( asociety in whichsocial or technologicaltrendshaveculminated in a greatlydiminishedquality of life or degradation of values).
Dear guest from outer space,
Hopefully this letter finds you in good form. We are obliged to you for replying favorably to our invitation, but feel we must inform you of the astonishing situation on our planet earth, your landing ground.
We are confident you will marvel at the sight of our continents, volcanoes, oceans, multicolored landscapes dotted with shiny plastic, sprinkled with nuclear power plants spouting clouds, our single crop farming, our horizons blocked by bourgeoning cities scraping the sky. It will not be immediately evident, but we can affirm that climate change today has opened a passage through formerly ice bound areas, allowing occupation of defrosted land, and thus permitting production. This is vital. As is consumption. Certain examples inDystopia will more fully illustrate these comments. Above all, please note that, in a magnanimous gesture, anesthetized humanityis subscribing to a consume- and- be- happy insurance policy andpreparingits suicide.
We must warn you. You have come fromafar, on a long voyage. Sidereal time could legitimately cause delay. Instead of our civilization, you may discover bones and ruins. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience and hope the stench will have disappeared.
Your system undoubtedly functions differently from ours. In order to clarify matters, avoid astonishment and prolonged historical research on the causes of the disappearance of civilization on Earth, allow us to describe the recipe currently in vogue:collective suicide by mutual unconscious consent. This method could potentially be of use to you should a situation similar to ours occur: uncontrollable demography, hence engendering surplus population. Those in charge of the suicide coordinate the disappearance of those who have perished and theirs in turn should they so desire. The procedure requires time and daily mental exercise to master the acceptable form ofsubmission.Once the process is underway, the rest is mere routine.
May we insist upon the role of debt? Banking and finance – the instruments of destruction - cannot develop without debt. How, otherwise, turn a pig or grain farmer, a vegetable producer, into a robot dependent upon funds he does not possess? Indeed, you may not be aware of the fact that true economic exchange generated by labor has disappeared long ago, and been replaced by a global economy based on finance. Political or social projects have disappeared. The vocabulary no longer exists. It occasionally crops up in out-of-print books, cross word puzzles or television gags. Dystopia uses a visual approach to illustrate the situations resulting from the mechanisms at work on our planet.The examples are infinite. The entire procedure is pre-arranged.
The process hasworkedfor decades and improves daily, speeding up the effects. The following is a résumé for you, inhabitant ofthe edges of cyberspace, area of flash mediation:
- Technocratic control of production and consumption. Employment and labor are invoked in exaggerated manner so as to arouse guilt in individualsreticent to follow the rules.
- Launching of an information campaign aboutobligatory-consumption sprinkled with causes for fear. Focus is upon thetarget for consumption, eliminating less profitable objects as either non-consumable or dangerous.
- Placing overdosed products and over-dimensioned machines on the market,reputed efficient and secure, and presented as the sole solution. Thereafter, proof is produced indicating these products as polluting, or even destructive, in order to propose a cure. Exploit the technique to a maximum. The entire operation bears the epithet of “sustainable development” and requires the creation of a Ministry.
- Confiscation of the common good, patenting and launching on the market in limited quantities all living matterfor purposes of speculation. (On our planet, this is a long, tedious procedure,since human beings appeared at a time when biological diversity was at a peak, difficult to deplete. Only30% of species have disappeared since the beginning of the anthoropocene. A small amount. Perhaps your environment is a richer terrain for speculation.)
- Bypassing lawmakers in order to pass legislation forbidding free use of the common good. No misgivings about punishmentfor lack of cooperation; an occasional liberal lawmaker could crop up and foil the collective suicide by mutual unconscious consent plot.
- Invention of a suitable vocabulary for use in all centers of education, from primary school to university. We will spare you the detailed list, but it goes without saying that referenceto a generic domain as “sustainable development” is part of it. Here are some examples:the vigorous campaign against (PNPP) * “natural products of little concern” attempting to block free exchangeof nettle, horsetail or comfreyslurry is a subject of particular concern to us. We seek a more suitable expression than common good to define what leads to a detestable autonomy of thought and action. If you have an idea, let us know.
- Wide coverage in the media toestablishinstitutionalized neurosis. We have set up a MIP ** (Module of initiative in publicity)giving priority to the most inventive research fellows, graphic designers for their seductive propaganda proposals. Candidates do not lack. The most imaginative, skillfulat diversifying the message, are selected.
Once thesystem is set up, debt follows automatically. Founding a company or farm of any sort, too expensive to finance independently, presumes a loan, with a contractual engagement to reimburse at a high interest rate. Only the compensations offered by the system eliminate the taxes. A manager, a farmer cannot obtain support without obeying instructions as to what to produce. He is now officially a performing robot, manipulated for life. If the contractual agreement isignored, he cannot reimburse. In case of failure, the solution is suicide. Elementary.
We refer in this case toindividual, personally determined suicide .But the “super suicide”, the ultimate menace to our civilization – to humanity – does not emerge from the holocaust created by the victims themselves. The “super suicide” is organized by a small group of agents of destruction on the planet, less than 10% of the population, according to experts. They act freely in the name of obscure economic arguments in spite of the awakening consciousness of some citizens to the ecological viewpoint, repeated incessantly by exhausted ecologists.
Thus, kind visitor from space, you may judge for yourself the effectiveness of the strategy.
A few points must be clarified. For example, the serious problems of sharing water. You are perhaps unaware of its importance. Maybe water, where you come from, is not of vital necessity. You may not have water at all and not be dependent. .You will realize upon landing our need for it and obligation to share which may in the end result in the disappearance of both the organizers and the victims of the collective suicide by mutual unconscious consent. This is both appalling and inacceptable.
We are all in the same boat: the same rain falls on the heads of rich and poor. This, perhaps, is our weak point: attempts to control climate and manipulate the clouds have all failed.Are we equal before water?
Water is around and within us. It conditions our existence and appears in multiple forms: liquid, snow, ice humidity in the atmosphere. The biosphere is a thin film permeated with water surrounding the planet. Without it, no life can exist. The water we drink has been previously absorbed by plants, animals and humans, evaporated, and discharged into the ground or the atmosphere. We are in the same washtub. All finishes in water: the collective results of our daily activities terminate and collect in the ocean or the air. What better trap than poisoned water? A magnificent, ultimate weapon. How to avoid this deadly deluge?
A drop of water is the technical result of an accumulation of micro-droplets which fall due to their weight under the influence of gravity. Each droplet is formed by the condensation of humidity upon an “impurity”. It is not only H2O, but a “programmed” liquid. Life, conditioned by water, is directly tied to this information. Fertilizer, food or poisonous water can fall. All depends upon what is in the atmosphere. From this point of view, we can boast progress: we can easily empoison the air, hence water. But the problem is not necessarily solved. We cannot separate water between rich and poor.
Examples appear in this letter explaining the system in charge of the collective departure:a practical method for reaching the last lap of life on earth. The process is already used by doctors practicing legal euthanasia by administering lethal doses of poison.
But is humanity truly at the end of its existence?
The question comes up regularly. Hardly a symposium takes place on the“environment” (strange expression for describing the area in which we are immersed) during which the subject does not come up. We would appreciate your viewpoint as an outside observer capable of deciding whether we should continue to prepare for our disappearance.
Obviously, there is a state of emergency. We would not have bothered you, guest from outer space, had your opinion not appeared vital. We await you impatiently. Given the present state of affairs, you seem our only hope for the future. Collective suicide by mutual unconscious consent has only been partially satisfactory.
The collapse of Dystopia?
Is it possible?
Attain Utopia?
Is it possible?
In advance, we are grateful for your help: you come from so far, and we have waited so long.
*Produits Naturels Peu Préoccupants
** Modules d’Initiatives Publicitaires