Kaiela Dhungala First Peoples Curriculum – Unit Plan
Relevant Victorian Curriculum Content DescriptorsYear 8 English - Reading and Viewing
Explore the interconnectedness of Country and Place, People, Identity and Culture in texts including those by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors(VCELT404)
Year 8 English - Writing
Create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that raise issues, report events and advance opinions, using deliberate language and textual choices, and including digital elements as appropriate (VCELY420)
Year 9 English - Reading and Viewing
Explore and reflect on personal understanding of the world and significant human experience gained from interpreting various representations of life matters in texts (VCELT437)
Year 7&8 Intercultural Capability
Analyse the dynamic nature of own and others cultural practices in a range of contexts (VCICCB013)
Year 9&10 Intercultural Capability
Identify and analyse the challenges and benefits of living and working in an interconnected and culturally diverse world (VCICCD019)
Key Questions / Key Objectives (knowledge and skills) / Suggested Assessment
●What are poetic devices?
●How do you interpret a poem?
●How do you create a poem that links to personal experience?
●How have local Indigenous perspectives been expressed through poetry? / Students will be able:
●To learn a range of poetic devices
●To understand the change in language over time
●To create a poem using relevant language and structure
●To explore local experiences expressed through poetry / Analysing a poem
Creating a poem about connectedness
Lesson / Focus / Objectives / Resources / Activities
1 & 2 / Introduction to poetic devices / ●To learn a range of poetic devices / ●Poetic devices PowerPoint
●Poetic devices worksheet
●TV and YouTube / ●View PowerPoint
●Listen to “Tangled Up Puppet” by Harry Chapin
●Identify poetic devices in the song
●Activity: identify the different poetic devices in the worksheet
3 & 4 / Reading and analysing “The Listeners” by Walter de la Mare / ●To identify poetic devices
●To compare the use of old and new English words
●To reflect on personal understanding of the poem / ●Poem “The Listeners” (see handout on Unit Webpage)
●TV and You Tube / ●Predict and write what the poem is about
●View “The Listeners”
●Identify poetic devices
●Analyse the language: old/modern words and the meaning
●Write about the connection the character has with the place
5 / Connectedness to Country, Place and Culture / ●To understand others’ experiences / ●Speaker – elder or other community member from our local community
●KESO (your school’s KESO will be able to assist you to arrange a guest speaker on this to talk with students) / ●Listen to a speaker about their experiences in relation to connectedness to their home, place and culture.
●Take down notes
Alternative: if you are unable to organise a guest speaker, you may like to access the following clips of local community members talking of their connection to country.
Aunty Faye:
Aunty Ella:
6 / Analyse “Spiritual Song of the Aborigine” by Hyllus Maris / ●To analyse a concrete (shaped) poem / ●Poem “Spiritual Song of the Aborigine” by Hyllus Maris (see Handout on Unit webpage) / ●Read the poem and identify the shape as well as poetic devices
●Discuss the reason it was written
●Write a short interpretation of the poem
For further information on Hyllus Maris see:
7 / Create a poem that links to personal experience / ●To respond creatively / ●Previously analysed poems
●Ideas from speaker
●Computers / ●Plan a poem about connection to home, place or family using a range of poetic devices
●Use the computer to enhance the poem by making it a shaped poem and adding relevant visuals