Methods in Language Teaching
Audio Lingual Method – Key Features
1. New material is presented in dialogue form.
2. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills.
3. vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context.
4. Little or no grammatical explanation.
5. There is use of media such as tapes, videos and visuals.
6. Little used of mother tongue is allowed by the teacher.
7. There is great effort to get students to produce error-free utterances.
Silent Way Method – Key Features
1. Teaching is subordinate to learning.
2. Students use their inner criteria to recognize and correct errors.
3. The main goal is to develop autonomy, independence and responsibility.
4. Learners do much of their learning by observing their classmates and the teacher’s reactions.
Suggestopedia Method – Key Features
1. Consists of ten units, each lasting six hours divided in 45 minute periods.
2. Teacher centered.
3. Encourages child like behavior.
4. "Peripheral" learning is encouraged
5. Music, drama and "the Arts" are integrated into the learning process as often as possible.
6.Students work from lengthy dialogs in the target language, with an accompanying translation into
the students' native language.
7. Baroque music is played softly in the background.
8. Creation of new identities during class.
CLL Method – Key Features
1. Students are to be considered as ”whole person" and the teacher as a "teacher-counselor".
2. Students have a conversation and the teacher stands behind the Ss.
3. After the conversation, they reflect on the experience.
4. Ss listen to the tape and teacher transcribes the conversation
5. Ss pick a section of the conversation to focus on
6. Further reflection after practice.
TPR Method – Key Features
1. The teacher directs and students "act" in response
2. When the students make an error, the teacher repeats the command while acting out.
3. Whenever possible, humor is injected into the lessons to make them more enjoyable for learners
4. Listening and physical response skills are emphasized over oral production
5. Grammar and vocabulary are emphasized over other language areas. Spoken language is emphasized over written language.
Task Based Method – Key Features
1. The class activities have a perceived purpose and clear outcome.
2. The students complete a task in pairs or groups using the language resources that they have as the teacher monitors and offers encouragement.
3. Students prepare a short oral or written report to tell the class what happened during their task
4. Teacher reviews language and possible problematic areas.
5. Students practice new language
Participatory Approach – Key Features
1. The teacher engages Ss in an initial discussion.
2. The teacher poses a problem based on the conversation.
3. The teacher facilitates class discussion ending with students responding with a solution to a problem.
4. The solution can take shape in the form of a letter, flier, group meeting agenda.
5. Ss work together in editing their project.
6. Ss and teacher discuss what they learned in class.