Expression of Interest FormIf you are interested in providing services in response to the tender application for ESF, please complete this questionnaire and email it to
That will enable us to consider the services offered.
Information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed, without prior written approval, to any third party except as necessary in the context of the Shaw Trust’s funding application above.
By submitting this form you are expressing your interest to be considered for the delivery of services in support of Shaw Trust’s application(s). Please note that completion of the EOI is not a guarantee of inclusion in Shaw Trust’s bid for ESF, nor can it be guaranteed that funding will meet partner costs in full – both will depend on the outcome of the bid(s) and the funding attached should it be successful.
Shaw Trust, Fox Talbot House, Bellinger Close, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham, Wilts, SN15 1BN
Name of your organisation:
Your name: / Telephone no:
Position: / Fax no:
Email: / Website:
2. Services:
Please list the services/training you are offering, indicating the geographic areas in which you are offering them.
Examples include: Specialist Assessment, Specialist Support, In Work Support, Better of in Work calculations, Job Search, Volunteering options, Work Experience, Self Employment, Employer engagement, Language Translations, Advocacy Services, Debt Management, Alcohol & Drug Dependency programmes, Basic Skills, Key Skills, Life Skills, ESOL, Employment Training, Intensive Job Focused Support, Sector Training, Work-based Training e.g. Train to Gain etc.
Services Offered (see list above):
Please detail how will you deliver these services:
Where will you deliver these services –please indicate the geographical area against each service offered e.g.
Please indicate of the number of clients you could support.
Costs: Please give an indication of the cost per individual of the services you offer, particularly say if some or all would be free of charge.
Other potential partners: Are there any other organisations that you currently work with to support your work e.g. For referrals, additional support for clients etc. Do you recommend them as potential partners for Shaw Trust to contact? If so please provide their name and contact details.
Are you prepared to provide a Letter of Support to Shaw Trust in the context of this application? Please tick Yes: No:
Type of Organisation Please tick
Private Training Provider: / HE College:
Local Authority: / Voluntary Sector/Charity:
FE College: / Other (please specify):
How many people do you employ?
Head Office Address incl. postcode.
Delivery Centre Address(es) - if different from HO address.
Are your delivery sites DDA compliant? Please tick state Yes or No
How accessible are your premises by public transport? Please detail parking facilities, bus routes, main roads, town centre venue etc.
Resources and facilities available at your delivery centres (e.g. number of training rooms, IT resources, kitchen facilities, toilet facilities, etc) – please summarise:
Would the Trust be able to use your premises? Please tick Yes: No:
If Yes please summarise what would be available. e.g. Rooms for our staff to use as a base, interview rooms, training rooms etc.
If you do not have premises in the area, how do you propose to deliver the services that you have offered?
Please give a brief summary of your organisation, including company profile, track record and unique selling points. Please include details of experience delivering employment-related programmes to those claiming incapacity or disability benefits.
Specialisation(s): please specify any client group(s) that you specialize in supporting e.g. Learning disabilities, mental health, young people (16-25), NEET (not in employment, education or training), lone parents, BME communities, ex-offenders etc
Innovation: please summarize innovative methods you have used to engage beneficiaries in your programmes and to retain them.
Strategic partnerships: please detail your involvement in a City Strategy or other strategic partnerships.
IT: please specify systems used and confirm compatibility with JCP systems.
Policies and Procedures
Does your organisation provide access in line with the Disability Discrimination Act to ensure people are not disabled from taking up employment opportunities with your organisation, or from becoming clients or customers? Please tick Yes: No:Do you have in place the following policies and procedures? Please tick each
Equality/Diversity: Yes: No: / Grievance: Yes: No:
Anti-harrassment: Yes: No: / Disciplinary: Yes: No:
Equal Opportunity: Yes: No: / Health & Safety: Yes: No:
Do those policies and procedures specifically prohibit discrimination on the grounds of disability, age, sex including people who are trans-sexual, sexual orientation, race and religion/belief? Please tick Yes: No:
4. YOUR CONTRACTS Please tick / Yes / No
1. Are you a current Jobcentre Plus provider?
2. Are you a current LSC provider?
3. Are you in receipt of other sources of funding? If you tick this box, please specify.
Job Centre Plus/LSC and other contracts: please list current contracts, stating annual participant numbers and performance % against target % (and continue on a separate page if necessary).
Job Centre
Plus / Contract Name / Client
Numbers / Target JER/Achievement Rate / Actual YTD
Contracts / Contract Name / Client
Numbers / Target / Actual YTD
Funding Sources / Programme/Contract / Client
Numbers / Target / Actual YTD
Do you have a Quality Management System? Please tick Yes: No:
Do you hold any of the following accreditations/standards/quality kite marks? Pease state Yes or No against each.
Matrix: Yes: No: / Investors in People: Yes: No:
BSI: Yes: No: / Positive About Disabled People: Yes: No:
JCP Accredited: Yes: No: / Customer First: Yes: No:
Charter Mark: Yes: No:
Awarding Body (e.g. OCR, CITB): Yes: No:
Please Specify:
Other (please specify):
Please give the date and grade of your most recent relevant external inspections
e.g ALI/Ofsted/Estyn/ FAM
Date / Grade
ALI / Where applicable please attach a copy of your latest ALI report
Ofsted / Where applicable please attach a copy of your latest Ofsted report
Are your prepared to provide Shaw Trust – in confidence and in the context of discussion about ESF – further information about your organisation, if requested?
Please state Yes or No. Yes: No: