Description & Land Identification
The land to which this Community Land Management Plan relates to is shown in Attachment A and is described as:
- Allotment 500, in Filed Plan D29008 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5419 Folio 291, in the area of Murray Bridge, Hundred of Mobilong, known as the Roundhouse.
The Roundhouse is located and accessed off Bridge Street, Murray Bridge.
Ownership Details
Council owns the land with a Community Land Dedication. There are no encumbrances on the title. The land is subject to an easement over the land marked A on the title to Australian National Railways Commission.
Community Land Classification
The Roundhouse land was first excluded from classification of Community Land by Resolution 580.3.2 of 23 September 2002.
On 27 January 2016 Council re-classified the Roundhouse as Community Land. A notice of the re-classification was advertised within the Government Gazette dated 3 March 2016.
Legislative Requirements
Pursuant to Section 199 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Rural City of Murray Bridge has prepared this Land Management Plan for the community land comprising the Roundhouse within the Railway Precinct. A Community Land Management Plan must be prepared and adopted if:
- the land falls within the ambit of section 194 (1) (b) or (c); or
- the land is, or is to be, occupied under a lease or licence, or
- the land has been, or is to be, specifically modified or adapted for the benefit and enjoyment of the community.
The Roundhouse captures the history of the first permanent bridge to span the Murray River. Built for Mr Henry Parker, superintendent overseeing bridge construction works in 1874, this unusual hexagonal shaped historical residence enhances spectacular views of the river and bridges. The Roundhouse isState Heritage and National Estate listed and as has been lovingly restored and maintained by local volunteers and the Rural City of Murray Bridge.
The Roundhouse was the first substantial building in Murray Bridge and has significant historical value to the early development of the town serving as a School, Post Office, Church and Council chambers.
Located adjacent to the road and railbridges spanning the River Murray, the Roundhouse is within walking distance of the main street (Bridge Street). The Roundhouse is open most weekends and public holidays between 11am-3pm or at other times by appointment and is regularly booked for weddings, wedding photos and tours by bus and school groups.
Reference: South Australian Community History – Murray Bridge Roundhouse (
Native Title
The Rural City of Murray Bridge and the Ngarrindjeri Tendi Incorporated jointly signed the Kungun Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement on the 17 March 2008 during a public event.
The Kungun Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement reached commitment by both parties to seek ways to work together to uphold Ngarrindjeri rights and to advance Ngarrindjeri interests when decisions are being made about their traditional country, lands and waters. The parties are committed to working together to advance harmonious community relations and promote the interests of the whole community and commit to develop greater community understanding of Ngarrindjeri traditions, culture, laws and spiritual beliefs in the Council area.
The development and endorsement of Council’s Reconciliation Plan 2016-2020 continues to build on the intent of the Agreement to create a proactive and collaborative partnership between the Rural City of Murray Bridge and the Ngarrindjeri Community through the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority.
Reconciliation Action Plans are a commitment which are long term and identify the different stages of relationships and achievements.
The Reconciliation Action Plan links to:
- Council’s Community Plan 2016-2032 which seeks to have our history, diversity and culture treasured.
- Council’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020 which identifies our value and support of our Ngarrindjeri Community
- Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget 2016/2017 which ensures the delivery on our commitment to continuing the reconciliation process with the Ngarrindjeri People.
The Rural City of Murray Bridge holds the parcel known as the Roundhouse to retain the history of the house and provide an accessible Historic Home for the benefit of the local community and the many visitors to the location.
This is in keeping with Council’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020 which states:
Great People and Lifestyle
2.1 Land use
Planning that provides for future economic and lifestyle changes and continued growth whilst protecting the natural environment.
We know we will have achieved this when:
3. Our history, diversity and culture is treasured
- Land use planning protects our Ngarrindjeri and European heritage
- The community values and maintains its significant cultural and heritage assets
2.3 Recreational and Cultural Pursuits
We will ensure that community members are provided with opportunities for cultural growth and development through provision of innovative services and programs.
5. Celebrating our cultural diversity
We know we will have achieved this when:
3. Our history, diversity and culture is treasured
- Heritage is accessible, promoted and displayed.
Objectives for Management of the Land
The objectives of holding and operating the Roundhouse land are as follows:
- To provide an historical facility that can cater for visitors, weddings, minor events and tours or group tours;
- To ensure the Roundhouse historical significance is maintained and preserved in accordance with its usage to ensure safety and functionality;
- Ensure Roundhouse volunteers promote the historical significance of the facility and co-ordinate the visitor’s enjoyment of the facility;
- Ensure the Roundhouse is accessible, convenient and available for use by all, including persons with a disability;
- Regularly maintain the Roundhouse and grounds and monitor the usage for upgrades;
- Protect & enhance the environmental character of the facility;
- Encourage the uses of the facility to assist Council in storm water management and water harvesting; and
- Ensure efficiencies in the processing of legislative requirements under the Local Government Act 1999.
Plans, Policies and By-laws
Following is a list of plans, policies and by-laws that may be relevant to this Community Land Management Plan and should be read in conjunction with this Land Management Plan. Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of a land management plan under the Local Government Act 1999, and the provisions of an official plan or policy under a different Act, the latter will override this Community Land Management Plan to the extent of the inconsistency.
Council Plans
- Asset Management Plans – Recreational Facilities – 2016-2020
- Climate Change Adaption Plan – 2016-2021
- Community Plan - 2016-2032
- Environmental Management Plan – 2013-2018
- Murray Bridge Council Development Plan
- Rural City of Murray Bridge Sport Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2013
- Strategic Plan – 2016-2020
Council Policies
- Leasing and Licensing Policy
- Hiring of Council Facility Policy
Council By-Laws
- By-Law No. 1 – Permits and Penalties
- By-Law No. 2 – LocalGovernmentLand
- By-Law No. 3 – Roads
- By-Law No. 4 – Moveable Signs
The above plans, policies and by-laws can be viewed at the Local Government Centre, 2 Seventh Street, Murray Bridge or on the Rural City of Murray Bridge website at They are subject to review and amendment from time to time as required.
Leases/ Licences
Legislative requirements under Section 201, 202, 221 and 222 of the Local Government Act 1999.
- Allow the lease / licence of the whole or any portion of the land to which this Land Management Plan relates including any improvements to any lease / licence as deemed appropriate by Council.
- Allow Council to provide permits under Councils By-laws so that the land or portion of may be used by specified permit holders.
- Ensure any lessee / licensee or permit holder meets the terms and conditions of their agreement.
Community Land leases/licences have a restricted term of 5 years or less if consistent with the permitted uses of the Community land Management Plan.
Should a longer term be requested or the use is not in keeping with the Community Land Management Plan a public consultation process must be followed before issuing a lease or licence.
Permitted Activities
Below is a list of permitted activities that may typically be undertaken on the land in accordance with this Community Land Management Plan (but not limited to):
- Community, visitor & tourism activities and events
- The playing of musical instruments, or singing for fee or reward
- A public performance (that is theatrical, musical or other entertainment for the enjoyment of the public)
- Privately organised celebrations / events – such as weddings, festivals and private functions
- Organised Tour Groups including Schools
- Devonshire Tea’s
- Public access to Roundhouse and grounds
- Event & promotional photographic opportunities eg weddings, special events etc
- Cottage and Memorial Gardens
- Historic Home and artifacts
Volunteers of Roundhouse
The Roundhouse is maintained and operated by a group of like-minded volunteers, registered with the Rural City of Murray Bridge, who value and promote the heritage of the Roundhouse facility and grounds, with Council support.
The volunteers maintain the landscaping of the cottage gardens that surround the facility and care for the Roundhouse artifacts.
The volunteer’s co-ordinate and assist in the booking of the Roundhouse for events and can arrange tour bookings and access for persons who wish to visit the facility.
Management of the Land
Management Issue / Objectives / ActionsUse / Activities / Provide a historical facility that can cater for visitors, weddings, minor events and tours or group tours; / -Use as per ”Permitted Activities” above
-Provision of safe and clean toilet facilities
-Encourage minor events at the Roundhouse eg Weddings, Tour Groups
-Tourist and Group Tours
-Artifact cataloging and display
-Encourage the users of the facilityto provide feedback on the facility
Buildings / Maintenance / Regularly maintain the Roundhouse and grounds in accordance with its usage and monitor the usage for upgrades. / -Future design and upgrade of facilities in keeping with state heritage guidelines
-Maintain buildings and structures in accordance with Council’s condition assessments regime
-Feedback from volunteers on maintenance items
Environment / To ensure the Roundhouse historical significance is maintained and preserved in accordance with its usage to ensure safety and functionality.
Protect & enhance the historicalcharacter of the facility. / -Regularly maintain grounds and landscaped areas
-Protect and enhance the native flora and fauna of the facility
Management Issue / Objectives / Actions
Access / To ensure the Roundhouse is accessible, convenient and available for use by all including persons with a disability. / -Physical access is provided
-Roadways / walkways are provided (where appropriate) and maintained
-Maintain effective car parking that caters for multi-recreational activities and minor events
-Maintain safe walking track from Riverfront to Roundhouse
Management / Ensure Roundhouse Volunteers promote the historical significance of the facility and facilitate the visitor’s enjoyment of the facility.
To ensure efficiencies in the processing of legislative requirements under the Local Government Act 1999. / -Volunteers are registered with Council
-Volunteers have guidelines covering their responsibilities
-Facility hires are reported to Council
-Hire fees and donations are reported to Council
-Undertake and regularly update a risk management plan for the Roundhouse
-Regular removal of waste and litter
Water Management / Encourage the users of the facility to assist Council in storm water management and water harvesting. / -Where possible and without impacting significantly on the historic value of the land, assist storm-water management and harvesting of rainwater.
Performance Measures
- Feedback from local community
- Feedback from visitors and event holders
- Feedback from Volunteers
- Sites identified and managed in accordance with local indigenous peoples and the Aboriginal Heritage Act
- Committees or consultative groups sharing information regarding important cultural and recreational elements
- Asset renewal and maintenance program for Council owned buildings and structures
- Protection and preservation of rail and riverboat infrastructure
- Appropriate signage
- Council liaise with Neighborhood Watch groups, police and key representative bodies
- Hiring of Council Facilities
- Lessees /licensees renewed in accordance with legislation and Land Management Plans
- Risk Management Plans
DRAFT Community Land Management Plan Roundhouse 812945
Attachment A – Map of Roundhouse
146 Railway Terrace
Map Scale: 1:601.1
About this Document / Disclaimer
This map has been created for the purpose of showing basic locality information over The Rural City of Murray Bridge. Parcel and Property boundary lines and topographic data are supplied by the Department for Environment, Water & Natural Resources. Aerial Photography is supplied by AeroMetrex Pty Ltd. Any error should be reported to the GIS Section, The Rural City of Murray Bridge. / Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information provided is accurate, Council accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies that may occur. Where appropriate, Council advises that a licensed surveyor be engaged to determine exact parcel boundaries. This map data is subject to copyright. Reproduction or on selling without written permission from The Rural City of Murray Bridge is an infringement on copyright laws.
DRAFT Community Land Management Plan Roundhouse 812945