installing Avaya VPN Client

Step by Step - Install the Avaya VPN Client

a)  Download and run the appropriate 32bit or 64bit version:
32bit version AvayaVPNClient-32bit-10.06.200.exe
64bit version AvayaVPNClient-64bit-10.06.200.exe
b)  At the Welcome Screen, choose Next.

c)  Accept the Licensing Agreement and choose Next.

d)  Leave Custom Setup alone. Choose Next.

e)  Choose Install.

f)  During Installation at the Windows Security prompt, check the “Always trust software….” Box and choose Install.

g)  Choose Finish to complete installation.

2.  Configure a new profile

a)  On the Desktop, or under all programs, launch the Avaya VPN Client

b)  Choose Edit the Profile.

c)  Choose New to create a new profile.

d)  Fill out the following fields:
Profile Name: Scott County VPN
Destination: horizon.kde.state.ky.us
Select Group Security & Group Password
Username: Scott\short username
Password: The users school domain password
Group ID & Password: (Use the codes received from School Technology Coordinators)
Choose Save.

e)  After saving, choose Close

3.  Connecting to VPN

a)  Now that the Profile has been created, it will appear under the VPN Connection drop down.

Choose Connect.

b)  Screen Save Warning.

A warning will appear if a Screen Saver with password protection is not enabled. Click Change Setting to turn on a password protected screen saver.

c)  Choose a screen saver and wait time of 30 minutes or less. Check On Resume, display logon screen.

d)  Successful connection

This message will appear upon successful sign on. Choose Accept and Close.

Disconnecting from VPN

a)  When disconnecting from the VPN connection, right click on the Avaya VPN icon in the system tray at the bottom right corner of Windows. Choose Disconnect VPN.

Important Notes

·  Unless using “Remote Desktop Connection” to connect to a Desktop located at school, Email and Internet will not be available until the VPN connection has been disconnected.

·  Connecting to Staff folders will require mapping a drive. Example: \\e525000n1\staff.