OCDSB Guest Staff Handbook

1.We are pleased to welcome you to our school as a guest staff member. Please review this handbook for important information to help you have a successful day. If you require clarification, any additional information, or assistance with any situation, please feel free to contact the Principal or Vice-principal:

OCDSB Guest Staff Handbook





OCDSB Guest Staff Handbook


Part I: School

  1. Attendance Procedure
  2. Communication (to/from Office and on Yard Duty)
  3. School Schedule
  4. Emergency Procedures (Lockdown, Fire, etc…)
  5. Entry, Dismissal and Recess Procedures
  6. Accident Reporting
  7. School Generated Funds (SGF)
  8. Personal Belongings
  9. Keys
  10. Safety/Medical/Exceptional Needs
  11. Calendar/Duty Schedule
  12. Mapsof School and Yard
  13. Printer Information

Part II: District

  1. OCDSB Policies and Procedures
  2. OCDSB Forms
  3. Union Information
  4. Human Resources
  5. Technical Support
  6. Curriculum Documents
  7. Payroll
  8. Administrative Guidelines - Pay for Elementary Occasional Teachers

Part III: Class Information

The following information will be provided in the classroom by the teacher:

  • Emergency Routines for the Class (Lockdown, Fire, etc.)
  • Special Needs Students
  • Medical Information
  • Behavioural Concerns/Classroom Practices
  • Safety Plans
  • Academic Concerns/IEPs
  • "Go To" Students and Colleagues
  • Entry, Dismissal and Recess Routines
  • Technology
  • SEA Equipment
  • Students' personal devices
  • Other (FM Transmitter, etc.)
  • Class Timetable, Class List and Class Seating Plan
  • Classroom Routines
  • Photocopier Location and Code
  • Support Personnel Names, Roles and Schedule
  • Day Plan****** see body of email

OCDSB Guest Staff Handbook

Part I: School

2.Attendance Procedure

The classroom teacher will leave you an attendance book. You will either find it on the teacher desk or in the teacher mailbox. Please complete manual attendance by 8:40a.m. and send it with a student to the office. Only report changes in attendance to the office at noon. If students arrive late after attendance has been reported, they MUST report to the office so that their attendance may be noted. Afternoon attendance changes should be reflected at 11:30 a.m.

3.Communication (to/from Office and on Yard Duty)

Telephone Calls

Each classroom is equipped with a phone to make inside calls. A list of call numbers is posted next to the phone. For any communication to the main office please dial: OA: 302, 304 VP:301 P:300.If you need to use a phone to make an outside call, a phone is located in the staffroom and the upstairs call booth.

Emergency Communication Options

If you require urgent immediate assistance,please do not hesitate to contact the office and clearly indicate that you require immediate assistance.


When on duty outside please take a walkie-talkie with you. To call the office please call ‘local group 13’. If you have duty at 8:15a.m., please collect the walkie-talkie from the office. If you have a 10:50a.m. duty, please send a student to collect a walkie-talkie for you. If you have an 11:10a.m. duty, the teacher you relieve outside will hand over the walkie-talkie. It should be returned to the office after recess.


Every classroom or office is equipped with a teacher computer. Additional computers with printers are located in the staffroom. Login using the following info:

  • Windows XP machine: c +EIN, then your password.
  • Windows 7 machine: c+ EIN@ocdsb, then your password. If another users’ info shows up on the login screen on a Windows 7 machine please select ‘switch users’.

If you experience difficulty attempting to log in please call Client Service Centre (613-596-8273) for assistance.To add a printer, please follow the directions at the end of the School section.

4.School Schedule

We function on a Monday to Friday schedule. Please review the school calendar at the end of the school section for additional information. Indoor and outdoor maps with line up entry door locations and the supervision schedule can also be found at the end of the School section.

Activity / Time
Yard Supervision / 8:15 – 8:30: Bell rings at 8:30. Please collect class at entry door (see yard map) or kinderyard
Instructional Block #1 (120 min.) / 8:30 – 10:30
Nutrition Break #1 (20 min.) / 10:30 – 10: 50
Recess Break #1 (40 min.) / 10:50 - 11:30: Warning bell at 11:28. Students enter at 11:30
Instructional Block #2 (120 min.) / 11:30 – 1:30
Nutrition Break #2 (15 min.) / 1:30 – 1:45
Recess Break #2 (15 min.) / 1:45 – 2:00
Instructional Block #3 (60 min.) / 2:00 – 3:00: Please escort your students to their exit door.
Bus Supervision (10 min.) / 3:00 -3:10

5.Emergency Procedures (Lockdown, Fire, etc…)

Emergency procedures, including class lists, are located in plastic wall files by each classroom door. They are to be taken with you in case of emergencies, such as fire drills, lock downs, etc.Please refer to the school’s Emergency Guide for more information at the end of the School section.

6.Entry, Dismissal and Recess Procedures

Students need a pass to come inside the building from recess. Teachers and Educational Assistants wear sashes or vests to identify them as staff when on duty. If the teacher/ educational assistant you are replacing has not left his/her sash and passes for you, additional sashes and passes are available in the office. All classes have assigned line up and entry doors. Please see the school map for the location of your class. Please meet your class at their entry door and escort them to class in the morning and after recess.

  • At the 3:00 bell all primary classes are escorted to the front door for dismissal. Students then go to the buses lined up at the front of the school or are met by parents/caregivers at the front of the school.
  • Classes in the portables go directly to the buses or to the front of the school for pick up.
  • Grade4 and 5 students exit from class and go to the buses or to the front for pick up.
  • Several students go to the onsite extended day program.
  • If you have any questions about entry or dismissal or have questions about arrangements for any specific student, please speak to someone in the office.
  • Before school bell from 8:15-8:30 students are to remain on pavement area as the play structures are out of bounds.

7.Accident Reporting

Staff Injuries/Accidents
Please inform the office immediately of any injury sustained while at school or at a school sponsored event. An injury reportmust be filed within 24 hours in compliance with the Workplace Safety Insurance Board. The Principal/Vice-Principal will complete form 140 orthe on-line report and submit to Employee Wellness.

Student injuries/Accidents

In the case of an accident or injury involving a student or visitor, ensure appropriate first aid is being administered and if required contact the office for assistance.

In the event of a serious accident requiring medical attention, ensure appropriate first aid is being administered, including where necessary contacting emergency services (911). In such event, the school will be required to submit documentation to OSBIE. The office may require additional information from you if the injury/accident occurred during instructional time (i.e. accident in gym class).

If the student has suffered a head injury the Concussion Incident Management protocol as outlined in the OCDSB Concussion Management Procedure (PR.561.SCO) must be followed.

Please insert your school protocol for contacting parents in the event of accident or injury.

Forms provide the authorization to take action on or report on a specific issue. Please note that all forms must be signed with original signatures. Commonly used forms (and their locations) are as follows:

a)Safe Schools Incident Report (office binder)

b)Violence in the Workplace - Form 733 (Occupational Health & Safety Conference in Google Groups on GEM)

c)Health and Safety Concern Form (Occupational Health & Safety Conference in Google Groups on GEM)

8.School Generated Funds (SGF)

All funds collected from students must be submitted to the office. Funds must be submitted by a staff member only. Do not send a student. Please ensure you have the name of the student who sent in the funds and give the funds to the VP or P who will take charge of the funds and the deposit.

9.Personal Belongings

Personal belongings may be kept in the classroom and the classroom may be locked when not in use. If you are replacing a staff member with an office, that space may be locked. If you need assistance with securing your belongings, please speak to the Principal or Vice-principal.


When you arrive in the morning, please report to the office to sign in. You will be provided with a key for the classroom door as well as a swipe key for the external doors. Please return the key(s) when you sign out. If you need a key to access supplies (paper, art materials,) please speak to the office or the custodian.

11.Safety/Medical/Exceptional Needs

Student Safety Plans

Safety plans can be reviewed by guest staff in the office. A copy of the Abridged Safety Plan should be available in the teacher’s day book.

Medical Information

Please see the next page for pictures of students with medical issues.

Any students with medical issues have posters clearly displayed in the classroom where you will find information regarding the peril and procedure to keep them safe. Please refer to teacher notes and speak to the office if you have any questions regarding a student.

If a student identified with a medical issue is ill, please refer to the steps identified on the sheet and contact the office for assistance. If a student without a medical issue complains of feeling ill, determine whether simple in-class strategies (quiet, a rest, etc.) may help improve the student’s condition. In the event that, in your judgment, the student requires more assistance, or demonstrates specific symptoms of an illness, please notify the office immediately.

Allergies - Students are encouraged to carry their epi-pens on their persons. Back up epi-pens are located in the office.

Diabetes – Please refer to the Individual Diabetes Care Plan in the teacher’s day book. The IDCP should indicate the location of the student’s safe (low) kit.

Exceptional Needs

Information regarding students with exceptional needs can be found in the office, or in the information left by the teacher.

School Name

Medical Information At-a-Glance

Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Asthma /
Student Name
Diabetes /
Student Name

Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name

Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name

Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name
Allergy /
Student Name

Updated October 2017

OCDSB Guest Staff HandbookOctober 2017

Part II: DISTRICT-wide Information

1.OCDSB Policies and Procedures

Policies are statements of intent, governing principles, or end results that serve to guide the overarching operations of our Board. The Board has adopted all policies in open public sessions. Procedures are documents that describe the implementation of our policies or other routine system operations. All procedures are issued through the Director of Education.All policies and procedure can be found on the OCDSB website at: the Board of Trustees tab.

2.OCDSB Forms

Forms provide the authorization to take action on or report on a specific issue. Please note that all forms must be signed with original signatures. Commonly used forms (and their locations) are as follows:

a)Safe Schools Incident Report (Office Binder)

b)Violence in the Workplace – form 733 (Occupational Health & Safety Conference in Google Groups on GEM)

c)Health and Safety Concern Form (Occupational Health & Safety Conference in Google Groups on GEM)

3.Union Information

The Ottawa-Carleton Elementary Occasional Teachers’ Association (OCEOTA) office is located at 1150 Morrison Drive, Suite 150, Ottawa, ON K2H 8S9. To contact OCEOTA please call (613) 221-9135, fax 613-221-9137 or email .

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Association office is located at 9 Corvus Court, Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z4.

a)Student Support Professionals – 613-729-7211

b)Educational Support Professionals – 613-729-7211

c)Professional Student Services Personnel – 613-729-7211

4.Human Resources

The Human Resources Department is dedicated to providing knowledgeable personalized service to you. They will treat you with respect, listen to your needs, respond in a timely manner and provide you with assistance. To contact the Customer Service Support Line in Human Resources please call 613-596-8220.

5.Technical Support

The Client Service Centre provides technical support via phone and email. To contact the Client Service Centre, please call 613-596-8273 or email . To add a printer, please follow the directions at the end of the School section.

6.Curriculum Documents

Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents and resources are available at


For questions or concerns please contact the appropriate Payroll division (613-596-8211) below:

d)Occasional Teachers – ext. 8370

e)Long Term Occasional Teachers - ext. 8633

f)Casual EAs and ECEs (SSP) – ext. 8358

g)Casual Office Staff (ESP) – ext. 8358

h)Payroll Fax Number – 613-596-8759

8.Administrative Guidelines - Pay for Elementary Occasional Teachers

Revised March 2017

OCDSB Administrative Guidelines

Pay for Elementary Occasional Teaching Assignments

These Administrative Guidelines are provided to ensure a standardized and consistent methodology for the calculation of pay for Occasional Teachers and to provide other information related to scheduling and work assignments.

Article L.29.05 of the collective agreement with the OCEOTA states:


(a)The timetable for an Occasional Teacher shall be the same as the timetable of the teacher(s) being replaced.

(b) Occasional teachers may be employed to replace a series of teachers who are not absent but who are involved in other professional activities (e.g. coverage for IPRC meetings, divisional meetings). In such circumstances, the Occasional Teacher will be informed in advance of the nature of the assignment and the timetable for this day will be as directed by the Principal.

An OT hired to replace a teacher who is absent for the full day is to be assigned the schedule of the teacher being replaced, including instructional time, preparation time and supervision duty. In the event that a Learning Support Teacher has administrative time (writing reports, contacting parents etc) during the day, the OT hired to replace the teacher can be assigned to other teaching duties during that time.

A teacher hired under Article L29.05(b) is not required to be scheduled for preparation time and is not typically assigned supervision duty.

Governing Principles

The breakdown for one (1) occasional teaching day is as follows:

Teachers are to arrive at school at least fifteen minutes before the commencement of classes in the school in the morning and, where applicable, at least five minutes before the commencement of classes in the school in the afternoon (reference para. 20 (d) of Regulation 298).

The Instructional Day is defined as 300 instructional minutes (OC-ETFO Art. L28.01 - Supervision)

Instructional time is inclusive of Preparation Time. OC-ETFO Article L27.01 (a) states “Preparation time shall be used for professional activities as determined by the Teacher and shall be assigned during the instructional day”. Similarly, Occasional Teachers use scheduled Preparation Time to perform professional duties such as: reviewing lesson plans, locating and organizing learning materials, meeting with the principal, and writing notes for the returning teacher providing information about the day.

Occasional Teachers may volunteer to support other classrooms or to take on other duties during a scheduled preparation time but this should be at the OT’s discretion - unless directed by the Principal in an emergency situation.

Teachers and Occasional Teachers are required to remain in the school during their scheduled preparation time.

Supervision time (maximum of 80 minutes per week (OC-ETFO Art. L28.03 (a)):

  • Supervision duties include only assigned duties (examples: yard duty, hall duty, bus duty, lunchroom duty)
  • Supervision can be assigned before the scheduled start of the instructional day, during the lunch break, nutritional break or recess, or after the instructional day
  • Note: it is possible for an OT to be assigned more than 80 minutes of supervision time per week if they are replacing a number of teachers who each had supervision assignments.

Teachers and Occasional Teachers are allocated a lunch period of not less than 40 consecutive minutes per day free from any duties.

It is recognized that a teacher’s work day is not confined to the instructional day or the school day. OTs are expected to remain at school to ensure the safe departure of students, to complete notes for the returning teacher, to return keys and other materials to the school office etc.

Full day absence – Full-time teacher:

-in the event that a full-time teacher is absent for the full day, the OT is hired for and paid for 1.0 day

Full day absence – Part-time teacher:

-in the event that a part-time teacher is absent for their full assignment, the OT is hired for and paid at the same percentage of a day that the part-time teacher works on that day:

-a .8 part-time teacher who works .8 each day is absent therefore the OT is paid for .8 day