Encounters in East Asia
China, Korea, and Japan limited contact with western nations.
All of the following sentences are incorrect. As you read section 4, rewrite each sentence to make it correct.
1. The Chinese were eager to trade with Europeans because their goods were far superior to those in China.
2. Chinese rulers were interested in both European arts and sciences and Christianity, and many thousands of Chinese converted to this new religion.
3. Manchu invaders were hated by the Chinese, even though the Manchus tried to blend their culture with that of the conquered people.
4. Under the Qing dynasty, a grave economic crisis caused suffering and conflict in China.
5. In the 1500s and 1600s, Korea opened its doors to the world and became a prosperous international trading center.
6. Throughout their history, the Japanese have barred all merchants and missionaries from entering Japan.
Briefly identify each of the following.
7. Matteo Ricci:
8. Kangxi:
Assume the role of reporters and prepare questions for East Asian leaders about their kingdoms and their responses to westerners. As you read section 4 carefully, take notes about the reaction of the rulers to westerner traders and diplomats. Use the chart below to help you keep the questions organized. Be able to answer your own questions!
High official of the Ming dynasty around 1540 / Emperor Qianlong of China / Tokugawa Shogun around 1637Example: Why did you allow Europeans to trade at Macao and Canton? / Example: China has much to teach the other nations of the world. Why do you refuse to give trading rights to European nations?
Could cultural impasses, such as the inability of the British diplomat Lord McCartney to communicate with Emperor Qianlong, occur today?
How could technology (television, films, telephones) help reduce the impact of such cultural gaps?