2013 Arizona FFA State Leadership ConferenceThursday June 6 - Saturday, June 8

Costs covered by chapter

Members attending ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….$55.00

Day of Service Project (limited to 200 students)...... ……………No charge

Dodge ball Participants...... …………… No charge

Hotel …(Breakfast included)…………………………...... ……………$79.00 per night room of 4

Costs NOT covered by chapter

Meals …………………………………………………… 3 Lunches and 2 Dinners

Optional Cost for Students

Concert Tickets – Jason Michael Carroll (must be registered for SLC to attend concert) …………… $15.00

ALL students must have a Medical Consent and Conduct Agreement form on file

The Arizona Association FFA is a resource and support organization that does not select, control or supervise local chapter or individual member activities except as expressly provided for in the state FFA constitution, bylaws or policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the conference held?

The State Leadership Conference will be held at the University of Arizona, 1110 E. South Campus Drive, Tucson, AZ 85721 and the Holiday Inn Tucson Airport North Hotel, 4500 S. Palo Verde Rd., Tucson, Arizona 85714

Where are we staying for the conference?

Holiday InnHotel Tucson Airport – North4550 South Palo Verde Road,Tucson, Arizona (520) 746-1161

Are registration fees refundable?

No, reimbursement of conference fees for non-attendance will be provided except for circumstances due to a disabling injury or illness or death in the immediate family. Such cases require a written explanation by advisor to be submitted to the State FFA Office for reimbursement.

What meals are provided?

Your students will need to bring enough money to cover the following meals: Thursday lunch and dinner, Friday lunch and dinner. Breakfast is from 6:30 AM – 8:30 AM on Friday and Saturday mornings is complimentary. Advisors, Delegates and State Officer Candidates will receive additional meals.

Can special guests attend the conference? To what sessions should they go?

Please invite special guests in your area to attend the State FFA Leadership Conference. Those to invite may include your school principal, administrators, and parents of FFA members, Honorary State FFA Degree recipients, Past State Officers, Legislators, School Board Members, and other partners in your community. Exposure to this exciting activity will lead to increased interest and support of your Agricultural Education/FFA Program. All guests are also invited to attend the Alumni reception on the Friday of the conference from 9:30 PM – 11:00 PM at the hotel.

What can students do at the State FFA Leadership Conference

Leadership Workshops

This year we’re excited to have added several new workshops for you to participate in at the State Leadership Conference. We’re excited to feature leadership training from the best presenters in the state and across the nation. Leadership Workshops will be offered at the Hotel on Thursday. Additional workshops will be held on the UofA campus on Friday. Please check the program for exact workshop information and room locations.

Thursday’s Workshops

Time / Dress / Notes/Location
1 / 9 – 10 AM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
2 / 9 – 10 AM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
3 / 10:30 – 11:30 AM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
4 / 10:30 – 11:30 AM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
5 / 12 – 1 PM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
6 / 12 – 1 PM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
7 / 1:30 – 2:30 PM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)
8 / 1:30 – 2:30 PM / Official Dress / Limited Seating (held at the conference hotel)

Friday’s Workshops

Time / Dress / Notes
A / 11 AM / Official Dress / Presented once on the UofA campus
B / 1-2 PM, 2-3 PMand 3-4 PM / Official Dress / Presented 3 times on the UofA campus
C / 1-2 PM, 2-3 PM and 3-4 PM / Official Dress / Presented 3 times on the UofA campus
D / 1-2 PM and 2-3 PM / Official Dress / Presented only twice on the UofA campus

Day of Service

Love to give service to others? We have an opportunity for you! This year, we have an opportunity for the first 200 students that register to work with a local non-profit organization in providing service. Students interested should report to the courtyard of the Family & Consumer Sciences building (just SW of Centennial Hall) at 1 PM on Friday of the State Leadership Conference. The service project will last from 1 PM to 3 PM.


Competitive?...check. Like to throw things?...check. Well, we have just the thing for you. This year, we’ll be holding our first ever Dodgeball tournament. If you’re interested, make your way to the Gittings Gym on the UofA campus from 1 to 3 PM on Friday of the State FFA Leadership Conference. We’ll have a referee to explain the rules and monitor the games. Grab your headband and sign up today.

Live Concert

We love country music! To prove it, we’ve contracted to have a live Country band to come and give a live performance at the State Leadership Conference. Tickets are $15 each and available to every student and adult that is registered for the conference. Come join us on Fridayevening for an incredible concert!

T-shirt day for FFA!

Ya buddy! It’s T-shirt time! To better facilitate our activities on Friday (dodgeball, service project, workshops, etc) and to celebrate the creativity of FFA chapters all around the state, we’re having our first ever “FFA T-shirt day”. Beginning with breakfast and through the Second General Session on Friday AM until dinner, students are encouraged to wear their favorite FFA T-shirt. For chapters that have made/designed their own shirt, we’ll have a T-shirt contest during the Second General Session. A couple of guidelinesforT-shirt day:

  • All T-shirts need to be FFA related and appropriate
  • Students wearing T-shirts will also need to be in long pants (absolutely no shorts)
  • Students will need to change into Official Dress (“OD”) for the Third General Session on Friday Evening
  • Students receiving an award and/or who will be on stage at any point for the 2nd session must be in OD

Sendallmaterials to Arizona FFA  1535 West Jefferson, Bin 42  Phoenix, Arizona 85007602-542-5564 Office  877-293-3229 FAX