7 Michael's WayDepartment of Management
Broomall, PA 19008Villanova School of Business
(610) 550-1180 (mobile)Villanova University
(610) 519-6442 (office)Villanova, PA 19085-1678
EDUCATION:Doctor of Philosophy (December 1992)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: International Business
Minors: Marketing, International Economics
Dissertation Title: An Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of the European Community Integration on the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Masters of Business Administration (May 1985)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
B.Sc. in Business Administration (December 1980)
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Associate Professor, Department of Management and Operations, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, Fall 1991—present.
Responsible for teaching International Business courses to upper level undergraduates and MBA students. These courses include: Introduction to International Business, Global Business Management, International Marketing, International Business Management (MBA), European Business Management (MBA and undergraduate). In addition, I have taught Organization and Management (undergraduate and MBA) Consumer Behavior (MBA) and Marketing Management (Executive MBA) courses.
Visiting Professor, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, April/May 2015 and April/May 2016.
Awarded a competitive visiting scholar appointment to conduct academic research with faculty on both demarketing and anti-counterfeiting research.
Visiting Professor, Institute of Management Technology, Dubai, UAE
October 2009
Lectured on the global protection of intellectual property rights.
Visiting Professor, Institut Suprieu de Gestion de Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia.
March 2007
Lectured on global strategic management to graduate students.
Visiting Professor, Denmark’s International Study Program (DIS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Fall 2006
Designed and taught a course on Managing Multinational Workforces to upper level undergraduates in Denmark.
Visiting Professor, Executive MBA Program, Temple University, Tokyo, Japan
Fall 1999
Responsible for teaching International Marketing Management to top-level executives in an EMBA program in Japan.
Visiting Professor, NEC MBA Program, Tokyo, Japan
Fall 1999
Provided a one-week seminar on International Marketing and Management to NEC executives.
Visiting Professor, European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
Fall 1999
Responsible for teaching International Management to upper-level students [level nine] at one of Europe’s leading business schools.
Lecturer, Department of International Business, School of Business,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
January 1989—May 1991
Responsible for teaching International Business courses to upper level undergraduates.
Teaching Assistant, Department of International Business, School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
January—December 1988
Assisted in teaching undergraduate International Business course.
Relevant Work and academic ExperienCE:
Panel Member, Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
August 2015 – October 2016
I served on an expert panel review with four other experts on illicit trade. The final report, The Illicit Trade Environment Index, was published in October 2016 and the results can be viewed at and .
Reviewer for the National Science Foundation (NSF).
March 2014—June 2014
Conducted a merit review of a submission for grant funding that is on the topic of product counterfeiting.
Program Director, Study Abroad Program with the London School of Economics and Political Science [LSE] and European Study Abroad [EUSA]
September 1999—present
Developed a study abroad program with LSE and EUSA for U.S. students to study and work in London, England. I have lived and taught courses in International Comparative Management [undergraduate] and International Business Management [MBA] in London for 3 months [June, July, August] for the past 16 years. The MBA course is taught via web conferencing to students in the U.S.
Program Assistant, Study Abroad Program with American University in the Emirates [Dubai]
December 2009—present
Work with Program Director to provide an on-site 2.5 week experience for MBA students to study in Dubai. This includes lectures, company visits and cultural immersion in the Middle East. The students visit the emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Ain and Sharjah to gain a better understanding of the diversity in this geographic region.
External Reviewer, Management Program, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, June 2010
Reviewed and prepared a strategic report on the strengths and weaknesses of the university’s management program.
Member, Board of Directors, Pertzsch Design Incorporated
LaCrosse, Wisconsin
May 2003—December 2012
Responsible for assisting a small entrepreneurial firm in business plans, strategic goals, and marketing research.
Member, Board of Directors, Provalidate
Cupertino, California
October 2009 – present
Invited to serve as an advisor for this start-up company that creates electronic warranty cards as an anti-counterfeiting measure designed to validate the authenticity of legitimateproducts.
Member, Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Rights, U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
Washington, D.C.
November 2009
Worked with a small group of leading academics, lawyers and policymakers to advise the business community about trends in the global protection of intellectual property rights.
Summer Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA) Intern, Agency for International Development (USAID)
United States State Department, Washington, D.C.
Performed data analysis on a study of entrepreneurs in India. Helped project managers with the Market and Technology Access Project to develop indigenous technological growth in developing countries. Interviewed directors of small business incubators regarding technology transfer to developing countries.
Consultant, Department of Development, State of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Performed an export study for the State of Wisconsin on the electrical machinery, non-electrical machinery, and instruments industries to analyze export trends and marketing strategies.
Research Assistant, Department of Management, University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse, WI
Assisted and advised clients on financial planning, legal and accounting requirements, and market potential at the Small Business Development Center.
Office Manager, Pertzsch Construction Co., Inc., Onalaska, WI
Developed and started a cost accounting system for bridge construction. Assisted in annual auditor’s reports.
Escrow Manager, Mortgage Service Department, Midwest Federal Savings and Loan, Minneapolis, MN
Managed escrow accounts on home mortgages.
Chaudhy, P., “The Looming Shadow of Illicit Trade on the Internet,” Business Horizons, January/February 2017, published online on October 7, 2016, DOI information: 10.1016/j.bushor.2016.09.002.
Chaudhry, P., and Cesareo, L., “Consumer Perceptions of Messages in Anti-Counterfeiting Campaigns,” Journal of Business Strategy, completed the first revise and resubmit, August 2016.
Chaudhry, P., “Developing Stratagems to Tackle the Gray Market,” Brand Integrity Professional, December 2016.
Chaudhry, P., Cesareo, L., and Stumpf, S., “What Influences Rampant Movie Piracy?” Journal of Management Systems, 24(4), 2014.
Chaudhry, P., “Confronting the Gray Market Problem,” Business Economics, 49, October 2014.
Chaudhry, Chaudhry, P., “Curtailing the Growth of Illegal Online Pharmacies,” Journal of Management Systems, 23(1), 2013.
Chaudhry, P., “Managerial Perceptions of Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies,” Authentication News, July 2013. The article can be found at
Chaudhry, P., Chaudhry, S., and Sudler, H., “Successfully Merging Technology with Knowledge Creation: An Overview of Distance Learning Techniques,” International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 19(1), March 2013.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “The Challenge of Curbing Counterfeit Prescription Drug Growth: Preventing The Perfect Storm,” Business Horizons, 56(2), 2013.
Chaudhry, P., “Consumer Complicity for Counterfeits in a Digital Environment,” Journal of Business & Technology Law, 7(1), 2012.
Chaudhry, P., Hill, R., Stumpf, S., and Yalcinkaya, G., “Consumer Complicity Across Emerging Markets,” Advances in International Marketing, 22, 2011.
Chaudhry, P., Chaudhry, S., Stumpf, S., and Sudler, H. “Piracy in Cyber Space: Consumer Complicity, Pirates and Enterprise Enforcement,” Enterprise Information Systems, 5(2), 2011.
Stumpf, S. Chaudhry, P., and Perretta, L., “Fake: Can Business Stanch the Flow of Counterfeit products?” Journal of Business Strategy, 32(2), 2011.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “Consumer Complicity with Counterfeit Products,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(2), 2011.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “Consumer Complicity with Counterfeits: Fight or Flight,” Global Trade and Customs Journal, 5(9), September 2010.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “Country Matters: Executives Weigh-in on the Causes and Counter Measures of Counterfeit Trade,” Business Horizons, 53(3) May/June, 2010.
Bird, R. and Chaudhry, P., “Repacking, Pharmaceuticals, and the European Union: Managing Gray Markets in an Uncertain Legal Environment,” Virginia Journal of International Law, 50(3), 2010.
Zimmerman, A. and Chaudhry, P., “Protecting Intellectual Property Rights: The Special Case of China,” Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 10(4), 2009.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “The CMO’s Role in Curtailing Black-Market Counterfeits: How You Can Act as a Change Agent,” Advertising Age, December 21, 2009. Article can be accessed at
Chaudhry, P., Peters, J., and Zimmerman, A. and Cordell, V., “Evidence of Managerial Response to the Level of Consumer Complicity, Pirate Activity, and Host Country Enforcement of Counterfeit Goods: An Exploratory Study,” Multinational Business Review, 17(4), 2009.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “Getting Real About Fakes,” published in a joint publication of The Wall Street Journal and Sloan Management Review, 2009 at
Tian, Yuan, Xu, Shoubo, Wang, Li, and Chaudhry, P., “On Relationships between Material Flow and Economic Development in an Economic-Material Flow System,” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 26(2), March 2009.
Chaudhry, P., Zimmerman, A., Peters, J., and Cordell, V., “Preserving Intellectual Property Rights: Managerial Insight into the Escalating Counterfeit Market Quandary,” Business Horizons, 52(1) January/February 2009.
Chaudhry, P., “Creating Innovative Customer Intercept through Direct Mail CD/ROM Promotion for an Entrepreneurial Small Firm,” Small Business Institute Journal, 1, April 2008.
Chaudhry, P., “Developing a Process to Enhance Customer Relationship Management for Small Entrepreneurial Businesses in the Service Sector,”Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 9(1), Spring 2007.
Chaudhry, P., “Managing Intellectual Property Rights: Government Tactics to Curtail Counterfeit Trade,” European Business Law Review, 17, Fall 2006.
Chaudhry, P., “Changing Levels of Intellectual Property Rights Protection for Global Firms: A Synopsis of Recent U.S. and EU Trade Enforcement Strategies,” Business Horizons, 49(6), November-December 2006.
Chaudhry, P., Cordell, V., and Zimmerman, A., “Modeling Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies in Response to Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in a Global Environment,’Marketing Review, 5(1), 2005.
Zhou, X., Chaudhry, P., Zhu Z., and Li, F., “Development of a Financial Management System in a CIMS Environment,” International Journal of Production Research, 43(12), 2005.
Yan, J., Chaudhry, S., and Chaudhry, P., "A Model of a Decision Support System Based on Case-Based Reasoning for Third-Party Logistics Evaluation," Expert Systems: The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks, 20(4), 2003.
Chaudhry, S., He, S. and Chaudhry, P., "Solving a Class of Facility Location Problems Using Genetic Algorithms," Expert Systems: The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks, 20(2), 2003.
Ling, L.X., Chaudhry, S., Chaudhry, P., and Wang, Y., “Evaluation of Acquiring and Implementing a Manufacturing Resource Planning System,” Production and Inventory Management Journal, 42(3), 2001.
Chaudhry, P., and Chaudhry, S., “Managerial Perception of Quality Control in Japanese Businesses, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 40(4), 2000.
Chaudhry, P., and Dacin, P., “Strategic Planning in a Regulated Trade Bloc: The Pharmaceutical Industry in the European Union,” European Management Journal, 15(6), 1997.
Chaudhry, P., and Walsh, M., "An Assessment of the Impact of Counterfeiting in International Markets: The Piracy Paradox Persists," the Columbia Journal of World Business, 31(3), 1996.
Chaudhry, P., and Walsh, M., "Managing the Gray Market in the European Union: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry," Journal of International Marketing, 3(3), 1995.
Chaudhry, P., and Walsh, M., "Intellectual Property Rights: Changing Levels of Protection under GATT, NAFTA and the EU," Columbia Journal of World Business, 30(2), 1995.
Chaudhry, P., and Walsh, M., "Gray Marketing of Pharmaceuticals," Journal of Health Care Marketing, 15(3), 1995.
Chaudhry, P., Dacin, P., and Peter, J.P., "The Pharmaceutical Industry and European Community Integration," European Management Journal, 12(4),1994.
Chaudhry, P., “Developing Stratagems to Tackle the Gray Market”, (forthcoming, The Brand Protection Professional)
Chaudhry, P., Cesareo, L., “Consumer Perceptions of Messages In Anti-Counterfeiting Campaigns”, (under review at the Journal of Business Strategy).
Chaudhry, P., Cesareo, L., and Pastore, A. “The Perils of Too Much Demand: Developing a Model of Demarketing Consumer Demand,” (working paper).
Chaudhry, P., Handbook of Research on Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, forthcoming 2017.
Chaudhry, P., Cesaero, L., and Stumpf, S. “Antecedents and Anti-Counterfeiting Tactics that Influence Consumer Complicity,” in Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. Springer-Verlag, GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 2016.
Chaudhry, P., and Zimmerman, A. Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights: Understanding the Role of Management, Governments, Consumers and Pirates. Springer-Verlag, GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 2013.
Chaudhry, P., and Zimmerman, A. The Economics of Counterfeit Trade—Governments, Consumers, Pirates and Intellectual Property Rights. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 2009.
Chaudhry, P., and Stumpf, S., “Product Counterfeiting in China: Managerial Perceptions of Supplier and Buyer Interest in Counterfeit Goods and the Probable Effectiveness of Corporate Anti-Counterfeiting Actions,” in Challenges in ManagementYearbook of the Graduate School of Business Administration Zürich, Volume 14: Competitive Strategies with Focus on China. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, March 2007. Edited by Dr. Ralph Berndt, University of Tübingen, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Tübingen, Germany. This research was given the Academic Reader’s Article Award 2007 by an award jury of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Zürich, Switzerland.
Chaudhry, P., and Dacin, P., “The Pharmaceutical Industry and European Community Integration,” European Economic Integration, edited by Miroslav N. Jovanovic, Routledge, United Kingdom, 1997.
Chaudhry, P., and Walsh, M., "Gray Market Goods," Encyclopedia of the Future, MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1995.
Lawson, D., Chaudhry, P., and Skinner, D., "Measuring the Effect of Social Responsibility on Country Image," Readings in Global Business Trends, Academy of Business Administration, December 1994.
Invited panel for the Economist Intelligence Unit’s development of an index to measure illicit trade, September 2015 to October 2016.
Invited podcast on research on movie piracy for the Villanova School of Business. Podcast can be accessed at
Invited expert for an American Marketing Association article (2016), “Study: Nearly 1 in 4 Consumers Report Purchasing Counterfeits Items Online,” by Zach Brooke. Article can be accessed at
Invited speaker on counterfeit trade for The University of Sapienza di Roma, Rome, Italy, May 20-21, 2016. I conducted two seminars on counterfeit trade and demarketing with their Ph.D. and Masters of Marketing students.
Invited speaker for the “First Regional Forum on Combating Illicit Trade,” co-sponsored by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and their Task Force on Charting Illicit Trade (TF-CIT) and the General Administration for Foreign Trade Audit (AGACE) of Mexico, Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico, October 8-9, 2014.
Invited speaker for the Global Forum on Access to Safe Medicines, “Exploring Ways to Protect Patients from Falsified, Counterfeit, Diverted and Substandard Drugs,” sponsored by Reconnaissance International, London, England, April 2-4, 2014.
Invited panelist for the 2013 Mortimer Caplin Conference on the World Economy, “The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A Multilateral Perspective,” sponsored by the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., December 2, 2013.
Invited keynote speaker for the International Conference on Management and Information Systems, ICIMS-13, Bangkok, Thailand, September 22-24, 2013. The research presentation addressed consumer complicity and the global growth of counterfeit trade.
Invited speaker for the 17th annual edition of the Business Future of the Americas Conference and Expo in Guatemala City, Guatemala, June 10-11, 2013. The topic of the presentation centered on the global protection of intellectual property rights.
Invited speaker for the 4thAnti-Counterfeiting Summit for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, May 23-24, 2013, Philadelphia, PA. The presentation focused on survey data collected in Brazil, Russia, India, China and the US consumer marketplace on counterfeit pharmaceuticals.
Invited keynote speaker for the International Conference on Business and Economy, “Economic, Social and Political Constraints in the New Economy,” ICBE 2011, November 3-6, 2011, Constantia, Romania. The presentation addressed security-related issues in enterprise information systems.
Invited panelist to present issues related to the global protection of intellectual property rights with other academics, managers, lawyers and government policymakers representing the University of Maryland School of Law, GiraMondo Associates, LLC, University of Maryland School of Engineering, Johnson & Johnson, Under Armour, Inc., U.S. Department of Commerce, Saidman DesignLaw Group, LLC, Enforcement Group in the Office of Policy and External Affairs, USPTO, and the Office of the US Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, Executive Office of the President. The session was “Confronting the Challenges of Counterfeiting in Practice and Policy,” University of Maryland, School of Law, Journal of Business and Technology, Spring Symposium, March 25, 2011.
Invited presentation to discuss research on, “Protecting Intellectual Property Rights: The Special Case of China,” (with Alan Zimmerman) to the United States International Trade Commission (USITC), Washington, D.C., December 2010.
Invited interview to address issues related to the global protection of intellectual property rights for the members of the business community at, October 2009. Interview can be accessed at
Invited interview for a podcast on counterfeit trade with the Wall Street Journal, August 2009. The podcast can be accessed at
Invited testimony for Government Accountability Office (GAO) for their study of the quantitative impact on the U.S. economy of trade and trafficking of counterfeit and pirated goods, Public Law 110-403, Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (PRO IP Act, Title V, Sec. 501), August 2009.
Invited panelist on leading concerns of intellectual property rights with other managers and lawyers representing Boenning & Scattergood, General Electric, Tasty Baking Company and White & Williams. The panel was co-sponsored by KYW News Radio and White & Williams LLP, February 3, 2009, Ritz Carlton, Philadelphia, PA.
Chaudhry, P., and Chaudhry, S., “Security Breaches of Enterprise Information Systems: Literature Review and Research Potential,” International Conference on Business Management and Economics, Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 19-20, 2016.
Chaudhry, P., and Chaudhry, S., “Antecedents of Employees Attitudes that Safeguard the Information Security of the Firm,” Global Business Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 1-4, 2014.
Chaudhry, P., Cesareo, L., and Stumpf, S., “Antecedents and Anti-Counterfeiting Tactics that Influence Consumer Complicity,” accepted as a competitive paper presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, May 22-24, 2014.