Methodist Church in Fiji



Theme: Grow in God’s Image and Likeness

  • To spiritually nurture members. The church’s new exodus calls for “new” men to elevate the Church and encounter the changes of this modern world.
  • That all members understand their savior, have faith in him, and grow in his image and likeness (Gen. 1:26)
  • Methodists in our modern age need practical sermons of the Jews; in the families, social gatherings in our day to day lives.
  • That all men live to understand their status, identify as men in their homes in the church and in the society.
  • That all men honour and respect God’s creations.


Theme: Christ the Light of Man; our new beginningshould be on Him.

Weekly Discussions

1st week: Making Decisions right and wrong

Reading: Jer2: 21-36; Gen 24:48-49; Neh 9:33-38

2nd week: God’s will or your will?

Reading: Ps 22:12-24;Sam 1:2-13; Ez 16:26,63

3rd Week: Be rightful dwellers of tomorrow’s Christian comers.

Reading: Ps 1:1-6, Ps 23:1-8; Pro. 3:5-36

4th week: Prosperity-A fruit of right decisions.

Reading: Jer 21:5-8, Eze 6:6-14, Jer 31:27-34


Fear God and Live Righteous

Weekly Discussions:

1st week: First offerings in the Old Testament

Reading 2Chronicles 3:4-10; 20, 21, Exodus 22:29, Lev.2:14-16

2nd week: First offerings in the Bible

Reading: Romans 8:23, Lk 1:68, Gal 13:4

3rd week: Jesus – the first offering

Reading: Acts 2:18, Acts 2:23-47,1Cor 15:4

ii) First offerings to God – Why?

Reading: Num 28:26-31, Lev 23:17,II King 4:42


Born Again in the Holy Spirit

Weekly Discussions

1st week: Our forefathers

Their strengths,powers,prosperity

Reading: Jer 47:3-7, 46:5-6, 29-30, IICor 2:16-18

2nd week

Our Forefathers

Their weaknesses,sufferings,Humiliations

Reading: Judges 20:40-48 (confessions); II Sam 1:7-27, II Sam 2:20

3rd week: To consecrate our future

Reading: Phil 3:20,Heb 9:28, Song of Solomon 6:10-13

4th week: Prepare in blessed generation

Reading: Rev.14:18, Gen 40:10, Isa 18:5; Joel 3:13


From Your Past Pathways to a New one with Christ


1st week: The two sides of a mature man

1)Positive –Rev.14:14-15

2)Negative – Rev. 14:19-20

2nd week: Seeds expected to grow into maturity

Reading: Exo 19:11, Mat 22:4; Matt 22:44 coming of the son of God

Luke 14:17 preparedness

3rd week: Negative maturity

Reading: Is 51:13, Prov. 24:10-12, Job 15:28-35

4th week: Achieving Spiritual Maturity

Reading: 1Chronicles 16:37; Exo 20:9, Ps 78:78


Theme: Our firmness in believing truly.


1st week: Spiritual maturity and the willingness to serve.

Reading: Exo 23:16-23 Father’s in their homes

Gen 30:14, Lev 23:9-22-Mothers in their homes

2nd week: Sow seeds of the Christian doctrine in children’s lives

Reading: Deut 24:19-22, Josh 3:15-17

3rd Week: Interact Society

Reading: Judges 15:1-5; Ruth 1:14-22, Ruth 2:21-23

4th week: Life in the church

Reading: 1Sam 6:13-16, 12:17-25, Matt 9:37-38; 13:30-58, Lk 1:1-15; Rev. 14:15-20


Theme: In ‘everything’, believe in the works of the Holy Spirit.


1st week: To adhere to God’s calling

Reading: 1King 18:37-40, Job 30:20-22, Ps 3:4-8

2nd week: Strength and satisfaction in adhering to God

Reading: Ps 3:1-6: 17:6-16; 20:5-6; 20:9; 34:1-5

3rd week: Joy in serving

Reading: Ps 43:4-5,Is 16:10-11, Hos 9:1-14

4th week: God’s leadership- a ‘must’ for all men.

Reading PS 25:5, Pro 4:11,Is 42:16,48:17

5th week: Claim the works of the Holy Spirit

Reading –Jos 1:1-18


Theme: Works of the Holy Spirit inside the believer.


1st week: Communal or individual

What does the Bible say?

2nd week: Phil 2:12; Mk 16:20; Rom 8:28

3rd week: Current practice by church members

Reading: 1Cor 12:29; 1Cor 6:1

4th week: Methodist doctrine

Reading: Exo 5:91; 11Chronicles 15:71; Is 40:10


Theme: Practice believers


1st week: Gain as much in fully utilizing God’s creation.

2nd week: Mountain provisions.

Reading: Ez 36:1-12; Jos 11:2, Jer 24:4, 30:33

3rd week: Streams provisions

Reading: Gen 30:38, 13:10,Is 58:11, Jer 31:12

4th week – Night and Day

Reading: Judges 19:26; II Sam 13:4; Ex 13:21, 40:38

5th week: Our creator

Reading: Gen 5:29; Act 9:8-22; 11:13, Lk 1:1


Theme: To collaborate with God


1st week: Bible reading: John 3:31; IIChor 5:1; John 3:12

2nd week: The Spiritual aspect of Life

Reading: II Chor. 2:14, rev.11:8, Rom 8:6

3rd week: ‘Mind Games in this modern world.

Reading: Job 22:15,Is 32:7,Ps 140:8,37:7

4th week: Inter Relations

Reading: Acts 2:42; Chor.10:20; 1:19, Eph 5:11; 3:9; IICor 8:4;Gen 2:9


Theme: God’s Revelation to Man


1st week: God- the Father

Reading: Habakkuk 3:19;Gen 16:13; 17:1,21:33; Ex 6:3;15:2;20:5

2nd week: Jesus the Son

Reading: Matt 1:1-18; Mk 1:1, John 1:17, 17:3; Acts 2:28; 3:6; 30:20

3rd week: The Holy Spirit

Reading: Luk 1:13;EPh 1:13,4:30; I Tues. 4:8

4th week: Father. Mother, Child – Family unity

Reading: Ez 2:64; 3:9; 6:20, Gen 13:6; 22:6

5th week: As Above.


Theme: Obedient and true servants of God

1st week: Revitalize family relations

Reading: Ps 59:4; IIKings 6:23;Ps 61:7

2nd week: Man who treasure blood relations

Reading: John 1:17, Matt 3:3, 20, 23; John 4:6-7

3rd week: Church is about relationships

Reading: PS 8:1-9; 16:11; 23:1-16

4th week: The church – A Relationship with God

Reading: Ps 27:1-14;Ps 45:1-17,56:1-13


The Second Coming


Men’s Value In The Presence Of God

1st week: The Spiritual measurement of one’s life.

2nd week: Reading: ICor 2:10-16;3:10-23;11:1-34,Rom 15:1-17;Mat 8:1-34,9:1-38

3rd week: That we receive God’s goodness.

Reading: John 10:10; Mat 1:21, Lk 19:10

4th week: “For unto us, a Saviour is Born”.

Reading 1:22-24