Procedure - Negotiation and Approval of Philanthropic Naming, Renaming and Denaming
Associated Policy:Philanthropic Naming Policy
Policy Sponsor:Vice President, External Relations and Advancement
Date initially approved:March 25, 2011
This procedure outlines the consultative and review steps to be taken as part of the negotiation and approval processes for philanthropic naming recognition at Trent University, including renaming and denaming.
Approval and Renaming Processes
- Individuals contemplating a naming opportunity or a renaming to recognize philanthropic donations are to consult with the Advancement Department for information and expertise.
- The Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement exercises discretion in the approval and naming of all gifts and pledges below $500,000.
- For all gifts and pledges of $500,000 or more, the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, reviews and recommends acceptance and naming as appropriate to the President.
- The President exercises discretion in the approval and naming of all gifts and pledges of $500,000 or more but below $1,000,000.
- For all gifts and pledges of $1,000,000 or more, the President reviews and recommends acceptance and naming as appropriate through the Executive Committee to the Board of Governors for its decision.
- For any gifts and pledges which may raise issues of value alignment with the University, the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, reviews and recommends acceptance and naming as appropriate to the President.
- The President may elect to endorse or reject the recommendations of the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, in forwarding his or her proposals to the Executive of the Board of Governors for its recommendation.
- The Executive of the Board shall consider any concerns and objections that are received and decide whether a recommendation for philanthropic naming will go forward to the Board.
- The same procedure as outlined above shall be followed when there is a recommendation to transfer the name to another building, room, area or program.
Denaming Process
- Where changed circumstances raise issues of value alignment between the University and a designated name, the Vice-President of External Relations and Advancement may consult an Advisory Sub-Committee of the Board of Governors’ Advancement Committee for non-binding guidance.
- Where an existing designated name calls into serious question the public respect of the University, the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, reviews and recommends denaming as appropriate to the President.
- The President may elect to endorse or reject the recommendations of the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, in forwarding his or her proposals to the Executive of the Board of Governors for its recommendation.
- The Executive of the Board shall consider any concerns and objections that are received prior to making a recommendation for philanthropic denaming to to the Board.
Negotiating Named Recognition for Philanthropic donations:
- It is the responsibility of individuals negotiating on behalf of the University to consult with the Advancement Department when gifts involve a proposal to name.
- It is the responsibility of individuals negotiating on behalf of the University to advise potential benefactors that the acceptance of any philanthropic donation which involves a proposal to name is conditional upon ultimate approval of the naming by the Board of Governors, at the recommendation of the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement and/or the President.
- Namings are subject to the satisfaction of an appropriate proportion of the total cost of the project or initiative, as determined by the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, in consultation with the Advancement Committee of the Board of Governors.
- The recognition period for a naming will officially commence once the donor has fulfilled an appropriate portion of their commitment to that designation, or, exceptionally, at the discretion of the Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement. In the case of a facility or a program, such recognition will generally take effect once the donor has paid 60% of the total pledge. In the case of a chair, professorship, lectureship, scholarship, award, bursary or similar initiative, the funding threshold for implementation must be satisfied. These contributions may then be publicly acknowledged with the naming opportunity appropriately displayed, plaqued, published and/or promoted.
- The Vice-President of External Relations and Advancement is responsible for securing approval from the Board of Governors’ Advancement Committee for schedules of naming opportunities, the level of philanthropic donation required for each, and proposed donor types and categories (alignment criteria).
- At the discretion of the Vice-President of External Relations and Advancement, an Advisory Sub-Committee of the Board of Governors’ Advancement Committee may be consulted for non-binding guidance in relation to designated namings which may raise issues of value alignment with the University.
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines:
- Endowed Chairs and Professorships Program
- Fixed Term Professorship Program
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Gift in Kind Acceptance - Scientific & Computer Equipment
- Gifts of Publicly Traded Stocks & Securities
- Honorific and Wayfinding Campus Names Policy
- Philanthropic Naming Policy
Date for Next Review:
Attachment: Flow Chart representing an overview and summary of the Gift Acceptance & Naming Process for Philanthropic Gifts.
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