Town of Mantua Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes
Held on June 22, 2017
6:30 p.m. at Town Hall
Commission Members in attendance: Harper Johnson, Lisa Olsen, Kyle Duncan, John McAllister and Jan Palmer-Recorder
Audience in attendance: Ron and Kerry Nelson, Randy and Lloya Hall
Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m.
Prayer: Harper Johnson
Gabe and Monica Mund Conditional Use Permit: The Munds were not in attendance but Harper made a list of suggestions for the Conditional Use Permit. (Attached) It may sound a little harsh but we do need to make sure we are descriptive on what we will allow and what we won’tallow on this permit. The Commission agreed with the suggestions Harper read. The Town Council will be holding a hearing on July 6 at 6:00 p.m. on this Conditional Use Permit. Harper thinks if they come for an extension on their permit they should go before the Council.
Suzette Pulsipher was not in attendance.
Ron and Kerry Nelson: Ron explained they bought a lot from Bill Jeppesen, they are having a hard time finding somewhere to rent. They would like to apply for a Conditional Use Permit so they can live in their trailer while they build their home. Harper explained they will need to fill out a permit and pay the fee, they will need to bring in self-addressed, stamped envelopes for those residents living within 1000 ft. of their property. The Town will then write a letter explaining what the Conditional Use Permit is for and send to the land-owners. It is required to give the land-owners 14 days to send any comments they may have about the Conditional Use Permit. The Nelson’s will need to return to the Planning Commission for review and the Planning and Zoning will then take their opinion to the Council. The Council will then need to hold a Public Hearing before the permit will be approved. The Public Hearing will not be until August.
Randy and Lloya Hall: They would like to do a Lot Line Adjustment on the two pieces of property they own. They own two parcels on Main Street where daughter will be building her home. They would like to adjust that back line to the front and make the parcel their daughter will buy .70 acre which is in compliance with the zoning. The family will then retain the back parcel to be kept in the trust.
The Commission did not have a problem with what was presented. There was some confusion on what papers would be required to have the Mayor sign. Randy will go back to the Title Company and see what he needs. They will need to appear before the Council on July 6.
Revisions to the Land Use Code Book: Harper would like to know how the Commission feels about the Public Hearings for Conditional Use Permits. Hearings create a lot of public clamor which can’t be taken into consideration if the Land Use Book says they can do it. Harper would like to consider taking out holding Public Hearings for Conditional Use Permits. The hearings do inform the residents of what is going on and give them a way to vent. Kyle thinks that is what the letter that is sent out to landowners within 1000 ft. is for. Harper feels it just makes the process longer for the people that are requesting the Conditional Use Permit. He can see it going before the Council for final approval so the conditions can be set. Harper will suggest that to the Council.
Harper explained that the home Kevin and Kimberly Cantrell are building has a section of the roof that will extend up above the 30’ height requirement in the Land Use Book. But in Section 3.17 that does allow a Conditional Use Permit can be granted for something above 30’ as long as it is non-inhabitable space. So that does gives that variance so they can have a little taller roof in that section of the home. One of the reasons that 30’ roof height is in there is because the Fire Chief felt that was necessary for fire suppression at the time the Land Use Code was written. It has been brought to our attention that other communities do allow 35” height on their roof height, butit does, at this time stand at 30’ in our Land Use Book. We may want to look at changing that in the future.
Motion to approve the minutes for June 8, 2017 with one correction change the “Commission did have corrections” to the “Commission did not have any corrections”
Motion: Kyle Duncan
Second: John McAllister
All in favor motion passes
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion: John McAllister
Second: Lisa Olsen
All in favor motion passes
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.