Freshman Survival Kit
RocklinHigh School
Language Arts
Mr. Hurrianko
Act as though it is impossible to fail.(Anonymous)
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Silent Sustained Reading & Accelerated Reader
(Better known as SSR and AR)
- Almost every day, we will complete 10 to 20 minutes of SSR.
- What does this mean to you?
- Bring a book to class EVERY DAY.
- The book you read MUST be an AR book.
- What does this mean to you?
- Before you check a book out from the library, MAKE SURE it is on the AR Quiz List!
- You MUST reach at least 70 percent of your AR goal each semester.
- What does this mean to you?
- You need to make continual progress. You need to be taking quizzes and scoring points as AR accounts for 10% of your overall semester grade.
- You can read other books that are not on the AR quiz list, but these will NOT count toward your AR grade.
- What does this mean to you?
- If you read a book that is not on the AR Quiz List and don’t realize it until it’s too late, you may NOT ask for an alternate assignment.
Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed. (Vaclav Havel)
Turnitin.com and Academic Integrity
During the year, you will be asked to write essays, narratives, and responses to literature—all of which are considered skills that are essential to your learning growth.
You will be required to submit these assignments to a web site, which will verify that your work is original—in other words, it checks to make sure that you haven’t copied anyone else’s work.
The creative place is where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. (Alan Alda)
By the assignment’s due date, you will need to log on to: and submit your paper electronically.
The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. (Mark Twain)
The primary goal of any educational institution should be to enhance the learning environment and to promote the pursuit of intellectual excellence. The Rocklin Unified School Board of Education believes that the public school should reinforce the values of our democratic society, teach citizenship, and provide an environment conducive to ethical behavior. The RocklinHigh School community believes that the school should maintain a climate in which honesty, courtesy, consideration, integrity and a concern for others are highly valued.
Cheating is an obstacle to achieving these goals. Factors that contribute to cheating include pressure for grades, not enough time to finish all the required homework, students taking advantage of classroom situations that may provide an opportunity to cheat, unrealistic parent expectations, and inefficient study skills. None of these reasons make cheating acceptable. In any of its forms, for whatever reason, cheating denies the value of education.
Definition: Cheating is taking (or lending) at inappropriate times a person’s work, information, ideas, research, and/or documentation, without properly identifying the originator.
The teacher’s professional judgment will determine whether cheating has occurred. Students are reminded not to give the instructor cause to consider their actions a violation.
To avoid inadvertent dishonesty, the following list, which is not intended to be all-inclusive, delineates a variety of methods of cheating:
- Looking at someone else’s paper during an examination, test or quiz.
- Talking with another student during an examination, test or quiz.
- Using any kind of “cheat notes.”
- Letting someone else see one’s own or another paper during an examination, test, quiz or assignment.
- Copying work assigned to be done independently or allowing someone else to copy one’s own or another’s work, including computer generated information and programs.
*Since individual teachers hold different expectations with regard to homework (i.e. some teachers encourage students to work together while other teachers may expect an assignment to be completed independently at home), it is the responsibility of the individual teacher to clarify to the students his/her expectations regarding individual assignments.
- Copying or closely paraphrasing sentences, phrases, or passages without properly citing sources while writing a paper or doing research.
- Giving test information to other students in other periods of the same teacher/same course.
- Submitting individual projects not wholly one’s work.
- Fabricating or altering laboratory data.
Consequences: This policy will be enforced throughout a student’s high school career. When a student has been found cheating, the consequences and procedures for each instance are as follows:
First Instance
- A referral will be submitted to the administration and evidence will be provided. The student(s) may be suspended from the teacher’s classroom for the next two class periods. (classroom teacher)
- The student(s) will be required to complete an alternative assignment demonstrating mastery of the Essential Concepts and Skills. A maximum of 70% of the total point value of the assignment will be granted. (classroom teacher)
- The teacher will notify the parents/guardians and inform them of the consequences prior to the classroom suspension. (classroom teacher)
- The administration will send home a letter documenting the incident and informing the student and parents of the consequences for second offense. (administration)
Second Instance
- A referral will be submitted to the administration along with evidence that cheating has occurred. The student(s) may be suspended On-Campus for two days. (classroom teacher)
- The student(s) will be required to complete an alternative assignment demonstrating mastery of the Essential Concepts and Skills; however, “0” points will be granted towards their overall course grade. (classroom teacher)
- The administration will notify the parents and schedule a meeting to inform them of the severity of the incident and the consequences for a third incident. (administration)
- The student(s) will be suspended from any extra-curricular activity as per RHS extra-curricular code of conduct. (5 to 30 days) (administration)
- The student(s) will not be eligible for valedictorian status or “Top Student” honors in his or her senior year. (administration)
- If a student violates the Academic Integrity policy in an Advanced Placement or Honors course and it is a second offense, he/she will be dropped from the course and be placed in a regular college prep class. (administration)
Third Instance
- A referral will be submitted to the administration along with evidence that cheating has occurred. The student(s) will be suspended Off-Campus for three days. (classroom teacher)
- The student(s) will receive a “NC” in the course. (classroom teacher)
- A parent conference will be required. (administration)
- The student(s) will be suspended from any extra-curricular activity as per RHS extra-curricular code of conduct. (15 to 30 days) (administration)
- The student(s) will not be eligible for valedictorian status or “Top Student” honors in his or her senior year. (administration)
I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. (Thomas Jefferson)
MLA Format
You are required to type your essays and narratives in MLA format. IF YOU DO NOT, I WILL HAND YOUR PAPER BACK TO YOU WITHOUT A GRADE.
What is MLA?
MLA stands for Modern Language Association. This group of educators and scholars created a format for their publications that has been widely adapted by universities everywhere. Because many universities require their students to use this format, it is important that you learn these skills in high school so that you will be better prepared for college.
Rules of MLA Format
Are you used to writing your name in the top right corner of your papers? Well, this is a habit you’ll have to break. Was single spacing okay with your middle school teachers? Sorry. You’ll have to break that habit, too. Here’s why.
MLA Format Rules:
1)Your paper must contain a header on every page. The header appears in the upper right corner of EVERY page. The header consists only of your last name and page number.
2)Your paper must contain a heading—this is different from the header. The heading appears ONLY ON THE FIRST PAGE of your essay or narrative; it consists of four lines.
- Line 1—your first and last name
- Line 2—your teacher’s name
- Line 3—name of the class (but use Period #)
- Line 4—the date (IMPORTANT: The date is in military style—Day Month Year—No commas between) EXAMPLE: 28 August 2009
3)Your paper’s margins must be setone inch all the way around.
4)Your ENTIRE paper must be typed using double spacing. This includes the heading. (NO DOUBLE-DOUBLE SPACING!)
5)Your paper MUST include a title. The title is the ONLY thing that should be centered. It should appear below the date.
6)Your ENTIRE paper MUST be typed in 10-12 pt., Times New Roman font. This includes the title. (In other words, do not bold, italicize, color or underline the title.)
7)Each paragraph must be indented ½ inch. You an set this in advance, or you can simply hit the “Tab” key on your computer to indent.
Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. (Anne Frank)
Before You Begin Typing Your Paper
For Microsoft Word 2003 Users
1)Set the Header
- Click on View at the top of the page
- Click Header and Footer
- A text box will appear. In that box, simply type your last name then hit the space key.
- Below the text box is a small menu box. Click on the icon with the # sign in it. This inserts the page numbers by your last name.
- Highlight the writing and align the header to the right of the page.
2)Set your spacing to double – indenting
- Click “Format” at the top of the page
- Click “Paragraph”
- Under “Line Spacing” click “Double”
- Under “Special” click “First line” and it will default to .5 inch – don’t change
3)Set your margins to one inch
- Click “File”
- Click “Page Setup”
- Set all margins to one inch (top, bottom, right, and left). Click “Default”. This will ensure that all your future Word document margins are set at one inch.
4)Set your font to New Times Roman 10-12pts. —Use this font for every single word on your paper, including the title! Do not use bold, color, underline, or italics for your title.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVERhit the “Enter” key twice while typing your papers! This will result in quadruple spacing and you WILL be marked down for it.
For Microsoft Word 2007 Users
1)Set the Header
- Double click the top of the blank page. The header area will appear.
- Type your last name in the header area. Press the space bar. Keep your cursor to the right of your last name.
- At the very top of the screen, click “Header/Footer Tools”.
- Click Page Number; Scroll down to “Current Position”; Click the box that says “Plain Text”. The page number should appear to the right of your last name.
- Click “Insert Alignment Tab”; click “Right”. Your header will move to the right of the page.
2)Set your spacing to double - indent
- Under the “Home” tab there is a section called “Paragraph”. To the right of the word, “Paragraph”, there is a hard-to-see arrow. Click on that arrow.
- A menu box appears. Go down to the third section and find “Line spacing”
- Under “Line Spacing” click “Double”
- Under “Special” click “First line” and it will default to .5 inch – don’t change
3)Set your margins to one inch
- Click “Page Layout” at the top of the screen
- Click “Margins”
- Click “Normal”
4)Set your font to New Times Roman 10-12 pts—Use this font for every single word on your paper, including the title! Do not use bold, color, underline, or italics for your title.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVERhit the “Enter” key twice while typing your papers! This will result in quadruple spacing and you WILL be marked down for it.
I will show you how to set up a template file that you can use all year!!
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Essay Format
During your freshman and sophomore years at RHS, you will be taught how to write a five-paragraph essay. To make this process a bit easier and more understandable for you, we have adopted a writing standard that follows a simple formatted template.
Your essay consists of five paragraphs:
1)The introductory paragraph
2, 3, 4) 3 body paragraphs (each containing evidence and analysis)
5) and the concluding paragraph
The Introductory Paragraph
The introductory paragraph consists of three parts:
1)The lead—this sentence should draw your readers into your paper.
2)Background information on your topic—This should consist of four to seven sentences (sometimes more) and should provide enough background information on your topic to allow the reader to understand why you’re writing the paper. Again, include something interesting: a fact, statistic,
3)Thesis statement—This ONE sentence, tells your readers what your paper will be about. You should have three clear, specific topics in your thesis to explain in the body of your essay.
The Body Paragraphs
Body paragraphs expand on the thesis statement. Body paragraph one should explain or analyze the first topic mentioned in your thesis. Body paragraph two should explain or analyze the second topic in your thesis, and body paragraph three should explain or analyze the third topic mentioned in your thesis.
Each body paragraph consists of multiple sentences:
1)Topic sentence – repeats and expands on item in thesis.
2)Evidence from the text that proves your topic
3)Your analysis of the evidence in sentence two
4)Your further analysis of the evidence in sentence two
5)More evidence from the text that further proves your topic
6)Your analysis of the evidence in sentence five
7)Your further analysis of the evidence in sentence five
8)Another piece of evidence from the text that strongly proves your topic
9)Your analysis of the evidence in sentence eight
10)Your further analysis of the evidence in sentence eight
11)Concluding sentence – wraps up what paragraph said and previews next topic sentence
The Concluding Paragraph
The concluding paragraph should summarize the main points, restate the thesis in a way that shouts, “See, I proved it!” and end with something for the reader to think about.
Five-Paragraph Essay Template
Introductory Paragraph
Hook: ______
Background Information: ______
Thesis: ______
Body Paragraph1
1. Topic Sentence (TS): ______
2. Evidence from Text (E) ______
3. Analysis (A) ______
4. (A) ______
5. (E) ______
6. (A) ______
7. (A) ______
8. (E) ______
9. (A) ______
10. (A) ______
11. Concluding Sentence (C) ______
Body Paragraph 2
1. Topic Sentence (TS): ______
2. Evidence from Text (E) ______
3. Analysis (A) ______
4. (A) ______
5. (E) ______
6. (A) ______
7. (A) ______
8. (E) ______
9. (A) ______
10. (A) ______
11. Concluding Sentence (C) ______
Body Paragraph 3
1. Topic Sentence (TS): ______
2. Evidence from Text (E) ______
3. Analysis (A) ______
4. (A) ______
5. (E) ______
6. (A) ______
7. (A) ______
8. (E) ______
9. (A) ______
10. (A) ______
11. Concluding Sentence (C) ______
Concluding Paragraph
Summarize main points ______
Restate Thesis ______
End with a thought-provoking item ______
Materials Required for This Class
NOTE: If you do not have Microsoft Office at home, you are at a DISADVANTAGE. RHS does not have the capability to open Microsoft Works, WordPerfect, or any other software programs available. I strongly recommend that you download Open Office or a similarly compatible program.
1)You MUST have a binder with a section reserved for Language Arts. I recommend that you have two binders: one for Silver day classes, and one for Blue day classes.
2)You MUST bring paper to class every day.
3)You MUST bring a BLUE or BLACK pen to class every day. You should write in PEN ONLY in this class. I will not accept work written in yellow, pink, purple, red, orange, silver, gold, glitter . . . you get the picture.
4)You MUST bring an AR book to class every day.
2)Mini Stapler
3)USB Flash drive
4)Index cards
As we go along, additional items may be required.
Top Classroom Rules
- RESPECT YOURSELF by listening and participating.
- RESPECT OTHERS by listening and participating.
- DO TALK during discussions.
- If you have a question, please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you.
- If you take a book out of the shelf, PUT IT BACK!
- Put back ANYTHING you use.
- NO FOOD OR DRINKS OTHER THAN WATER – you never go more than 1½ before you can grab a bite or drink.
- I’m not your mother and this isn’t your room! Don’t be a slob. Pick up any mess that you leave before the bell rings.
- Sleeping is not allowed. I don’t come to your house and teach English while you’re sleeping, so please don’t come to my class and try to sleep while I teach.
What We Will Be Doing
We’ll cover much throughout the year, but here are the main units of study:
1)Research Unit—Informational Speech/Outline
- Every paper you write requires research; this one is no different. We will spend time in the library and computer labs to find and read information on our topics, but you will be expected to visit the public library and check out one book about your topic and use information from that book in your speech. Among other skills, this unit focuses on how to
- gather relevant and accurate data
- properly cite the data
- organize ideas using data from other sources and turn those ideas into a speech outline
- successfully deliver an oral presentation
2)Thematic Essay/Response Journal Unit