Ambitious about Autism Training and Consultancy
Service Description
Our team and what we do
We are a national charity for children and young people with autism; our vision is to make the ordinary possible.
Here at Ambitious about Autism we understand the importance training for both staff and parents. We believe through schools, post-16 settings and employment based training we can help children and young people with autism thrive and achieve their full potential. Our highly qualified trainers have a wealth of knowledge and experience designing and delivering training on topics including; education law, autism awareness, communication skills, ABA, PBS and handling difficult situations. Our clients include local schools looking to improve understanding of autism as well as international clients keen to learn best practice.
Choose from one of our courses or request a bespoke package where we design and deliver training to meet your individual needs and objectives. We can deliver any of our training courses as an INSET day on a date that suits you.
We can work with you to design and deliver bespoke training and consultancy to suit your requirements and we welcome opportunities to be creative.
We run trainings specifically aimed at parents. Where parents and carers can share experiences whilst gaining a more in depth knowledge about autism and different interventions or behavioural approaches
We also offer the opportunity to visit our school and see our work in action, every term we host a professional’s open day to allow visitors in to the school with minimum disruption to our students.
Additional Information
What Type Of SEN or Disabilities Do You Cater For?
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Pears National Centre for Autism Education
Woodside Avenue
N10 3JA.
Telephone 020 8815 5444
Web Site
Age Groups 3 - adult
Cost by arrangement
Daily Session Times
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, twilight and weekend sessions available on request
Available on request
Dates Available
Available from July 2016.
Who can refer me?
Local authorities or parents or self referral.
Do You Have Safeguarding Policies & Procedures?