APRA of Greater New York is pleased to announce the following program offering.

Research at Its "Best" - Identifying and Applying Best Practices in Our Work

Presenter: / Jon Thorsen
Date/time: / Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 6pm
Location: / Community Resource Exchange, 42 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY
Cost: / Free for APRA of Greater New York Members; $15 non-members
RSVP: / By April 13th to Jami Black at

Session Description:

We all strive to do the best work, but how do we assess whether we're meeting that level? What constitutes a "best practice" in a profession that continues to evolve and that is carried out in different ways across the industry? In this session, we'll discuss ways to incorporate best practices in the Research operation by exploring ways to establish reasonable metrics that are consistent with the organizational mission and goals. We'll also discuss broader efforts to define best practices in the Advancement Services profession, and how those efforts can be applied in both standard and customized ways.

Speaker Biography:

Jon Thorsen is Director of Advancement Services at The Nature Conservancy. He joined the development profession in 1987 and has led research and advancement services operations for such organizations as Princeton University and the American Red Cross. He has given presentations on many facets of the development profession at conferences of ADRP, AFP, APRA, CASE and other organizations. A former president of APRA, he received the association’s Distinguished Service Award in 1999.


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Aino Wheler

411 E 90th St.

Apt 5E

New York, NY 10128