Instructor: Prof. Puspanjali Mohapatra
No. of lectures:45 hours
Prerequisites: Digital Electronics Fundamentals
Objective of the Course:-
This is an introductory course in computer organization which is designed for students to become familiar with the fundamentals and basics of computer organization techniques and their application to the various computer engineering problems. It provides essential tools that are needed from engineering professionals to measure a simple PC performance. Students will learn the fundamentals of computer organization and its relevance to classical and modern problems of computer design. They will be able to identify where, when and how enhancements of computer performance can be accomplished.
Module –I 12 Hrs
Basic structures of Computers: Functional units, operational concepts, Bus structures, Software, Performance, Computer Architecture vs Computer Organization.
Machine Instruction and Programs: Memory location and addresses, Big-endian and Little-endian representation. Memory Operations, Instructions and instruction Sequencing, Addressing modes, Assembly Language, Basic Input/output operations, subroutine, additional Instructions.
Module – II 12 Hrs
Arithmetic : Addition and subtraction of signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of positive Numbers, Signed-operand multiplication , Fast multiplication, Integer Division, Floating- point Numbers, (IEEE754 s…) and operations.
Module – III 12 Hrs
Basic Processing units: Fundamental concepts, execution of complete Instructions, Multi bus organization, Hardwired control, Micro programmed control, RISC vs CISC architecture.
Memory System: Basic Concepts, cache Memory, Cache memory mapping policies, Cache updating schemes, performance consideration, Virtual memories, Paging and Page replacement policies, Memory Management requirement, secondary storage.
Text Books:
1. Computer Organization:Carl Hamacher, Zvonkovranesic, Safwat Zaky,Mc Graw Hill,5th Ed
2. Computer Organization and Design Hardware/ Software Interface: David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, Elsevier, 4th Edition.
Reference Book :
1. Computer Architecture and Organization: William Stallings, Pearson Education.
2. Computer Architecture and Organizations, Design principles and Application:
B Govinda Rajalu, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.
3. Computer Architecture: Parhami, Oxford University Press
4. Computer system Architecture: Morris M. Mano PHI NewDelhi.
5. Computer Architecture and Organization: John P. Hayes Mc Graw Hill introduction.
6. Structured Computer Organization: A.S. Tanenbum, PHI
7. Computer Architecture And Organization: An Integrated Approach, Murdocca, Heuring Willey India, 1st Edition.
SL. NO. / TOPICS / NO OF HOURS1 / Introduction to Syllabus / 1
2 / Basic structures of Computers: / 1
3 / Functional units, / 1
4 / operational concepts, / 1
5 / Bus structures, / 1
6 / Software, / 1
7 / Performance, / 1
8 / Computer Architecture vs Computer Organization. / 1
9 / Machine Instruction and Programs: Memory location and addresses / 1
10 / Big-endian and Little-endian representation. / 1
11 / Memory Operations / 1
12 / Instructions and instruction Sequencing, / 1
13 / Addressing modes, / 2
14 / Assembly Language, / 2
15 / Basic Input/output operations, / 1
16 / subroutine, additional Instructions / 1
17 / Summary of module-1 / 1
18 / Arithmetic : Addition and subtraction of signed Numbers, / 1
19 / Design of Fast Adders, / 1
20 / Multiplication of positive Numbers, Signed-operand multiplication , / 1
21 / Fast multiplication, Integer Division, / 1
22 / Floating- point Numbers, (IEEE754 s…) and operations. / 1
23 / Summary of module-2 / 1
24 / Basic Processing units: Fundamental concepts, / 1
25 / execution of complete Instructions, / 1
26 / Multi bus organization, / 1
27 / Hardwired control, Micro programmed control, / 1
28 / RISC vs CISC architecture. / 2
29 / Memory System: Basic Concepts, / 1
30 / cache Memory, Cache memory mapping policies, / 2
31 / Cache updating schemes, / 1
32 / performance consideration, / 1
33 / Virtual memories, / 2
34 / Paging / 2
35 / Page replacement policies / 2
36 / Memory Management requirement / 2
37 / Summary of module-3 / 1