CLOSING DATES: Group A Codes: January 3, 2012

Group B Codes: January 3, 2013

*See Item 3 of these instructions for additional information concerning Group A and Group B Code

Development Committees Responsibilities*


Name: Philip Brazil, PE / Date: January 3, 2012
Jurisdiction/Company: Reid Middleton, Inc.
Submitted on Behalf of: Washington Association of Building Officials, Technical Code Development Committee
Address: 728 134th St. SW, Suite 200
City: Everett / State:WA / Zip Code: 98204
Phone: 425.741.5039 / Ext. / Fax: 425.741.3900
E-mail address (see # 4 below):


Code: IBC –12/13

1021.1 (IFC [B] 1021.1)

Proponent: Philip Brazil, P.E., Senior Engineer, Reid Middleton, Inc., representing Washington Association of Building Officials, Technical Code Development Committee

Revise as follows:

1021.1 (IFC [B] 1021.1) General. Each story and occupied roof shall have the minimum number of exits, or access to exits, as specified in this section. The required number of exits, or exit access stairways or ramps providing access to exits, from any story or occupied roof shall be maintained until arrival at grade or a public way. Exits or access to exits from any story or occupied roof shall be configured in accordance with this section. Each story and occupied roof above the second story of a building shall have a minimum of one interior or exterior exit stairway, or interior or exterior exit ramp. At each story and occupied roof above the second story that requires a minimum of three or more exits, or access to exits, a minimum of 50 percent of the required exits shall be interior or exterior exit stairways, or interior or exterior exit ramps.


1. Interior exit stairways and interior exit ramps are not required in open parking garages where the means of egress serves only the open parking garage.

2. Interior exit stairways and interior exit ramps are not required in outdoor facilities where all portions of the means of egress are essentially open to the outside.


The addition of “or occupied roof” clarifies the intent from the first sentence (“each story and occupied roof”) that occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for stories. Without the addition of “or occupied roof,” the requirements to (1) maintain the required number of exits, or exit access stairways or ramps providing access to exits, until arrival at grade or a public way, (2) configure the exits or access to exits in accordance with Section 1021, and (3) have a minimum number of interior or exterior exit stairways or ramps, will not apply to occupied roofs. The additions are also for consistency with “story or occupied roof” in Sections 1021.2 and 1021.2.4.

Finally, the addition of “or occupied roof” will restore the intent of Section 1021.1 in the 2009 IBC, which required occupied roofs to “be provided with exits as required for stories.”

Cost Impact: The code change proposal will not increase the cost of construction.

Public Hearing: Committee: AS AM D

Assembly: ASF AMF DF