Oracle Database Administration: eLearning Course
Course Description
This course is designed to give the Oracle database administrator (DBA) a firm foundation in all administrative tasks, including basic administration, backup and recovery, performance tuning, and network administration. The primary goal of this course is to give the DBA the necessary knowledge and skills to set up, maintain and troubleshoot an Oracle8i database. This class also contains clearly defined objectives designed to support preparation for the Database Administrator Oracle Certified Professional certification exam.
The Oracle Database Administration: E-Learning Course is a 10 week learning event that will be comprised of the material that is currently found in the following Instructor Led Training courses:
- Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL
- Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration
- Enterprise DBA Part 1B: Backup & Recovery Workshop
- Enterprise DBA Part 2: Performance Tuning Workshop
- Enterprise DBA Part 3: Network Administration
On completion of this course, the participants should have learned to:
- use SQL commands to create and manipulate objects stored within the database
- use PL/SQL structures to create basic programming constructs that interact with the database
- use an administration tool to startup and shutdown a database
- create a database
- manage file and database storage
- manage users and their privileges
- organize the database
- to move data into and between databases, under different environments
- plan and implement database backup and recovery strategies
- various backup, failure, restore and recovery scenarios
- tune an Oracle database
- recognize, troubleshoot and resolve common performance related problems in administering an Oracle database
- configure both a simple and complex Net8 environment
Students should gain a thorough understanding of the Oracle database architecture during this 10 week E-Learning course. The course itself will consist of two week long instructor-led learning modules. The first week of instructor-led training will come at the beginning of the course. The second week will come at the end. The Instructor-led training sessions will include both lecture material, hands on exercises, and all day workshops.
In between the first and last week of the course the students will be guided through a series of instructor facilitated, self study learning modules which will include:
- Internet based on demand NetClasses
- Internet based interactive NetClasses
- Computer Based Training lessons
- Online Discussion Groups
- 3 hours scheduled one on one mentoring sessions with an instructor
- Online reading assignments consisting of Course material, Oracle8i Documentation and an Online Study Guide
- Hands-on challenge level practice labs including scenarios and new 'drill-down' topics for NT users
Hardware and Software Requirements
To be able to fully participate in this course and to complete all of the self study exercises, students will need access to a computer system that can support the software for the class. The following charts illustrate the hardware and software requirements necessary to support the course exercises.
In addition to Oracle8i Enterprise Edition for MS Windows NT and Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0, the students will be provided with a series of Computer Based Training Modules.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition for Windows NT
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition can be installed only on Windows NT. The following system configuration is required:
Requirement / DetailsProcessor / Minimal processor: Pentium 133 or Pentium 166
Recommended Processor: Pentium 200
RAM / Typical installation: 96 MB (128 MB recommended)
Minimal installation: 64 MB (96 MB recommended)
Note: You can complete installation on a 64MB machine, but you cannot run Oracle Universal Installer and the database assistants during the same installation session. To run the assistants on a 64MB machine, complete installation, then when asked if you want to create a database, answer No. After installation is completed and Oracle Universal (interMedia, Spatial, etc.) are not installed during a Minimal installation. If you want to install any of the options, do so after completing a Minimal installation.
Custom installation: depends on components selected for installation.
Hard disk / Typical installation: 950 MB*
Minimal installation: 825 MB**
Custom installation: depends on components selected for installation.
Web browser / Frames and Java-enabled
Video / 16 color (800 x 600 resolution minimum)
* A starter database (181 MB) and the online documentation (133 MB) are included in this calculation.
** If a starter database (181 MB) is installed.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition for MS Windows NT / / MS Windows NT 4.0
Oracle Enterprise Manager / 2.0.4 / MS Windows NT 4.0
Netscape / 4.51 / MS Windows NT 4.0
Acrobat Reader / 3.x / MS Windows NT 4.0
Winzip (Shareware) / 7.x / MS Windows NT 4.0
Internet Explorer / 4.01 / MS Windows NT 4.0
Computer Based Training Modules
TBT TITLE / COURSE IDOracle SQL: Basic SELECT Statements / 74041
Oracle SQL: Data Retrieval Techniques / 74063
Oracle SQL: DML and DDL / 74042
Oracle PL/SQL: Basics / 74025
Oracle8i Database Administration: Manage an Instance / 73047
Oracle8i:Database Administration: Create a Database / 73048
Oracle8i Database Administration: Manage Storage Structures / 73049
Oracle8i Database Administration: Manage Data Storage / 73050
Oracle8i Database Administration: Manage Security / 73051
Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Strategies and Backups / 73052
Oracle8i Backup and Recovery: Troubleshooting and Recovery / 73053
Oracle8 Performance Tuning: Strategies and Techniques / 73041
Oracle8 Performance Tuning: Managing Memory and Disk I/O / 73042
Oracle8 Performance Tuning: Optimizing Sorts and Minimizing Contention / 73043
Oracle8 Network Administration: Net8 Architecture and Basic Configuration / 73029
Oracle8 Network Administration: Net8 Additional Configuration and Troubleshooting / 73030