Chairman, Mr. Fanelli called the meeting to order and stated that the meeting was being held in compliance with the “Open Public Meetings Act” and had been duly noticed and published as required by law.


Present:Mr. Fanelli, Ms. Stroemel, Mr. Rashatwar,Mr. DiNatale, Mr. Nicini, Mr. Vandegrift,

Ms. Sytnik

Absent: Mayor Mignogna, Mr. Ravitz, Mr. Waters, Ms. Nocito, Mr. Kleiman

Also present were CherylLynn Walters, Board Solicitor and Rakesh Darji, Board Engineer, Mr. John Palm, Conflict Solicitor


Ms. Stroemel motions to approve the minutes dated June 14, 2017; seconded by Mr. Nicini. Motion carried by the assenting voice vote of all board members present, with the exception of Mr. DiNatale and Ms. Sytnik who abstained.

Mr. Nicini motions to approve the minutes dated June 28, 2017; seconded by Mr. Rashatwar. Motion carries by the assenting voice vote of all board members present, with the exception of Mr. Vandegrift and Mr. Rashtwar who abstained.



BLOCK 229; LOT 7

PC 17-006

Appearing before the board was Mr. Jeffrey Gans, attorney, Mr. Rich Albano, installer and Mr. Angela Rubino Hines, owner/applicant.

Mr. Jeff Gans gives a brief description of the application. He states the applicant is seeking Site Plan Waiver approval to install a rooftop solar array system at the property located at 1255 Berlin Road.

Mr. Albano testifies regarding the installation of the solar panels. He states panels will be installed on a flat roof and there will be no penetration of the roof, the framing and racking is a ballast system. The safety barrier will be four foot back from the roof’s edge and will enclose the entire system. He testifies the panels will affixed and that they are only visible from the rear of the building. Mr. Albano also testifies here will be no tree removal.

Ms. Hines agrees with Mr. Albano’s testimony and agrees to comply with engineer’s review letter and the township code regarding abandonment. She also agrees that if the panels are not installed as per the testimony provided this evening the panels will have to be removed.

Mr. Fanelli opens the meeting to the public. Seeing no public comments Mr. Nicini motions to close public portion; seconded by Mr. Rashatwar.

Mr. DiNatale motions to grant Site Plan Waiver approval for the installation of a rooftop solar array system subject to the following conditions/stipulations:

  1. The applicant has agreed to comply with Mr. Darji’s review letter dated June 29, 2017.
  2. The applicant will comply with the Township Code regarding the abandonment.
  3. The applicant has agreed to remove panels if the panels are visible from the street and not installed properly as represented at this hearing.

Seconded by Mr. Nicini. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

AYES: Mr. Rashatwar, Mr. DiNatale, Mr. Nicini, Mr. Vandegrift, Ms. Stroemel, Ms.Sytnik, Mr. Fanelli

NAYS: None


BLOCK 229, LOT 7

PC 17-003

Ms. Walters recuses herself from this application stating a conflict of interest. Mr. John Palm is now present.

Appearing before the board Mr. Frank Tedesco, attorney, Ms. Adrianne Kieliszak, ALDI, Mr. Rich Fumo, architect, Ms. Deanna Drumm, traffic engineer, Mr. Brett Skapinetz, engineer, Mr. Matthew Murello, acoustical engineer.

Mr. Tedesco gives a brief description of the application. He states the applicant is seeking Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval to construct a 20,248square foot ALDI grocery store in the Cedar Hill Shopping Center located on Route 73. The portion of the shopping center it will occupy is located on the south end in front of the existing Lowes. The applicant is not seeking any variances and there is no proposed signage submitted with the current application.

Ms. Kieliszak testifies that ALDI currently has 1600 stores currently open. She explains the store has a smaller footprint than the typical grocery store. The hours of operation are Monday through Saturday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. The store is also closed on the 6 major holidays.

Ms. Kieliszak also testifies that there will be deliveries made once a day or every other day. The store will have 10-15 employees and 4-5 per shift. There will be 4-5 isles in the store and prices are 40% to 50% cheaper than typical grocery stores. ALDI is environmentally conscious and implements energy efficient ”green” practices.

Mr. Skapinetz testifies that the 50 foot buffer will be maintained and that the ADA parking is adequate and utilities are already existing on the site. He also states the landscaping will be consistent with the site and irrigation will be provided. He also states the lighting will also be consistent with a slight size difference in the LED bulb.

Mr. Skapinetz testifies the loading area will be located at the rear of the building and trash will contained inside the building. He also states the applicant will comply with the sewer connection fees.

Ms. Drumm gives a brief overview of her traffic report dated March 29, 2017. She testifies that after she conducted her traffic assessment and there would be minimal impact if application was approved.

Mr. Murello gives a brief description of his acoustical report dated March 30, 2017. He testifies that the proposed would not exceed state regulations.

Mr. Richard Fumo presents exhibits A5 & A6.

There is discussion regarding the proposed crosswalk and the applicant has agreed to a painted crosswalk.

The meeting is opened to the public. Seeing no public comments Mr. Nicini motions to close public portion, seconded by Mr. DiNatale. Motion carries by assenting voice vote of all present board members.

Mr. DiNatale motions to grant Amended Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval to permit the construction of an approximately 20,248 square foot ALDI Supermarket together with landscaping, lighting and 110 parking spaces and one loading area together with other site improvement subject to the following conditions/stipulations:

  1. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the Board Engineer’s review letter dated May 18, 2017.
  2. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the Board’s Sewer Engineer’s review letter dated May 24, 2017
  3. The applicant will obtain all outside agency approvals.

Seconded by Mr. Rashatwar. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

AYES: Mr. Rashatwar, Mr. DiNatale, Mr. Nicini, Mr. Vandegrift, Ms. Stroemel, Ms. Sytnik,

Mr. Fanelli

NAYS: None

There being no further business before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting.


Wendy Flite, Secretary