University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Master of Public Administration with Emergency Management Concentration

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is offering a Master of Public Administration with an Emergency Management Concentration. The Emergency Management Concentration offers students training in the skills and administrative tools necessary to run public, nonprofit, and private sector programs involved in protecting citizens and infrastructure against catastrophic events as well as aiding and assisting them once such events have occurred. Topics of study include homeland security and terrorism, emergency prevention and response, and disaster management. The focus of the concentration is to enable graduates to manage emergency programs in the most effective, efficient, and legally sound manner.

The emergency management concentration consists of fifteen (15) credit hours within the MPA curriculum. Students must fulfill the following requirements:

Students are required to take the following two courses:

Course Code / Course Title
MPAD 6290 / Emergency Management
MPAD 6185 / Intergovernmental Relations

Students must complete one of the following four courses:

MPAD 6142 / Managing Grants and Contracts in Public & Non-Profit Sectors
MPAD 6291 / Homeland Security & Terrorism
MPAD 6292 / Introduction to Disaster Management
GEOG 5190 / Geographic Information Systems for Non-Majors or
GEOG 5120 / Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Students must complete one of the following courses:

MPAD 6128 / Foundations of Public Policy
MPAD 6143 / Administrative Law
MPAD 6160 / Information Systems in Public Organizations
MPAD 6184 / Urban Government and Politics
MPAD 6324 / Financial Analysis for Nonprofit Organizations
MPAD 6330 / Program Evaluation for the Public & Nonprofit Sectors
MPAD 6332 / Project Management
GEOG 5130 / Advanced Geographic Information Systems
CJUS 5103 / International Criminal Justice
CJUS 6120 / Criminal Justice Mgmt & Decision Making
CJUS 6132 / Legal Issues in Law Enforcement
COMM 5102 / Federal Interpretation of the First Amendment
COMM 6120 / Communication and the Network Society
PSYC 6155 / Community Psychology
IT IS 5250 / Computer Forensics
SDLG 7680 / Crisis Counseling

Students must complete an additional three credit hours of MPAD electives.

Appropriate non-MPAD courses may be taken within this concentration upon approval of the student’s advisor and the MPA Director.

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is granted accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The MPA Program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.

For more information:

Contact: Suzanne M. Leland

University of North Carolina

MPA Director

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Department of Political Science

9201 University City Blvd

Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

Phone: 704-687-5937

Fax: 704-687-1400



Whitney Paschal

Administrative Support

MPA Program

Phone: 704-687-5974


Additional Information:

Update: 9/22/15

“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”