The Minnesota Evidence-Based Practices
Policy Team
Date: July 6th, 2007
To: Commissioner Joan Fabian, Minnesota Department of Corrections
From: John Klavins (Chair) & Evidence-Based Practices Policy Team Members
Subject: Annual Report from the EBP Policy Team (July 1st, 2006 – June 30th, 2007)
The Minnesota Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) Policy Team was initially formed in April of 2004 by request of the Commissioner of Corrections. The essential purpose of the EBP Policy Team is to support and strengthen the use of evidence-based practices throughout Minnesota’s correctional delivery systems, both in the institutions and in the field of probation and parole. The EBP Policy Team’s mission is “To provide leadership that promotes and sustains the statewide use of Evidence-Based Practices.”
In December 2003, the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) requested technical assistance from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to advise the state on enhancing the use of evidence-based practices throughout all delivery systems. NIC agreed to provide short term assistance for this project. In January 2004, an ad hoc advisory group was formed to explore different options for furthering “best practices” and to prepare an agenda for the NIC consultants. Elyse Clawson and Lore Joplin, from the Crime and Justice Institute in Boston, served as technical assistance providers and made their first visit to Minnesota on February 19 & 20, 2004.
Following the initial meeting with the NIC consultants, a multi-delivery system team designed to represent the three statewide probation systems and the correctional facilities was formed with the following structure: three directors selected by the Minnesota Association of Community Corrections Act Counties (MACCAC) to represent CCA counties; three administrators selected by the County Probation Office (CPO) directors to represent CPO counties; three directors/supervisors to represent the DOC; two wardens selected by the wardens’ group; and one member representing the commissioner’s office. In 2007, the team added one additional DOC representative from the Minnesota Comprehensive Offender Reentry Plan (MCORP). The EBP Policy Team is a subcommittee of, and formally reports to, Deputy Commissioner Nelson’s Management Advisory Committee of Community Supervision and Services (MACCSS) group.
EBP Policy Team members currently representing CCA counties include Carol Roberts, with two new CCA representatives pending for the next year. Members currently representing CPO counties include John Klavins (Chair), Steve Kley, and Dave Beckers. Members representing the DOC include Jill Carlson, Andy Doom, and Swantje Willers from Field Services, Timothy Lanz (MCORP), and Wardens Terry Carlson and Robert Feneis. Sue Stacey, EBP Planner with the MN DOC, assists in facilitating and coordinating the group.
EBP Policy Team Annual Report – Page 2
In 2006-2007, the EBP Team continued to meet every other month in entirety, and also periodically via smaller “work groups” or sub-committees in an effort to better address specific issues and tasks. The current EBP Team work groups include:
a) Training Work and Implementation Group (TWIG)
b) Statewide EBP Networks Support Group
c) Offender Reentry Work Group
d) Stakeholders Work Group (on-hold as of June, 2007)
2006-2007 Accomplishments
During the past year, the EBP Policy Team members participated in and supported all of the below listed projects and accomplishments:
· Surveyed needs for statewide training, and reviewed various methods to coordinate EBP training implementation for all three delivery systems and all state correctional facilities in Minnesota.
· Developed a list for EBP curricula, including principles, policies and guidelines for corrections practitioners and administrators statewide. This list will be posted on the EBP Website after further input and revisions are completed and it will include links to research and training resource.
· Suggested enhancements to the statewide “Female Offender Case Planning & Case Management” recommendations report, working in conjunction with the MN DOC Advisory Task Force on Female Offenders, and supported a statewide Female Offender Case Planning training event on Nov. 7, 2006.
· Maintained consistent dialogue and feedback with current statewide networking groups: a) ORAN Network (made up of the YLS-CMI & LSI-R risk assessment networks and the Effective Case Management or ECM network of trainers and practitioners);
b) Minnesota Cognitive-Behavioral Network;
c) MN DOC Advisory Task Force on Female Offenders.
· Finished training and apprenticeship process for 13 new Effective Case Management trainers, increasing the number of trainers in Minnesota by 118%.
· Finished training and apprenticeship process for 7 new YLS/CMI trainers, increasing the number of trainers in Minnesota by 70%.
· EBP Policy Team members met with statewide judicial representatives, including representatives from the Minnesota Supreme Court, and supported an EBP training overview for Judges at the statewide judicial conference in December of 2006.
· Discussed and supported the multi-county MCORP reentry pilot project with Ramsey County, Hennepin County, and Dodge, Fillmore and Olmsted (DFO) Community Corrections, and explored other local offender reentry projects such as the Carver County pilot project known as “Communities Connecting.”
EBP Policy Team Annual Report – Page 3
· Updated the list of potential EBP curriculum trainers in the specific areas of motivational interviewing, offender risk assessment, case planning, and cognitive skills programming.
Goals for the EBP Policy Team for 2007-2008:
The EBP Policy Team adopted the following goals for the upcoming twelve months (July 2007 – June 2008):
· Develop and maintain a fundamental listing of guidelines, principles, and implementation considerations for agencies who are interested in pursuing and/or strengthening their use of EBP strategies and approaches, and to make this available via the DOC EBP Web link.
· Continue to support and sustain the statewide practitioner and trainer networks which focus on evidence-based practices and programs. Presently these networks consist of the Minnesota Cognitive-Behavioral Network, Female Offender Task Force, and the Offender Risk Assessment Network or ORAN (which includes the Effective Case Management trainers).
· Develop a comprehensive position description for a temporary, short-term, EBP Training Coordinator, and recommend position to DOC administration as a critical link to enhancing statewide EBP training and implementation initiatives. The EBP Policy Team will also consider outside vendors and agencies that have an interest in coordinating and providing training and pursuing addition research efforts in EBP as a future option.
· Support the Minnesota Comprehensive Offender Reentry Plan (MCORP) and other local and regional offender reentry initiatives.
The Policy Team will continue to meet every other month. Specific EBP work groups may meet more often based on assigned tasks and initiatives. Workgroup members also include other correctional administrators and experienced practitioners and trainers who assist in gathering information, planning, and making recommendations to the EBP Policy Team. Team members are very grateful for the support and assistance from the Commissioner, staff from MACCAC, County Probation Offices, and DOC Field Services and Facilities. Participants from the various statewide networks have also provided feedback and offered many creative ideas and much positive energy into the initiatives outlined in this report.
The EBP Policy Team currently meets on the first Thursday of every even month at the DOC - Central Office, and the remaining 2007 meeting dates include August 2nd, October 4th, and December 6th, 2007.
Attachments: EBP Training Chart (July 5th Draft)
Front Page of the EBP Website
CC: EBP Policy Team Members & Work Group Participants
Deputy Commissioner Harley Nelson