Meeting Highlights
Thursday, October 12, 2000
City Hall, Lower Level - Conference Room 016
Call to Order by the Chairman
Chair Tubb called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken.
Members present at time of roll call: Patrick Bainter, Roger Brower, Mac McEachern, Portia Taylor, Robert Todd, Marilyn Tubb. Richard Mulligan and Charles Perry arrived after roll call was taken.
Members absent from meeting: Dr. Jim Gallagher
Determination of a Quorum
Quorum was met.
Approval of Meeting Highlights
The Airport Authority will review and approve the GACRAA monthly meeting highlights of
September 14, 2000.
Recommendation: Motion to approve meeting highlights of the September 14, 2000 meeting,
and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the document on behalf of the Airport
Dr. Taylor moved to approve the meeting highlights of the September 14, 2000 meeting, and
authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the documents on behalf of the
Airport Authority. Mr. McEachern seconded. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Adoption of Agenda
Recommendation: Motion to adopt the agenda. A supplemental agenda, delivered on October 11th, contained back-up material for agenda items.
Mr. McEachern moved to adopt the agenda. Dr. Taylor seconded. Motion carried by unanimous consent.
Citizen Input - Non-Agenda Items
Dashwood Hicks distributed articles – FDOT’s Florida Flyer and an article from Airport Magazine (copy attached). Mr. Hicks also requested an update as to the status of the electrical power work being done to serve the Port-a-Port hangars.
Russ Blaser, Commander of the Composite Squadron of the United States Air Force – Civil Air Patrol, requested to use the Gator Air building as its headquarters and operation center, without charge, for a five-year period. Mr. Blaser distributed a hand out (copy attached) discussing the Civil Air’s proposal.
Chair Tubb referred this issue to the Tenant Relations Committee, to have the Committee work with the Director and to bring a recommendation back to the full Authority.
John Barber stated that Mac Langston, President of Flightline Gainesville, received the “Most Successful Aviation Professional of the Year” award.
Consent Agenda
Recommendation: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Contract for Passenger Transportation – Lake Limo, Inc.
Lake Limo, Inc. has furnished all the submittals required to provide a taxi service from GNV.
Recommendation: Motion to approve the Contract for Passenger Transportation at the Gainesville Regional Airport, between Lake Limo, Inc. and GACRAA, and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority, in substantially the same form as submitted, subject to the approval by the Attorney for the Airport Authority.
The Director stated the Contract for Passenger Transportation for Lake Limo, Inc. is for a limo service.
Dr. Taylor moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Todd seconded. Motion carried 8-0
GACRAA - Petition 134SPA-00 AP
The Airport is proposing to construct T-Hangars with associated site improvements in the 4800 block of NE 40th Terrace. The City of Gainesville’s Department of Community Development has coordinated the technical review of the project and will offer a presentation and recommendation. GACRAA will sit as the Development Review Board and will conduct a quasi-judicial hearing on the Petition.
Recommendation: Motion to approve Petition 134SPA-00 AP, with conditions; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority.
Introduction of the Agenda item by the Director of Aviation
The Director stated that Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA), the Airport’s agent for this project, would present a presentation on the T-Hangar proposal.
Presentation by the Applicant
Russ Holliday, HTA’s project engineer, offered the following highlights for the proposed ten (10) unit self-contained T-Hangar building to be located at site B on the general aviation side of the terminal.
· The building will be a “design/build project” made of galvanized aluminum.
· HTA had originally applied for an exemption on the bathrooms; however, it was determined the bathrooms will need to be part of the project as the closest bathroom to the proposed T-Hangar location would be in the WWII Hangar.
· HTA applied for an exemption on vehicle parking.
· HTA included a landscaping plan for the project.
Mr. McEachern recommended the Authority look into getting the 1940’s flood plain design revised.
Staff Presentation
Lawrence Calderon, City of Gainesville, Department of Community Development – Planning Division, stated he had no objections to the proposal as the petitioner had agreed to make the necessary changes requested by the Planning Department.
Mr. Calderon addressed the following housekeeping issues required before approval is granted:
· Proof of the height restriction approval from FAA.
· Well field area Special Use Permit waiver granted with conditions as long as there are no septic tanks or wells within 200 feet of the project.
· GACRAA can exercise its option to waive the landscaping and parking requirements; however, to meet City Code, landscaping would be required along the roadway.
Mr. Calderon stated the plan’s approval is subject to staff’s review and amendment to the finalized modifications of the building to accommodate a bathroom.
Presentation by Affected Party
Close of Review Proceeding
Public Hearing
Mr. Hicks stated there are seven (7) dry wells in that area that would affect the proposed project.
Discussion ensued regarding whether or not there were any wells within the proposed project site as none were indicated on the land survey.
Mr. Calderon recommended that the Director investigate this issue and submit a brief statement at GACRAA’s November meeting as to whether any dry wells were found within 200 feet of the proposed project site.
Close of Public Hearing
Deliberation and Vote of the Authority
Mr. McEachern moved to approve Petition 134SPA-00 AP, subject to conditions that the full Authority approve the parking waiver; accept the landscaping recommendations; staff’s recommendation on the bathrooms; and the outcome of the engineer’s certification verifying that there are no wells.
The Director stated under the Airport’s Facility District zoning requirements, it must be determined that the proposed project is consistent with the adopted Master Plan and is not in violation of any contractual agreements between the Airport and its tenants. The Director stated, for the record, the proposed project is consistent with the adopted Master plan and the Airport is not in violation of any contractual agreements between the Airport and its tenants.
Chair Tubb asked if there was a second to Mr. McEachern’s motion. Mr. Brower seconded.
The Director stated the review process also requires that if any member of the Authority has ex-parte communications, it must be revealed and put on record before the Authority, before a final determination can be made.
Mr. McEachern stated he would like to have it on record that he has had discussions regarding the hangars with numerous interested parties such as Mr. Hicks, Mr. Barber, and the pilots.
Chair Tubb moved to vote on Mr. McEachern’s motion. Motion carried 8-0.
Construct Group III Aircraft Storage Hangar ~ GACRAA Project No. 00-008
On August 30th the Airport received five (5) construction bids for the proposed project. GACRAA, on September 14, 2000, voted to reject all submitted bids – four (4) for bid irregularities, and the fifth for high costs. Staff will discuss options for proceeding with this project.
Recommendation: Motion to reconsider the previous vote taken at the September 14, 2000 GACRAA meeting concerning the above-referenced project. [NOTE: The above motion must be offered by a GACRAA member who voted on the prevailing side on this issue at the September 14, 2000 meeting.]
Motion that the Authority reject all bids received for the project based upon all bids received being over the Engineer’s estimate and exceeding the amount of matching funding available in the Joint Participation Agreement for the project between the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority (GACRAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); instruct the Airport Engineer to collaborate with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (HTA) to again utilize “value engineering” techniques in an attempt to further reduce the cost of the project; have the Attorney for the Airport Authority revise the bid documents to address any ambiguities; and to have staff re-advertise the project in their normal procedure but also send an “Invitation to Bid” to those contractors who expressed an interest in the project as evidenced by their previously purchasing plans and specifications for the project.
The Director of Aviation distributed a sheet summarizing the project budget, estimated costs, and available funding (copy attached).
The Director stated that there is a modification to the recommendation as the original recommendation, to reconsider, confirmed by Counsel, is inappropriate. The Director recommended a motion be made to waive the By-Laws rules.
Mr. McEachern moved to re-bid the project with the same specifications, with the exception that the bidders should have 90 days to submit its list of subcontractors.
Mr. Stanley stated the motion to waive the rules would need to be made before Mr. McEachern could make his motion.
Mr. McEachern moved to waive the rules. Mr. Todd seconded. Motion carried 8-0.
Mr. McEachern restated his motion to re-bid the project with the same specifications with the exception of allowing the bidders a 90-day grace period to submit its list of subcontractors. [Staff Note: There was no seconder to the motion.]
Mr. Perry stated he was opposed Mr. McEachern’s motion as it violates all the principles of the construction rules.
Mr. Perry moved to have the Authority reject any and all bids; instruct the engineers to again “value engineer” the project; provide a new set of plans, at no charge, to the contractors who submitted bids the first time; and to re-bid the project as quickly as possible. Mr. Mulligan seconded.
Mr. Holliday stated that no further “value engineering” could be done to make the project any cheaper.
Mr. Stanley stated the records should reflect that the decision to re-bid the project is being done in the best interest of the Board as:
Ø Staff believes a 5% – 10% “value engineering” benefit could be obtained by re-bidding the project;
Ø The project currently exceeds the amount of matching funds available in the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) between the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT);
Ø The specifications need to be “tightened up.”
Mr. Todd asked Mr. Perry if it was his intention to have the Authority in charge of the re-bidding or if HTA would be doing the re-bidding. Mr. Perry stated HTA would be in charge of the re-bidding process.
Mr. Stanley stated that to avoid the pending bid protests it would also be appropriate for the Board to rescind it’s action taken at the October 12th meeting before following through with Mr. Perry’s motion.
Mr. McEachern moved to table to the motion on the floor to allow the full Authority to rescind the motion approved at the September 14, 2000 meeting. Mr. Mulligan seconded. Motion carried 8-0
Mr. McEachern moved to rescind the Board’s motion approved at the September 14th meeting. Mr. Bainter seconded. Motion carried 8-0
Mr. McEachern moved to bring Mr. Perry’s tabled motion back to the floor. Mr. Todd seconded. Motion carried 8-0
Mr. McEachern asked if Mr. Stanley could assist in wording the motion so that it would be worded in proper legal terms. Mr. Stanley agreed to assist.
Chair Tubb restated Mr. Perry’s motion to reject the bids, and proceed as outlined by Mr. Perry and Mr. Stanley. Motion to have the Authority reject any and all bids; instruct staff and engineers to “value engineer” the project due to staff’s belief that a 5% - 10% benefit could be obtained, and due to current project expenses exceeding the matching funds available in the Joint Participation Agreement between GACRAA and the FDOT; direct staff and counsel to review and revise, as needed, specification language; provide a new set of plans at no charge to the contractors who previously submitted bids for this project; and to re-bid the project as quickly as possible. Motion carried 7-1. (Mr. Brower dissenting)
[Staff Note: Public comments were not requested before the vote was taken, but were subsequently received.]
Mr. Weinstein, AMJ Construction, Inc., recommended the Board consider staff’s original recommendation.
Mr. Bainter stated he hoped HTA’s engineer would reconsider that no further “value-engineering” could be done.
Mr. Holliday stated HTA used the Airport’s front-end documents and HTA wrote the specifications on the hangar. He further stated the project is a cut and dry project, a design built concrete/galvanized skin hangar. Mr. Holliday stated to assume that HTA is rejecting to further “value engineer” the project, simply because they do not want to do it, is incorrect.
The Director recommended the full Authority give the project back to staff and have the Airport’s engineer once again “value engineer” the project; allow staff to work with the attorney to “tighten up” the front end documents; and allow staff to re-bid the project.
The Director further stated most of the past “value-engineering” suggestions came from the Airport’s engineer and he didn’t think it was fair to ask HTA to “value engineer” the project further if HTA thought no further “value engineering” could be done.
Phil Kabler, Attorney for AMJ Construction, Inc., stated, for the record, AMJ Construction, Inc. reserves all rights to take further actions to protect its interest.
Dr. Taylor asked the Director for a time line on when the project would be presented to the Board again.
The Directors stated it would be approximately two (2) months to allow for the Airport’s engineer to “value engineer” the project; the attorney to “tighten up” the front end, and to allow for a month for the bidding process.
Kenneth O. Lester – Airport Industrial Park – Deed of Release
On April 24, 1995, GACRAA and the City of Gainesville entered into a Real Property Purchase Option Agreement with the Kenneth O. Lester Company (KOLC), related to the land in the Airport Industrial Park. On April 14, 1997, the agreement was amended to revise the total acreage included in the option agreement and to reduce the number of acres that must be purchased in each option period. KOLC purchased 2.01 acres of the optioned property on July 28, 1998. Pursuant to the option agreement, KOLC has exercised their option to purchase 3.0 additional acres. Prior to completing a sale, a Deed of Release must be obtained from FAA. As part of that process, Resolutions are required from GACRAA and the City of Gainesville requesting the release, identifying the purpose of the sale and agreeing to use the proceeds of such sale for developing and improving the Airport. Following receipt of the Deed of Release from FAA, the real estate closing will be accomplished.