Application for Spirit Releasement.

Please complete the following information.


Name of person requesting Releasement______




Client’s name for Releasement:______

Date of birth______



Referred by:______

All information is confidential.

It is our goal to serve you to the best of our ability. In order to do so, please answer

The following questions: (for the client to be released)

Circle as appropriate:

1. My energy level is: Low Medium High.

2. I suffer from character shifts or mood swings. Yes No

3. I hear inner voices speaking to me. Yes No.

4. I have used or abused food, drugs or alcohol. Yes No. (please circle

which abuse)

5. I have an impulsive behaviour. Yes No.

6. I have a problem remembering things. Yes No.

7. I have poor concentration. Yes No.

8. I have experienced a sudden onset of anxiety or depression. Yes No.


9. I have experienced a sudden onset of physical problems with no obvious cause.

Yes No.

10. I am currently taking medication. Yes No.

A FINAL NOTE & DISCLAIMER: We approach this work with great integrity and give our very best efforts to each case. However, we cannot guarantee results of any kind for any healing or releasement request. When we do our work, we serve as vehicles for the Divine Universal Healing Power. While we have many clients that have responded favourably, Spirit Releasement (remote or otherwise) is not a panacea—there are many causes for illness! Likewise, many of your life factors are beyond our control. Karma from this present life or any other lifetime that is shown as appropriate to be released at this time is released. But the Universe does not interfere with a souls chosen path or their free will. Please consider all of these factors before you request a Spirit Releasement.

For the main scan and full report the charge is £95

We always recommend a back-up scan in about 4 weeks.

The back-up scan (only to be done after the main scan) and full report is £45

For both sessions the charge is £140

Please make the cheque payable to The Hickman Academy.

N.B. The cost of the recommended back-up scan is valid for three months only after the main scan has been carried out. After that it becomes a new, full scan again.

After the initial Spirit Release and back up scan:

Monthly protection scans and healing reports for a minimum of 6 months at a reduced price of £30 per scan = £180. You can either set up a direct debit with us or send us 6 pre-dated cheques. Call us for more information. You will receive a full report each month.

Linda also does a lot of distance healing, to help the client along with his/her healing.

Many of our clients have told us that they have experienced the beautiful sensation of

this loving Energy coming to them.

The cost for distance healing is only £30 for 2 sessions.


If you have any questions, please phone us between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm Monday

thru Friday, Tel: 07889159719.

Bob and Linda Deverell of The Hickman Academy