Advanced Basketball for Women – PHYE--285
Semester/year: Fall/ Spring 2006-2007 Office Number: Gym 221
Instructor: Randy Rogers Office Phone: (208)732-6480
E-mail Address:
Course Description:
This course introduces the student to advanced skills, training techniques, stretching techniques, and strategies of competitive basketball.
Course objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide a review of the foundation of basketball fundamentals. To provide a sound conditioning program to advance to cardiovascular system of the student. Help prepare student for athletic competition.
Women basketball player for the College of Southern Idaho and/or permission from the instructor.
Required Textbooks and Supplies:
Three ring binder, two sets of athletic workout gear and non-marking shoes.
Class requirements:
Student-athletes will attend all classes
Student-athletes will be on time and ready for class.
Student-athletes will report any injuries to the instructor and/or trainer.
Student-athletes will show respect for, be considerate of, and display a positive attitude toward classmates.
1. Outcome: Improve/maintain cardiovascular fitness.
Assessment: Students will be tested through a variety of fitness activities
2. Outcome: Improve offensive basketball fundamentals.
Assessment: Students will taught the proper way to shoot, dribble and pass
Students will demonstrate these skills in athletic competition
3. Outcome: Improve Defensive basketball fundamentals.
Assessment: Students will taught the proper way to defend offensive players
Students will demonstrate these skills in athletic competition.
4. Outcome: learn the differences between 1-2-2,1-3-1 and 2-3 zone defenses
Assessment: students will be able to identify and demonstrate the various zone defenses.
A = 2 or less absences and completion of the following:
Pass all skills test with 90% efficiency
Pass individual cardiovascular test with 90% efficiency
B = 3-5 absences and completion of same above listed assignments at a 80-89% efficiency
C = 6-8 absences and completion of same above listed assignments at a 70-79% efficiency
D = 9-12 absences and completion of same above listed assignments at a 60-69% efficiency
F= 13 or more absences
Lack of completing any one assignment will drop you one letter grade per
ABSENCES: An absence is considered to be less than 30 minutes of active participation. Missed classes can be made up with instructor consent. School activities and doctors’ notes are the only acceptable reason for an excused absence. Should some unforeseen emergency occur (i.e. death in the family) it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor ASAP to discuss options.
As part of the Outcomes Assessment for CSI, each student is requested to complete an online class evaluation form at the end of the semester. Students will access the evaluation at The name and password is the same as for network email and Blackboard. It is important to complete these evaluations so we can continually improve courses.
Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus 208-732-6250 (voice) or 208-734-9929 (TTY), or e-mail