The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling,
September 4th to September 7th, 2016, Seoul, Korea


A. Author1, B. Author2 and C. Author1

1 Organisation

2 Organisation

The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling,
September 4th to September 7th, 2016, Seoul, Korea


The abstract in placed in the left-hand column.

It should give concise information on the aims, the methods, the results and the conclusions of the paper. Its length should not exceed 300 words.


Authors of accepted abstracts are requested to submit a full paper for inclusion in the International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling CD Rom. The full papers are due April 29, 2016.

The full papers have to be uploaded on the web site:

Please carefully read and follow these instructions to ensure a uniform quality and appearance of all contributions. This paper can also be used as a template.

Clearly explain the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose and contribution of the paper.

For full paper layout use this template with the following options.

Page Layout

Papers should not exceed eight double column A4 pages including figures, tables and diagrams. On the last page try to balance both columns.


English (check carefully for correct grammar and spelling – best by involving a native speaker or professional lector for English)


Top and bottom margins to 2 cm, and the left and right margins to 1.8 cm. The spacing between the two columns should be 0.9 cm.

Line Spacing

Singled spaced, 6 pt space after paragraphs (Style Body Text), full justification, typeface Arial 9,5 pt.

Type Sizes

The type sizes for all used styles are shown in Table 1.

·  Title – Style Heading 1

·  Author – Style Author

·  Organisation – Style Organisation

·  Primary heading– Style Heading 2

Table 1

Name / Style / Appearance
Title / Heading 1 / Arial 12 pt, All Caps, Bold, Centred
Author / Author / Arial 9,5 pt, Italic, Centred
Main text / Body Text / Arial 9,5 pt, After paragraph 6pt, Justify
Table / Tabletext / Arial 9 pt, Left
Caption / Caption / Arial 9 pt, Left
Primary heading / Heading 2 / Arial 9,5, All Caps, Bold Left,
Before 10 pt, Keep with next
Secondary heading / Heading 3 / Arial 9,5, Bold Left,
Before 6 pt, After 3,Keep with next
Bullets / List Bullet

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be in text body format and start at the left column margin. Place table captions above the tables (Table I) and figure captions below the figures (Figures 1 and 2). Figures and tables may span across both columns (Fig. 1). In this case tables and figures should be centred on the page.

Fig. 1 Example for Symposium Template


Equations should be left in column and numbered consecutively with equations numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1).



References are included as a part of the main text. So the word “References” has to be performed as a primary heading and literature sources as a main text. In the main text references are marked with numbers which are placed in square brackets (e.g. [1], [1]-[4], and [1],[2]). The list of works cited should appear in the references section at the end of the paper.


Questions concerning the preparation of papers may be addressed to the Local Organization Committee:

Korea District Heating and Cooling Association

Phone: +82 2 070 7858 0611

Fax: +82 2 555 4447

Web site:


The conclusion should clearly indicate advantages, limitations and possible applications.


In this section financial or other support can be acknowledged.


[1]  A. Author1, Book Title, Publisher, City (2000), pp.154–162.

[2]  A. Author1, B. Author2 and C. Author3, “Title of paper”, in Proc. ICEM1996, Vol. 1, pp. 120–126.