Stat 100
Summer 2015
Meets:MT RF 9:35 AM - 10:50 AM 011Life Sciences Bldg.
W 9:35 AM - 10:50 AM 064Willard Bldg.
Instructor:Bahaeddine Taoufik
E-mail: You are required to send me emails through Angel only.
Office Hours: Mon &Wed, 2:00 pm -3:00 pm, 330 A Thomas
and by appointment.
Office Phone: 814-865-3193
TA: Kevin Quinlan
Office Hours: Tues &Thu, 1:00 pm -2:00 pm, 331 B Thomas
and by appointment.
Office Phone: 814-865-8045
Course Material:Textbook: Seeing Through Statistics.
Fourth edition by Jessica M.Utts
Course organization and learning objectives:This course will be divided into three sections as follows:
Section 1: Collecting and describing data effectively.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the question of causation as it relates to statistical studies.
- Use, interpret, and create commonly used graphical displays of data.
- Recognize normal distributions and understand their properties.
- Recognize common sampling techniques and statistical terminology.
Section 2: Analyzing relationships between variables
Learning Objectives:
- Interpret linear correlation and output from simple linear regression and contingency table chi-square tests.
- Correctly define p-value and interpret p-values seen in statistical studies.
- Apply rules of probability to idealized situations; recognize common pitfalls in this application.
Section 3: Understanding basic statistical inference: Confidence intervals and Hypothesis tests.
Learning Objectives: State and use the rules of sample means and sample proportions.
- Calculate basic quantities needed for simple confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.
- Construct and interpret simple confidence intervals.
- Construct and interpret simple hypothesis tests.
- Recognize meta-analysis and related ideas.
Assignments Exam #1: 20%
Date: Monday June 1
Time:9:35 AM - 10:50 AM
Location:011Life Sciences Bldg.
Exam #2: 20%
Date: Monday June 15
Time:9:35 AM - 10:50 AM
Location:011Life Sciences Bldg.
Final Exam: 25%
Date: Monday June 29
Time: TBDA
Location: TBDA
Homework: 10%
Quiz: 10%
Labs: 10%
Participation: 5%
Grading Scale
93% / A90% / A -
87% / B +
83% / B
80% / B -
77% / C +
70% / C
60% / D
Below 60% / F
Exam PolicyMakeup exams are given only for medical emergencies. You must take the final on the day it is scheduled.
HomeworkHomework is due at the beginning of classon certain days designed by the instructor. Late homework will not be accepted.
If you arrive in class late, you must immediately submit your homework.
See homework guidelines below for more information.
Quiz After the homework has been submitted in class, a quiz will follow and it will be closely related to that homework. Please do your homework properly in order to succeed the quiz.
Closed book and no written formula sheets are allowed.
Exams Closed book butpersonal handwrittenformula sheets are allowed.
Basic calculatorsare also allowed. The final exam is cumulative.
Labs Labs will give you the chance to analyze real world data and
reinforce concepts covered in class. Lab assignments should be
submitted at the end of the lab session.
ANGEL WebsiteFor postings of homeworkand their solutions.
Class rules1) Attendance is mandatory. Anything covered in class may be on an exam.If you miss more than three classes without a “legitimate” reason you will receive “0” for your participation grade.
2) You arestrongly encouraged to bring your textbook to class. The instructor may draw examples in the textbook to discuss probability concepts in class.
3) No excessive talking; no eating; no newspaper reading;no book reading; no crossword puzzles; no sleeping; no open laptops;no texting or twittering and no cell phones.
4) The computer lab is used for completion of the lab assignment only.Do not use the computer lab for personal purposes. Please make sure that you have enough pages in your account to print the lab assignments.
Homework Guidelines
- Homework must be neat and professional in appearance. Write in complete sentences. No “crossouts” of any kind may appear anywhere. The grader and I will not accept “excessively messy”
- Use only good quality blank, graph, orlined paper, not torn from a notebook.
- Explain the reasoning behind your calculations. Credit is given most for the method, not the answer.
- Draw a box around your final answer to highlight it.
- Write legibly (suitably large and suitably dark); ifthe TA can't read your answer, it's wrong.
- Write neatly across the page, with each succeeding problem below the preceding one, not off to the right. Please do not work in multiple columns down the page (like a newspaper); your page should contain only one column.
- You are strongly encouraged to discuss homework assignment with other peers in class, however you should write your own solutions. Do not just copy answers from any source, peers or others, as such behavior is an egregious violation of academic integrity.
- You must staple your homework.
Homework PolicyLate homework will not be accepted except under special circumstances and with specific permission.
The Homework Guidelines must be followed carefully, otherwise points may be deducted from your homework grade.
Academic Integrity:
All Penn State and Eberly College of Science policies regarding academic integrity apply to this course. See for details.
Academic Disabilities :
It is Penn State's policy to not discriminate against students with documented disabilities in its educational programs. If you have a disability related need for modifications in this course, contact your instructor and the Office for Disability Services (located in 116 Boucke Building at University Park). See for more information.