
The grad school submits the dissertations and theses to UMI several weeks after graduation. After ProQuest receives and reviews these papers they send us a file for the dark archives that are stored on the Theses R drive. They also send an email “Dissertations/Theses FTP delivery report for und” to the Catalog Librarian and Acquisitions Manager and to Shelby indicating the number of files we should have received. (Tip: Make a note in the Outlook calendar 6-10 weeks after this to begin checking for the titles to begin appearing in the ProQuest database. )

Not all of the dissertations are immediately available in the ProQuest database. For those titles that the authors wished to embargo, there is an abstract in the ProQuest database with a little box indicating the author did not want it published at this time. For the titles that do not appear, ProQuest is seeking information from the author for a variety of reasons and these papers will be published at a later date.

·  Run a report from the ETD administrator with the parameters set as: Status: Delivered to ProQuest,

·  Type: Both,

·  Date Submitted: The day you received the mail from .

·  Fields:

·  Student information/Title/Degree/Delayed Release/Reason for Delayed Release/Department.

·  Run the report and download the file.

·  Put this file into Excel and sort by author’s last name.

·  Remove any unnecessary columns

·  Add an extra column at the beginning for the call no. as a way to keep track of what has been done and is left to do and so duplicate call numbers are not used.

You can begin to catalog the dissertations and theses after they appear in the Dissertations and Theses database. This happens about 6 weeks after they have been delivered to the library dark archives on the Theses (Q) network drive.


Create two records, one for the print version of the theses, one for the electronic version of the theses. There are 2 constant data records: “Theses print undd” and “Online dissertations”.


·  Create new record using Book format

·  Apply the Constant Data for "Theses print undd" using Both Field and Variable fields

·  Type – t

·  099_9 $a T[year] $a Cutter [4-cutter Sanborn]

·  UT for Undergraduate papers (e.g. Honors with 502 (Honors) and no 810), GT for graduate papers prepared not following full theses requirements

·  502 (Design project) and 500 Geological Engineering design project (may appear as: Geological engineering design proposal, Geological engineering design project, GeoE 485, Senior design project), use 810

·  502 (Senior) and 500 Geological Engineering senior thesis (may appear as Senior thesis, thesis submitted ...bachelors...), use 810

·  Add the main advisor name (usually the chairperson) in a 700 1 using $e Thesis advisor

·  Add subject headings and other additional information

·  Do prep for authority record (ARN) - use fullest form of name in record

Authority record:

·  Generate authority record for review by Shelby using OCLC Macro; Apply constant data: Control u and RDA Personal Theses

·  Use ConnectND for additional 670.

·  Return to bib record.

·  Update OCLC using F8

·  Note OCLC number and call number.

Create record for online version

·  Go to Edit Derive New Master Record. Transfer fixed field values to new record - Yes

·  Use Constant Data: “Online dissertations”

·  Verify 300 and fixed field ILLS

·  028 52 Re-enter the UMI#

·  Change 049 to NDQ4

·  Delete the first 300 and add leaves and illustration information to the second 300.

·  Delete the extra 337s and 338s.

·  Remove the 540 - Archive use only.

·  Add the rest of the viewed date in the parentheses of the 588

·  Change the 776 08 to $i Print version and $h to pages numbers, illustrations and size. Add a $w (OCoLC) and the OCLC number noted from the print version

·  Copy the url from the ProQuest page which begins

·  F8 and note the OCLC number of new record.

·  Enter 810 2 University of North Dakota. $t Theses – Degree (Field of Study)

M.A. or M.S. or Ph. D. or Ph. E. are most common forms of degree.

Ex. 810 2 University of North Dakota. $t Theses – M.A. (History)

Change – to 720 if necessary

Use either a 720 for an uncontrolled authority name or a 700 for a controlled authority name (NACO authority record exists).

·  Export from OCLC to Aleph (F5)

In Aleph:

On the holding record:

·  Change 008 07 from "p" to "g" (gift)

On the OCLC hardcopy record”

·  Go back to the print version of the OCLC record. Add a $w and the OCLC number of the online version to the 776.

·  Replace record.

·  Re-enter call number in an 099 0 $a as it disappears once it is uploaded to OCLC.

·  Create a 949 field with subfield $c UNDD. Scan in a (dummy barcode. This creates an extra blank line that can be deleted.

·  Change 700 to 720 if advisor’s name doesn’t validate.

·  Add in 810

·  Export to Aleph. (F5)

In Aleph:

·  Remove barcode number and change Item Process Status on Tab 2 to OR and update.

·  Edit holding record 008 07 from "p" to "g" (gift)

When paper copy comes from ProQuest:

·  Stamp Archival on inside front cover of theses.

·  barcode

·  update item record to NE and put on book truck


Brief records for embargoed titles: At this time, these are not being created. The embargoed titles are being held in Room 244A.

For a step-by-step guide to creating brief bibs and items in ODIN, see: Bibs-CreateinCirc.pdf