Partnership Agreement

Waterbury Bridge to Success Partnership and ______

In effect from Date Signed – June 2017

Waterbury Bridge to Success Partnership and ______ enter into this agreement for the purpose of working towards our Community’s Bridge to Success vision statement:
Waterbury youth succeed in school, work and life.

The BTS Community Council, Committees, Workgroups and Staff agree to:

þ  Offer staff support for collaborative meetings, strive to plan meeting times and dates to accommodate partners’ schedule, and distribute collaborative meeting and event notices in a timely manner.

þ  Share grant, technical assistance and capacity building opportunities, when possible.

þ  Give reasonable advance notice for the request of data and financial information.

þ  Communicate regularly with partners about the status and progress of, and data related to, the BTS Plan.

þ  Provide letters of support for initiatives that meet the BTS plan goals with reasonable advance notice.

Responsibilities of all BTS PARTNERS:

þ  Participate or send designees to participate in meetings of the BTS Community Council, its committees or workgroups.

þ  Provide BTS with updates on program information and changes.

þ  Provide organization specific outcome data about BTS aligned programs.

þ  Participate in BTS data collection efforts.

þ  Use the BTS logo and link to the BTS website.

Other (examples include meeting space, special expertise, in-kind support, etc.)

Financial Considerations:

Nothing in this Partnership Agreement shall be deemed to be a commitment or obligation of funds from either the BTS Partnership or ______.

Waterbury Bridge to Success Partnership ______


BTS Community Council Chair Name Executive Director, Board President or equivalent Name


Signature Date Signature Date

The Waterbury Bridge to Success (BTS) Partnership is a group of community members and organizations
working together to help our youth succeed in life. We asked our community what they felt was most important to help
children birth to 21 develop into responsible, productive citizens. Our BTS plan addresses those concerns, including
quality health care, education and youth development. Waterbury’s future growth and success depends on its youth.
Working together, we will build bridges to strengthen our community’s support for children and families.

The Waterbury Bridge to Success (BTS) Partnership is a group of community members and organizations
working together to help our youth succeed in life. We asked our community what they felt was most important to help
children birth to 21 develop into responsible, productive citizens. Our BTS plan addresses those concerns, including
quality health care, education and youth development. Waterbury’s future growth and success depends on its youth.
Working together, we will build bridges to strengthen our community’s support for children and families.