Articles of Faith
Points to Ponder
from Elaine Chapman
“Let the Stable Still Astonish”
By the time you read this newsletter, most Christmas celebrations will have passed, and the post-Christmas sales and gift returns will be in full swing. The trees will come down, and the decorations packed away. But Christmas is still with us, as I was reminded when reading about Leslie Leyland Fields, an author of eight books and a writer for Christianity Today and other periodicals. Fields lives most of the year on Kodiak Island, Alaska. During the summers, she and her husband and their six children move to an uninhabited island near Kodiak where they run a salmon fishing operation. Her experiences have given her many interesting insights about family life, faith, and our planet. (You can learn more about her at her website I’d like to share the following words of her poem “Let the Stable Still Astonish.”
Let the stable still astonish:
straw-dirt floor, dull eyes,
dusty flanks of donkeys, oxen;
Crumbling, crooked walls;
No bed to carry that pain, and then, the child,
rag-wrapped, laid to cry in a trough.
Who would have chosen this?
Who would have said: “Yes,
Let the God of all the heavens and earth
be born here, in this place”?
Who but the same God
Who stands in the darker, fouler rooms
of our hearts and says, “Yes,
Let the God of Heaven and Earth
be born here – in this place.”
Communion Instruction
At Faith, we invite children in the 5th grade and older to receive the Lord’s Supper after participating in Communion Instruction classes. These classes are attended by the children and their parents or sponsors. Communion Instruction will be held at:
6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, January 10, 17, & 24
Children and parents / sponsors attend all three sessions. Participating children then begin communing on January 29. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Pastor Paul.
New Year’s Day – Sunday, January 1
Combined Service
(one service) at 9:30 a.m.
(No Sunday School)
Annual Meeting
Our regular Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on January 22 during the Sunday School hour at 9:15 a.m. At that meeting, we will elect council members and representatives to various organizations and vote on a budget for 2012. Anyone who would like to have an Annual Report included in the Annual Report Packets for 2011, please have your report to the church office (by e-mail is preferred) by January 8. Annual Report packets will then be available on Sunday, January 15. Please pick up one packet per household, and bring it with you to the Annual Meeting the following Sunday.
Service of the Word for Healing
Tuesday, January 31, at 6:30 p.m.
Though relatively few people are aware of it, Lutherans have an historic service called the “Service of the Word for Healing”. This service is for people who are experiencing any kind of brokenness – e.g. illness, injury, grief, a broken relationship, an absence of spiritual peace – and for people who are providing care to someone experiencing brokenness. In other words, the service is for healing in any facet of our life.
The service is low-key, more meditative than celebratory. In this service, we affirm our faith and hope in God.
Near the end of the service, the people present are invited to come forward and receive an anointing with oil. This is similar to the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday. The pastor dips his thumb in a bit of olive oil and makes the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead.
Our Health and Wellness Team invites you to the next “Service of the Word for Healing” on Tuesday, January 31, at 6:30 p.m.
Inside this Issue:
Faithful Assistants
Flowers 2
from Pastor Paul 3
Ministries of Faith 4
Youth Events
& Youth Calendar 5
Thank You 6
Calendar 7
Food Center 8
Our Staff:
Paul Schwartzkopf,
Interim Pastor
Ron Moorman,
Regular GuestPastor
Larry Noble, President
Linda Strader,
Director of Youth
& Family Ministries
Violet Hutton,
Director of
Lay Ministries
Bonnie Wallace,
Parish Nurse
Andrew Salyer,
Music Coordinator
Susan Aherin
& Shelley Heitbrink,
Sunday School Superintendents
Kris Roth,
Parish Secretary
Articles of Faith – January 2012page 2
January Faithful Assistants
READERS (10:30 a.m.)
January 1 Dennis Backstrom9:30 am – One Service
January 8 Larry Kuster
January 15 Naomi Hahn
January 22 Bob Koepp
January 29 Vi Hutton
Jan. 1 9:30am Vi Hutton & Larry Sweatman One Service
Jan. 8 8:15am Paul & Mary Scheerer
10:30 am Rand Burnette & Bob Koepp
Jan. 15 8:15am Bob & Pat Glyshaw
10:30 am Larry Kuster & Rob Sweatman
Jan. 22 8:15am The McQueen Family
10:30 am Robert Jokisch & Larry Sweatman
Jan. 29 8:15am Karen Sibert & Larry Noble
10:30 am Rand Burnette & Bob Koepp
Jan. 1 9:30 am Karen Sibert
Jan. 8 8:15am Stacy McQueen
10:30 am Ciara Sweatman
Jan. 15 8:15am Linda Berghaus
10:30 am Kris Roth
Jan. 22 8:15am Karen Sibert
10:30 am Bonnie Wallace
Jan. 29 8:15am Wendy Kitselman
10:30 am Cindy Weger
Jan. 31 6:30 pm Kris RothService of Word for Healing
January 1 Karen Sibert & Kim Streib
January 8 Lillian Korous & Larry Noble
January 15 John Demien & Lillian Korous
January 22 Dustin Leifheit & Larry Noble
January 29 Barb Fishback & Rob Sweatman
(American Sign Language)
January 1 Erin Heise9:30 am – One Service
January 8 Carole Hack
January 15 Marilyn Smith
January 22 Debbie Radliff
January 29 Erin Heise
January 31 Carole Hack6:30 pm Service of Word for Healing
A friendly request: PLEASE take a moment to sign up to be an usher, reader, coffee host/hostess, to donate flowers, and/or to be a Faith Ambassador for this year. The Sign-Up Sheets are located on the “Sign Up” bulletin board in the gathering area. Thanks!
8:15 am: Tina Freeman
10:30 am: Laura Sweatman
January 1 Helen & Maurice DriverOne Service at 9:30 am
January 8 Rosemary Jokisch
January 15 Krystal & Ciara Sweatman
January 22 Janet Koepp
January 29 Ann Schwartzkopf
Jan. 1 9:30 am Ken Finkle or Wanda Kimler
Jan. 8 8:15am Bob Krueger
10:30 am Wanda Kimler
Jan. 15 8:15am Pam Devlin
10:30 am Terri Kimler
Jan. 22 8:15am Vi Hutton
10:30 am Linda Strader
Jan. 29 8:15am Warren Davenport
10:30 am Vi Hutton
FLOWERS ($12.50 per vase)
Jan. 1 By Carol Rollefson-Rauen in loving memory of Gladys
Cox who was born on this day 106 years ago
& By Bev Hurst in memory of John
Jan. 8 Open for donation
& Open for donation
Jan. 15 Open for donation
& Open for donation
Jan. 22 By Carol & Jim Squibb in celebration of
Imogene Lovekamp’s 80th birthday
& By Larry & Laura Sweatman in memory of Alex
Jan. 29 By Marilyn Smith to the Glory of God
& Open for donation
Ladies Project Day
January 26 at 9:00 a.m.
Articles of Faith – January 2012page 3
from Pastor Paul
The Epiphany of our Lord is celebrated by the western church on January 6. The scriptural basis for the celebration is the visit of the Magi to worship the child Jesus in Bethlehem in Matthew 2:1-12. Epiphany means a manifestation, appearance, or revelation of something that was previously hidden. The epiphany of the Messiah Jesus to the Magi is the first appearance of the Christ to Gentiles. As a Gentile myself, I am thankful that Christ Jesus has been revealed to us as well as to the children of Israel.
In the church year, Epiphany is more than a day; it is a whole season extending from January 6 to Ash Wednesday, which is February 22 in 2012. As the light of the sun shines longer each day in the Northern Hemisphere during the Epiphany Season, so the light of Christ is to extend more and more to others. Epiphany calls the church to focus on outreach and evangelism, to share the good news of Christ with others near and far.
Please note these four Epiphany events:
- On Friday, January 6, we’ll have:
6:00 pm Soup Supper (bring yourselves and your friends plus table service and either a side dish or dessert. Soup, bread, and drinks will be provided.)
6:45 pm Epiphany Worship
7:15 pm Taking down the Christmas decorations. (We’ll not burn the greenery as was done years ago. We’ll store the greenery for use next year.)
- On Sunday January 8, our Health and Wellness Team will prepare and deliver supper to New Directions warming center. You can volunteer to help with suppers in the months to come.
- On Sunday, January 29, 9:30-10:10 am, I will begin a new Inquirer’s Class for people who want to become members of Faith and anyone who wants to learn more about the Lutheran understanding of the Christian faith. You can invite others to come.
- On Tuesdays, January 10, 17, and 24, beginning at 6:30 pm, will be First Communion Instruction for 5th graders and older children with their parents or sponsor.
Throughout this “season of Epiphany” may the love of God for all human beings keep the light of Christ shining in your lives and the lives of those around you.
Sunday,January 1 One worship service beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday January 22 Annual Congregational Meeting beginning at 9:15 a.m.
Come, Get the Message
January 11st Sunday of Christmas
“Show and Tell”
Worship is the ultimate “show and tell” event. In worship, God shows grace and salvation, and people – like Simeon and Anna in Luke 2:22-40 – tell the good news.
January 8Baptism of Our Lord
“A Unique Baptism”
Epiphany is a revelation of a new beginning which God makes. In Genesis 1:1-5 and Mark 1:4-11, we hear two of God’s new beginnings.
January 152nd Sunday after Epiphany
“The Extraordinary in the Ordinary”
Epiphany is a revelation of God in human life. Each of today’s three readings reveal God in a house of God: 1 Samuel 3:1-20, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and John 1:43-54.
January 223rd Sunday after Epiphany
“The Human Vocation”
Epiphany is a revelation in time and space of what it means to live by faith. In Mark 1:14-20, we discover that Jesus did not tell time by a wrist watch and did not chart his travels by GPS.
January 294th Sunday after Epiphany
“The Power of Jesus”
Epiphany is a revelation of the Word of God among words. In Mark 1:21-28, we witness the power of words and the Word.
Adult Sunday School Topics
Visiting professors on DVD will present the following topics in January and February:
January 8, 15, 29“Women in the New Testament”
February 5, 12, 19“An Apostles’ Creed for the New Millennium”
Thanks to the four people who have volunteered to lead these and other DVD presentations in the coming months.
Call Committee
Our Church Council has appointed the following to be the Call Committee for Faith: Rand Burnette, chair, Barb Davenport, Larry Kuster, Dustin Leifheit, Diane Storey, Linda Strader, Melissa Street, and Kim Streib. They will meet at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 4, to begin the process of gathering information for Faith’s Ministry Site Profile which the Synod staff will use to identify pastors whose skills match the needs and interests of Faith as identified in the Ministry Site Profile. Watch for announcements from our Call Committee about ways in which you can give your input for the Ministry Site Profile.
Articles of Faith – January 2012Page 4
2012 Offering Envelopes
Contribution envelopes for 2012 are available on a table in the gathering area. We hope that we did not overlook anyone. If you would like a box of envelopes and you do not see a box with your name on it, please mention this to Ken Finkle, Janet Koepp, or Kris Roth. We will happily provide you with envelopes.
A Simple Solution: Fair Trade
Coffee is big business —it’s one of the most heavily traded commodities in the world. But for the majority of small-scale coffee farmers, the benefits are few. One answer for small-scale farmers is Fair Trade. Fair Trade shares the bounty of the coffee trade with those who grow the crop, helping them build a better future for themselves and their communities.
By working together and pooling their resources to form a cooperative,farmers can sell their coffee directly to international buyers without relying on middlemen. Through Fair Trade, farmers receive a fair price that covers their cost of production and guarantees them a living wage for their labors.
Fair Trade far surpasses the temporary assistance provided to farmers through charity. Instead, the ongoing business of Fair Trade consistently contributes to the living conditions of farmers, their families, and their communities. Cooperatives use profits from Fair Trade coffee sales in establishing community improvement programs such as training in organic farming, leadership development, schools, and health clinics.
At Faith, we use fairly-traded coffee every Sunday during fellowship, and we provide members and friends of Faith with the opportunity to purchase fairly-traded coffee and tea for use in their own homes.
Regular (whole bean or drip grind) -- $6.50
Decaffeinated (whole bean or drip grind) & Flavored -- $7.50
Tea -- $3.00/box
Make checks payable to FaithLutheranChurch
with “coffee” in the memo line
and leave your payment in the basket on the lamp table at Faith.
Flavored coffees are available for the holidays!
Donate Blood
Please bring a photo ID with date of birth.
Tues., Jan. 3 PassavantHospital 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tues., Jan. 10 PassavantHospital 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Mon., Jan. 16 Jacksonville Masonic Lodge 4:00 – 7:00 pm
345 W. College Ave.
Sat., Jan. 21 Jacksonville VFW Post 1379 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
903 E. Morton Ave.
Schedule a time to give by calling Mindy
(1-866-GIVE-BLD, x 136)to sign up
or online at
Walk-ins welcome!
Faith Family Epiphany Celebration!!
Members and friends of Faith of all ages are invited and encouraged to attend the Epiphany celebration at Faith on Friday, January 6. We will begin with a soup supper at 6:00 p.m. Soup, bread, and beverages will be provided – bring table service and a side dish or dessert to share. At 6:45 p.m., we'll have a short devotional Epiphany worship. Beginning at 7:15 p.m., we will take down the “greens” and store them until Advent of 2012. Please join us for all or part of this evening of fellowship and devotion!
Girls’ Night Out
Girls’ Night Out meets on the 2nd Monday evening of each month – please join us on Monday evening, January 9 at Leo’s Pizza (6:00 p.m.). All women of Faith (ages 18 and up) are welcome – bring your friends!!
Blood Pressure Screening
Sunday, January 15
after both services
January 6
Articles of Faith – January 2012page 5
Youth & Family Ministries
Social Networking with a Purpose
Parenting can be tough these days. Our kids have access to so much information, some good and some bad, that we did not have when we were growing up. The explosion of technology keeps kids sitting at the computer or with their smart phones texting, playing games, surfing the internet, and spending time on Facebook. Many of us parents are just as dependent on technology as our kids are. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as technology can prove to be a wonderful tool in our culture. As many of you know, there is a “Faith Youth” group on Facebook for sharing invitations and information about upcoming events. A suggestion was raised in the Parish Education Committee to have such a group for parents. The purpose of the group would be to provide a forum for parents to share and access information, articles, videos, etc. related to Christian parenting and discipleship. Parents could also share things such as joys and concerns. In early January, a Facebook page will be set up for parents of children of all ages. If your children are grown, please consider joining – you may provide the group with some valuable insights. For safety and security, the group will be set as “private,” so if you have a Facebook account and would like to be added to the group, let Linda Strader know!
A new year, a new direction…
I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the members of FaithLutheranChurch who have offered me their love and encouragement and have included me in their prayers over the past 26 years. It is here at Faith that I have grown most in faith, service, and ministry, and I am grateful that God has blessed me with all of you to help me along the way. As many of you know, I have begun a new direction in ministry. I have been approved as a candidate for ordained ministry by the ELCA, and I have just completed my first semester as part of the Distributed Learning program offered through Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. This six-year program offers me the opportunity to stay in Jacksonville for most of my seminary studies. I will be taking on-line courses during the fall and spring semesters, and I will be taking two-week-long intensive courses at the seminary each January and June. I will be in St. Paul the 8th through the 21st of this month. I am looking so forward to this time at Luther, where I can meet the classmates, professors, and Bible study group members that I’ve thus far only had the opportunity to talk to by phone and on-line. But I am also looking forward to continuing to share in the ministries of FaithLutheranChurch over the next few years, and being able to apply what I’ve learned in the context of our congregation. Thank you again, and I ask that you keep me in your prayers. -- Linda Strader
NOTE: During the months of January and February, Linda Strader will be making phone contact with all junior high and high school students. She would like to take the opportunity to “check in” with each young person individually for an hour or so, perhaps to go get a Coke, attend a sporting event, or go for a walk.
Tuesday, January 3: 5:30 p.m.
Dinner Party – for College Students
& Young Adults Ages 18-26
Come to Linda Strader’s house (844 W. Douglas Ave.) for dinner and conversation. This is a great chance to catch up with old friends and make new friends!
Thursday, January 5: 6:45 – 8:30 p.m.
“Visions” Ministry at ISVI — Grades 7 & Up
This is a chance for our youth to interact with teenagers with visual impairments, some of whom have additional disabilities. We will meet at the IllinoisSchool for the Visually Impaired (658 E. State St.) where we will visit the TeenCenter to play games (air hockey, arcade games, Bingo, etc.) or just hang out with the students. Refreshments will be available for sale as well.