. Following discussion, the group broadly agreed with the approach outlined. Given the project timescales, Mark indicated that he would be looking to initiate the process before the next meeting in December and would bring an update on progress to the next meeting.
6.3Blair Robertson asked if there was a mechanism to communicate the work of the group and to make people aware of the opportunities available to get involved. He pointed out that he would find this helpful as part of his work. Mark pointed out that there were some good examples from the work around the children’s hospital and other acute developments. Mark would bring forward proposals for communicating the work of the group and raising awareness of opportunities to get involved to the next meeting.
Mark to update the group on progress on undertaking engagement with patients and carers
Mark to provide an outline communication plan for the next meeting.
7.Schedule of Meetings
7.1A schedule of meeting dates was circulated prior to the meeting. However, the meeting arranged for the 18th December had been brought forward. Therefore the date for the meetingis:
Wednesday 17th December 2008 – 2pm, Seminar Room, Walton Conference Centre
The remaining dates remain as previously circulated. These are:
Thursday 12th March 2009 – 2pm
Thursday 18th June 2009 – 2pm
Thursday 17th September 2009 – 2pm
8. AOB
8.1There was no other business. Rory thanked everyone for their attendance and contribution and closed the meeting.