Screening Properties Involved in Real Estate Transactions for Potential Vapor Intrusion Issues
June 4, 2009ASTM HQ, West Conshohocken, PA
Vapor intrusion into structures on property can potentially create significant liability for owners and prospective purchasers and have a material impact on property value. ASTM Standard E 2600, Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Intrusion into Structures on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions was developed to facilitate assessment of vapor intrusion on these properties.
This course will review the rationale behind the standard’s development, the tiered methodology used, and the implications for environmental professionals involved in conducting property environmental due diligence. The screening methodology associated with Tiers 1 and 2 of the standard will be reviewed in detail and include case studies.
NOTE: This course is directed at screening properties involved in real estate transactions for potential vapor intrusion issues. Vapor intrusion screening is not equivalent to a full vapor intrusion assessment. However, screening can be particularly useful in real estate transactions. If the screening reveals that vapor intrusion is unlikely to be an issue, then this environmental concern should not impact the deal. If screening reveals there may be a potential vapor intrusion condition, then of course this may impact the deal. However, even if screening reveals there may be a potential vapor intrusion condition, the deal can still be closed. The user would have to decide to conduct mitigation pre-emptively, and then factor the associated mitigation cost into the deal, much the same way asbestos is often dealt with. The big advantage of screening is that it can be done within the timeframe of a real estate deal, unlike a full vapor intrusion assessment that may take considerable time to complete.
Gain an understanding of the market driving forces for conducting a vapor intrusion assessment in a real estate transaction.
Learn how to conduct a vapor intrusion screening to identify potential vapor intrusion conditions in accordance with E 2600.
Learn what can be done to confirm a vapor intrusion condition at a property, and
What can be done to mitigate the problem.
Phase 1 Environmental Consultants
Property Lenders
Real Estate Attorneys
Property Developers
Property Investors
Property Owners and Managers
Property Insurers
Registration 7:45-8:00 AM
Class Hours8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Introductions and Overview
History, Rationale, and Overview of E 2600
Tier 1/Tier 2 (non-invasive) Screening
Site-Specific RBC Determination (in Tier 2)
VI Screening Case Studies
Tier 2 Invasive Screening
Tier 3 VI Assessment Approaches
Tier 4 Mitigation Alternatives
VI Assessment Case Studies
Q & A
Free 1-year membership in ASTM International and Committee E50 on Environmental Assessment *
Copy of E 2600 Standard Practice for Assessment of Vapor Intrusion into Structures on
Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions
Course Notes
Certificate of Completion with 0.7 Continuing Education Units (7 Professional
Development Hours)
Refreshment Breaks
*Applies to new members only and may not be used to renew existing memberships.
ANTHONY J. BUONICOREis a past president and Fellow Member of the Air & Waste Management Association and is the Chairman and CEO of the Buonicore Group, a real estate and environmental risk management consulting company. Mr. Buonicore is also a Diplomate in the AmericanAcademy of Environmental Engineers, a Qualified Environmental Professional and a licensed professional engineer. He is a member of the ASTM E 50.02 Property Environmental Due Diligence committee, former chairman of its ASTM Phase I/Transaction Screen Task Group, and currently chairs the ASTM Task Groupthat developed the U.S. standard for vapor intrusion assessment in real estate transactions. Mr. Buonicore holds both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in chemical engineering from ManhattanCollege.
Blayne Hartman, Ph.D. (B.S. Chemical Engineering, M.S. & Ph.D. Geochemistry) is a nationally recognized expert in vapor intrusion and soil gas methods. He co-founded H&P Mobile GeoChemistry, a private business offering on-site laboratory analysis, direct push environmental sampling, soil vapor surveys, and is currently an independent consultant offering vapor intrusion and soil gas services. Dr. Hartman has provided training on soil gas methods and vapor intrusion to numerous local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. He has written many articles on the collection, analysis, and interpretation of soil vapor data and has participated in technical workgroups on soil vapor methods for local, state, and federal agencies. Over the past five years, Dr. Hartman has been a contributing author/editor to vapor intrusion and soil gas guidance documents to federal EPA, CA-EPA, ITRC, DOD, API, ASTM and more than 25 individual State documents. He is also a trainer in the ITRC and API vapor intrusion courses.
You will receive information with your registration confirmation. Participants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations and for paying their hotel charges.
Fax registration form to Eileen Finn at 610-832-9668, e-mail to r mail to:
ASTM International
Attn: Eileen Finn
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA19428
Except for Federal agencies, ASTM must receive payment the day prior to the beginning of the class. Refunds will be made for cancellation received before the first day of class.
Established in 1898, ASTM is one of the world’s largest voluntary standards development organizations. ASTM standards have grown to be among the world’s most widely used and accepted documents. The 77-volume Annual Book of ASTM Standards (available in print, on CD ROM, and on-line) contains 12,000 standards written by 34,000 members on 135 technical committees. These standards are widely used throughout the world as the basis of purchasing and other contracts, codes, laws and regulations. ASTM Committee E50 on Environmental Assessment developed the standard referenced in this course.
For More Information, Contact:
Scott Murphy
Director, Education Services
ASTM International
Tel: 610-832-9685