Thursday 1st October 2015, 7.45pm


Present: Isabel Wood, Carol Wee, Lisa Drudge, Emma Smith, Hannah Rigler, Tracey Maley, Susannah de Ferry Foster

1.  Apologies: Claire Feltham, Xandra Cotton

2.  The Minutes from the last AGM meeting dated September xx 2014 were agreed with no matters arising.

3.  Chairperson’s Report

Isabel read out her report detailing the events organised and describing what the PTFA has paid for during the year. She thanked everyone involved with the PTFA, including the helpers and particularly those members leaving this year - Xandra Cotton and Cerise Sweatland. She thanked Tracy, Mrs Hanson and the all the teaching staff for their continued enthusiasm and support.

4.  Treasurer’s Report

Carol gave all those present a copy of the PTFA accounts for the period 1st August 2014 – 31st August 2015. Those absent from the AGM may have a copy on request. Speak to Carol if you would like a copy.

The opening balance as at 1st August 2014 was £7,532.68.

Gross income for the year to 31st August 2015 was £8,704.76.

Expenditure for the year to 31st August 2015 was £4,645.34

The closing balance as at 31st August 2015 was £11, 592.44

Ø  The Current A/C has £10,750.71

Ø  The Deposit A/C has £841.39

These accounts were audited 10th September 2015.

The committee has agreed to allocate £6,000 to the outdoor play equipment project (£5,000 from the bank plus a further £1,000 from last week’s sponsored bounce). Tracy thanked the PTFA.

5.  Election of Committee

The Committee stood down and a new Committee was elected as follows:

Proposed by: Seconded by:

Joint Chairs: Lisa Drudge }

Emma Smith } Carol Wee Isabel Wood

Hannah Rigler }

Susannah de FF }

Treasurer: Carol Wee Emma Smith Susannah de FF

Secretary: Claire Feltham Isabel Wood Carol Wee

Member: Helen Dunster Lisa Drudge Hannah Rigler

Ursula Taxis Lisa Drudge Hannah Rigler

Teacher Rep: Tracy Maley

Helpers: Adi Alony-Gilboa

Melissa Arnold

Kirsty Baird

Jo Belbahi

Sarah Blake

Clare Brace

Christine Downie

Izette Hall

Nicola Hall

Sharon Jones

Hayley Penfold

Fiona Perez

Abi Rudd

Cassie Trim

Jane Cheney doesn’t want to be listed as an official helper and included on the e-mail list but remains keen to assist with any artwork for posters / newsletters etc.

6.  Sponsored Bounce de-brief

This year’s “bounce” raised a record £1,100. It was generally agreed that the event went well and should go ahead next year. All but 5 “bounced”, including Mrs Maley! One parent asked why the “no form, no bounce”? It was stressed that the signed form simply represented parental consent to their child bouncing and that the sponsorship element was secondary. The bouncy caste has been tentatively booked for the fête next year and a date of 2nd July 2016 was agreed.

7.  Cake Sales

Dates for this term were agreed as follows:

2nd October - Oaks

16th October - Acorns

13th November - Willows

27th November - Chestnuts

Ash and Acers will have their cake sales in the New Year. Emma agreed to co-ordinate help for the cake sales and it Tracy proposed that the class reps could design flyers for their respective sales.

8.  Organisation of the PTFA

It was agreed that, given the small size of the new committee, full PTFA meetings need not be held so frequently. It was suggested that that much of the communication could be through a closed Facebook committee group.

9.  Update on play equipment

Carol confirmed that a decision from the Lottery Funding Application is not expected until December. However, with the funding from the PTFA, Tracy would like to start work as soon as possible. The contractor has indicated that he is not available until January but there is clearing work that could be carried out in the meantime. This includes the removal of concrete structures so a willing parent with a digger would be ideal; followed by a larger group to smooth over and make the area safe.

10.  KS2 Disco

Hannah’s husband will contact Phil Blake to check his availability in November. Failing that, Tracy will ask Tommy Clements if he might be able to help and it was also suggested that Xandra Cotton might sound out Andrew Cross.

11.  Other Events

Ø  Christmas Cards

This made a profit of £191.74 last year and Carol will look into prices for this year. It was proposed it might be better of the children might design their cards as a homework assignment but execute their designs during class time.

Ø  Christmas Play Raffles

Christmas hampers / contents for hampers will be needed. Carol kindly agreed to donate another splendidly decorated cake and she also has last year’s bauble ticket template.

Future Event Ideas (not this term)

Ø  Smartie Tubes to fill with coins

Isabel said that this had proved successful at her daughter’s new school. Essentially, every child is provided with a tube of smarties which, after consuming, they endeavor to fill with 20 pence bits.

Ø  KS1 Movie and Munchies night

Probably for first half of the Easter term.

Ø  Sponsored Walk

This proved extremely popular last time, raising £1,000 plus £500 in match funding (thanks to Hannah).

Ø  Junior Bake-off

Perhaps in conjunction with re-launch of Recipe Book project?

12.  Any Other Business

Ø  School Theatre Group

Tracy asked if the PTFA could help with the cost of the visiting Theatre Groups to the school. 2 visits are scheduled for this school year. The PTFA agreed to fund the full £595 cost of the first performance - The Jungle Book – to be held later this term. Carol requested a copy of the invoice.

Ø  PTFA Newsletter

Hannah offered to provide the text for the next PTFA newsletter which could then forwarded to Jane Cheney to typeset it. It will include a reminder to remember to use the Giving Machine.

13.  Date of next meeting

Wednesday 11th November at 6pm - in school.

Meeting closed at 9.40pm