Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting at CHESTERFIELD DRIVE and LANDSEER ROAD PRACTICES
Chesterfield Drive on 26 November 2014
Attendees Dr. Peter Bush, Sylvia Chapman, David Griffiths, Chris Pead, Robert Preston & Tina Yarnton
Guest – Dan Pennock
1. Chair opened meeting @ 18.00 hrs.
2. Apologies for absence received from Keith Oliver, Gill Lewis, Amanda Godbold, Ian Finch
3. No matters arising from minutes of 24/9/14 meeting.
4. Minutes agreed by DG and seconded by CP.
5. Suffolk Wellbeing – no update this meeting
6. Healthwatch Suffolk – presented by Dan Pennock, summary below
Healthwatch is a statutory body created from the restructure of the NHS under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. There is a Healthwatch in every county under the overall governance of Healthwatch England; 152 organisations all operating independently under a framework. Suffolk County Council chose the model which Healthwatch Suffolk operates within – used to be run by LINK.
The role of Healthwatch is
· to be a voice of the people in Suffolk
· monitor how well/badly healthcare needs are met
· signpost to services
· community developments
· collect and analyse patient feedback
The Suffolk team have received approximately 6,000 responses from people which get entered on their feedback database.
Healthwatch also have ‘enter and view’ powers – can enter any public funded healthcare provider premises and talk to staff and patients. Visit lots of care homes, attend the rural coffee caravan events, Suffolk Family Carer events, libraries, council offices and other events aimed at reaching difficult to reach communities. Work with black and ethnic minority communities. Have various focus groups including mental health. Have teams of volunteers across different specialty interests, for example dementia, mental health, autism etc.
Healthwatch have no authority to make services do anything, however they can ask questions of providers which need to be answered within 20 days.
Public can sign up to be members of Healthwatch and receive regular updates from the team on what is happening locally, and opportunities to get more involved in influencing healthcare provision going forwards.
DG asked a question about percentages of positive and negative feedback which Healthwatch may receive – Dan commented that feedback may be weighted towards the negative, however this may be driven by these experiences being remembered more clearly than all the other visits to a provider which were completed without incident.
PPG thanked Dan for coming – TY to send official thank you email
7. Practice News
Gill provided a briefing sheet which Peter took us through (attached with minutes), in summary
· Friends and Family test – contractual requirement now being implemented, look out for these in the waiting room and reception areas.
· Summary care records – going live in March 2015, patients can opt out, all patients will receive further communication from the practice in 2015.
· Online access to medical records – also contractually required from April 2015, more information being sent to patients in 2015.
· Patient newsletter – being trialled in waiting areas.
· Message from Norfolk and Suffolk Palliative Care Academy – looking for feedback via a telephone interview.
· Missed appointment policy – practice would like to change the current policy from 3 strike to 2 strike rule. PPG comments are;
Could the practice look at a the daily DNA data over a longer period of
time to see if any patterns are developing, and can the number of DNAs be
shown alongside the number of attendances per clinic per day?
Is there any correlation between DNA and time of day or type of
appointment? If so what strategies could be implemented to reduce the risk
of these patients being a DNA?
Is there any correlation between the length of time between day of booking
and appointment date?
8. AoB
(a) There is no research update – SC has been to a patient and public involvement in research event and TY now has the hand out from that event.
ACTION - TY to contact Eastern CRN to arrange for a rep to come to a future meeting.
(b) Incentives for Patients
ACTION - TY to contact Suffolk branch of Live Well with view to invitation in 2015
(c) Recruitment to PPG
ACTION - PPG members to scope for any potential new members. TY has
contacted all potential interested parties, these should be added to virtual group
anyway if we have email addresses.
(d) Speed of movement of Information Screen
ACTION for GL/IF – brought forward from last meeting
(e) Performance stats
CP asked whether the practice could provide data which shows the % of patients
seen on time, or performance against appointment time on an ongoing basis?
Plus, Doctor availability to patient ratios, can we compare our practice to others? Gill please contact Chris if you need further clarification
8. Chair summed up and closed meeting at 19.30 hours.
9. Next Meeting - AGM 28th January 2015 at Chesterfield Drive Surgery.
Meet at17.45 for 18.00 start. Meetings are held two monthly and are
Scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise advised.