Andhra Pradesh


(1)  Name of the Farmer : Dasari Hanumanthu Rao

(2)  Village, District : Jalipudi, West Godavari district

(3)  Mobile Number : 9848224986

(4)  Aadhar Card Number : 961077834366

(5)  Crops cultivated :Paddy

(6)  Dosages before SHC was received : Urea-75 Kg, DAP-50 Kg, MOP-25 Kg, 14:35:14- 50 Kg per Acre

(7)  Dosages after receipt of soil information through SHC: Urea-50 Kg, DAP-25 Kg, MOP-50 Kg, SSP-150 Kg per Acre

(8)  Cost of cultivation : Rs.21600/-per Acre

(9)  Increase in production :3.0 qts per Acre

(10)  Use of SHC : 1. Reduction of fertilizer use by need based applied of

Recommended dosages

2. Problematic soils can be rectified.


(1)  Name of the Farmer : Pentakota Sivavenkatapparao

(2)  Village, District : Chuchukonda, Visakhapatnam district

(3)  Mobile Number : 9912664862

(4)  Aadhar Card Number : 392778562071

(5)  Crops cultivated : Sugarcane

(6)  Dosages before SHC was received : Urea-300Kg, DAP-150kg, MOP-100kg Acre

(7)  Dosages after receipt of soil information through SHC: Urea-200Kg, DAP-50kg, MOP-55kg per Acre

(8)  Cost of cultivation : Rs.71000/-

(9)  Increase in production : 5 tonnes/Acre

(10)  Use of SHC : 1. Reduction in cost of cultivation, control over

excess usage of fertilisers


1 / Name of the farmer / Gullapalli Suresh Babu
2 / Village, District / Meduru, Krishna district
3 / Mobile Number / 9490983423
4 / Adhaar Number / 398005808863
5 / Crop cultivated / Paddy
6 / Dosages (per acre) before SHC was recieved / N / 83 Kgs
P / 44 kgs
K / 30 kgs
Micro Nutrients / ZnSO4 - 20kgs
7 / Dosages (per acre) after reciept of soil information through SHC / N / 46 Kgs
P / 16 kgs
K / 20 kgs
Micro Nutrients / As per SHC Micronutrients are sufficiently available
8 / N - fertilizer saved (Kg/acre) / 37
9 / Increase in fertilizer usage (Kg/acre) / P / _
K / _
Micro Nutrients / _
10 / N:P:K before SHC received / 83:44:30
11 / N:P:K after SHC received / 46:16:20
12 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used before SHC received (kg/acre) / _
13 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used after SHC received (kg/acre) / _
14 / Difference in bio fertilizer use (kg/acer) / _
15 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used before SHC received (qtls/acre) / FYM - 3 MTS
16 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used after SHC received (qtls/acre) / FYM - 3 MTS
17 / Difference in composit /FYM/vermicompost/city compost use (qtls/acre) / _
18 / Cost of cultivation (Rs) / 24,500/- Acre
19 / Increase in Production (kg/acre) / 150 kgs
20 / Increase in farmers's income(Rs/acre) / Rs. 3750/-
21 / Benefit of use of SHC (in terms of improve N:P:K, increase in production and farmer income and improvement in soil health (increase OC, lowering salt content (EC), improvement in soil Ph (in case acid and salt affected soils), increase in earth worms etc. / Reduced use of fertilizers and Pesticides. Healthy crop growth observed.


1 / Name of the farmer / Konduri Chenchu Reddy
2 / Village, District / palukuru, Prakasam district
3 / Mobile Number / 9603903079
4 / Adhaar Number / 997539593237
5 / Crop cultivated / Paddy
6 / Dosages (per acre) before SHC was received / N / 111 Kgs
P / 49 kgs
K / 30 kgs
Micro Nutrients / Not applied
7 / Dosages (per acre) after reciept of soil information through SHC / N / 72 Kgs
P / 36 kgs
K / 12kgs
Micro Nutrients / ZnSO4 - 20kgs
8 / N - fertilizer saved (Kg/acre) / 39 Kg
9 / Increase in fertilizer usage (Kg/acre) / P / _
K / _
Micro Nutrients / ZnSO4 – 20 kgs per Acre
10 / N:P:K before SHC received / 111:49:30
11 / N:P:K after SHC received / 72:36:12
12 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used before SHC received (kg/acre) / Not applied
13 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used after SHC received (kg/acre) / 1 Kg per Acre PSB applied
14 / Difference in bio fertilizer use (kg/acer) / 1 Kg per Acre PSB
15 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used before SHC received (qtls/acre) / Not applied
16 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used after SHC received (qtls/acre) / FYM – 30 Qtls per acre
17 / Difference in composit /FYM/vermicompost/city compost use (qtls/acre) / FYM – 30 Qtls
18 / Cost of cultivation (Rs) / 24,750/- Acre
19 / Increase in Production (kg/acre) / 675 kgs per Acre
20 / Increase in farmers's income(Rs/acre) / Rs. 13500/-
21 / Benefit of use of SHC (in terms of improve N:P:K, increase in production and farmer income and improvement in soil health (increase OC, lowering salt content (EC), improvement in soil Ph (in case acid and salt affected soils), increase in earth worms etc. / Fertilizer use efficiency is very active
Indiscriminate use of fertilizers reduced
Cost of cultivation reduced
Net returns increased
Soil Health status improved


1 / Name of the farmer / Pilla Munnaiah
2 / Village, District / Nandimala, Nellore district
3 / Mobile Number / 9908780172
4 / Adhaar Number / 629347209020
5 / Crop cultivated / Groundnut
6 / Dosages (per acre) before SHC was received / N / 18 Kgs
P / 62 kgs
K / 0 kgs
Micro Nutrients / Not applied
7 / Dosages (per acre) after reciept of soil information through SHC / N / 15 Kgs
P / 23 kgs
K / 15 kgs
Micro Nutrients / Zn - 20kgs, Boran-1 kg
8 / N - fertilizer saved (Kg/acre) / 3Kg
9 / Increase in fertilizer usage (Kg/acre) / P / _
K / 15 Kg
Micro Nutrients / Zn - 20kgs, Boran-1 Kg
10 / N:P:K before SHC received / 18:62:0
11 / N:P:K after SHC received / 15:23:15
12 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used before SHC received (kg/acre) / -
13 / Quantity of bio fertilizer used after SHC received (kg/acre) / -
14 / Difference in bio fertilizer use (kg/acer) / -
15 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used before SHC received (qtls/acre) / Not applied
16 / Quantity of composit /FYM/vermicompost/city composit used after SHC received (qtls/acre) / FYM – 20 Qtls per acre
17 / Difference in composit /FYM/vermicompost/city compost use (qtls/acre) / FYM – 20 Qtls
18 / Cost of cultivation (Rs) / 30,000/- Acre
19 / Increase in Production (kg/acre) / 120 kgs per Acre
20 / Increase in farmers's income(Rs/acre) / Rs. 5400/-
21 / Benefit of use of SHC (in terms of improve N:P:K, increase in production and farmer income and improvement in soil health (increase OC, lowering salt content (EC), improvement in soil Ph (in case acid and salt affected soils), increase in earth worms etc. / Increase in production and farmers income