ICT Development Plan 2002 – 2003
School Name
Vision Statement
Our school is forward looking with an ethos focused on achievement and success for all. We are committed to ICT use and by enhancing our equipment provision will be able to:
- improve standards in literacy and numeracy
- secure entitlement for all
- enhance teaching and learning in other curriculum areas
IB 050902 Wiltshire ICT Development Plan 2002 Template
ICT Development Plan
/ Year 2002 - 2003Name of School : / School NGFL Budget:
School ICT Budget:
Objectives / Action to be taken and by whom /
date / Success criteria /Resource Implication
(time & Cost) / Funding Source / Monitored by1. Raising Standards
2. Professional Development3. Management and Administration
4. Community Use (Pupils, Parents & others)
5. Inclusion (e.g. SEN)
6. Equipment provision, maintenance and replacement .
Review DateHeadteacher Signature
IB 050902 Wiltshire ICT Development Plan 2002 Template
(Your development plan should address your intentions for more than a one year cycle.)
If your school’s ICT development plan is more than one year old or needs updating, the following guidance outlines the essential areas which need to be addressed.
Objectives – to be formulated from the headings given
(Objectives need to be measurable and should be reflected in your success criteria.)
1. Raising Standards
Explain how ICT will be used to enhance the curriculum and raise standards across the curriculum, in line with National Curriculum 2000 and the national literacy and numeracy strategies.
This should include details of
- how you propose to deliver the ICT curriculum, e.g. the use of an ICT suite, timetabled lessons, computers within classes, integrated into the lesson(s)
- how the curriculum is addressing the needs of children who either have or have not got access to technology outside of school (this could be linked with the Community element of the Development Plan)
- how ICT will be used to support literacy, numeracy and other curriculum areas
- how you propose to monitor, assess and record pupil progress in ICT
- how you propose to monitor the impact of ICT on the teaching and learning in other subject areas
Please note that schemes of work should not be submitted with your development plan.
2. Professional Development
Give details of how teachers’ ICT professional development needs will be met, including
- an audit of teacher development / requirements
- any current programmes that you are following / intend to follow e.g. NOF, etc.
- any other training necessary to meet the priorities set out in your ICT Development Plan to achieve the raising of standards
- any training required for support and administrative staff
3. Management & Administration
Detail how you intend to integrate the use of ICT for school management and administration purposes through adoption of the standards set out in the DfES’s Information Management Strategy (IMS).
Details of this strategy can be found on
This should include
- which administration computers have access to email
- Which computers hold pupil and staff data and how this is kept secure
4. Community & Out of School Use
Give details of how you plan to make ICT facilities available to the wider community and how communication will be facilitated. This could include details of
- the development and maintenance of your school web site
- any courses for parents/ community
- any clubs that run out of school hours
- any links with other schools, locally, nationally or internationally
- any links with local institutions
5. Inclusion ( e.g. SEN, gender, EAL etc.)
Indicate how ICT will be used to promote Inclusion and support children with specific needs. This could include:
- details of any specialist hardware/software
- configuration of existing hardware/software
- classroom support and organisation
- specific time for support using ICT
6. Equipment provision, maintenance replacement and disposal
Detail how you propose to meet the DfES baseline computer: pupil ratio of 1:11 (Primary) or 1:7 (secondary) by August 2002, and how you intend to maintain and improve on this (DfES targets for 2004 1:8 and 1:5). This should include details of
- future purchasing and connectivity plans e.g. proposals for extra computers, cabling, networking, computer suites, interactive whiteboard and other technologies etc.
- the management, maintenance and security of equipment
- accommodation considerations
In addition all schools should have:
- evidence of a policy for safe and acceptable use of the Internet. A copy of the Wiltshire template taken from Kent LEA is enclosed, this can be tailored to suit your school.
IB 050902 Wiltshire ICT Development Plan 2002 Template