The purpose of this Project Plan
The purpose of this project plan template is to assist councils in compiling a project plan to manage projects funded by Royalties for the Regions. A detailed project plan outlines the project details, scope of works, costs and budget, key personnel, risks and outcomes.A detailed project plan is required for all funded projects and forms part of the sub-agreement.
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Tips for completing this template
Each section of the template contains a guidance box which provides instructions and considerations on how to complete a particular section of the templateAll sections of the template must be addressed. If a section is considered not relevant to the project,type ‘not applicable’ and insert the reason why. This enables the template to be tailored to the needs of the project whilst ensuring all essential elements of project management have been considered.
Whilst the guidance boxes should be deleted for the final version of the Project Plan document, it may be useful to save a working draft with all guidance intact. This allows you to review the guidance again if any changes are required.
Information can be presented in table form where it is more efficient and effective to do so.
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Table of Contents
1.Executive summary......
2.Technical terms and acronyms......
3.Project scope......
3.1.Project site......
3.2.Land ownership......
3.3.Scope of works......
4.Project management......
4.1.Project delivery......
4.2.Project constraints......
4.3.Regulatory requirements......
4.4.Key personnel......
4.5.Special expertise......
4.6.Project risk management......
5.Project budget......
5.1.Project costs......
5.2.Financial contributors......
5.3.Cost management......
5.4.Asset management......
5.5.Project deliverables and milestones......
6.Cost benefit analysis......
7.Project outcomes and benefits......
1.Executive summary
Type here
2.Technical terms and acronyms
Please provide a definitive list of technical terms and acronyms mentioned in this project plan.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
3.Project scope
3.1.Project site
Type here
3.2.Land ownership
Type here
3.3.Scope of works
Type here
4.Project management
4.1.Project delivery
Please provide a detailed explanation of how the project will be delivered. For example, directly by council or through contractor(s) engaged through a tender process.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
4.2.Project constraints
Type here
4.3.Regulatory requirements
Local governments are responsible for complying with relevant legislative requirements, and securing the necessary licences and development approvals with the appropriate regulatory agencies.Please list all the licences, permits and/or development approvals required to deliver this project and indicate current status. Include additional information if required after the table.
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Licence/permit/development approval / Regulatory agency / Approval status / Details
Name of Licence / Permit or Development Approval Required / Name of Regulatory Agency / Approved / Not Approved / Please provide detail on likely timeframe of approval.
Type here
4.4.Key personnel
Project key personnel must have the capabilities, skills and expertise required to successfully deliver the project. Please provide relevant details on each of the key personnelin the tablesbelow or attach copies of their CVs. Please note, this information is being requested for due diligence purposes also.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Full Name / Date of birth / Role
Summary of Skills and Experience
Full Name / Date of birth / Role
Summary of Skills and Experience
Full Name / Date of birth / Role
Summary of Skills and Experience
4.5.Special expertise
Please provide details of any specialist organisations or agencies that have been contracted to deliver this project.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
4.6.Project riskmanagement
Risks include major factors which could significantly influence the timing, cost or scope of the project and associated work. At a minimum, risks must be rated as high, medium or low. Councils must also specify the likelihood of those risks occurring and include risk mitigation strategies.Please outline the associated risks linked to this project using a risk management plan. Councils may use the risk register template provided or use their own.
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Attached is a risk register that outlines all associated risks and proposed mitigation strategies for the [Insert project name].
Type here
5.Project budget
Please confirm the total project costs and outline how the total project costs have been determined and confirmed – e.g. quantity surveyor.Please attach a project cash flow. A template has been provided however council may use their own template, if available. At a minimum, this must include all revenue, expenditure items, and net cash flow related to the project. Please note all project costs listed must be exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST).
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Type here
Attached is a project cash flow.
5.2.Financial contributors
Please detail all confirmed financial contributions that will be provided by council and/or other organisations. Please include any ‘in-kind’ contributions also. Where ‘in-kind’ contributions cannot be quantified with a value amount please mark as ‘nil’ in the ‘Amount’ field.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Category / Funding contributor / Contribution description / Amount
(ex GST) / Funding status / Funding status details
Industry or
Qld Govt or
Aust. Govt or
In-kind or
Other / Name of Organisation / Name of government grant or purpose of funding. / Confirmed or
Not confirmed / Please provide details if any special conditions apply or when funds are likely to be confirmed
Total contributions / $
5.3.Cost management
Please outline how costs will be managed and reported on within council.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
5.4.Asset management
Please outline how council plans to manage and fund the ongoing operation, maintenance and replacement costs associated with this project.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
5.5.Project deliverables and milestones
Project Task / Start Date / End Date / Milestone / Estimated ExpenditureExample: Tender / 11/4/14 / 8/8/14 / Contract awarded / $0
Example: Construction / 26/9/14 / 28/2/15 / Civil works / $800,000
6.Cost benefit analysis
A cost benefit analysis (CBA) is to be attached that provides an economic evaluation of all the costs and benefits for the project.A CBA spread sheet has been provided to assist Councils to estimate the net economic benefits of the project. It is a partial CBA that incorporates the economic, social, health and environmental benefits and costs.
Explanatory notes are available to provide guidance on the use of the CBA spread sheet.
These notes and the CBA spread sheet can be downloaded off the Royalties for the Regions website at
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Attached is a cost benefit analysis that provides an economic evaluation of all the costs and benefits associated with [Insert project name].
7.Project outcomes and benefits
Benefits can be realised both during and at completion of a project, as well as in the years following completion. Please outline the expected benefits below.To delete this guidance text box, double click mouse in the left margin then press delete.
Type here
Project outcome / BenefitsExample: Water/sewerage capacity / Capacity to provide portable water supply x number of people.
Example: Community safety / x no of school buses transit more safely
Example: Community amenity / x no of patients have been treated at the new medical centre since opening
Executive summaryPage 1 of 8